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View Full Version : A proposal for Gene --- A sun light project.

02-10-2007, 10:38 AM
Hello Gene,

Happy Chinese New Year!

I have a proposal for you.

See, I have been offering in this forum to have the Gate holder of Emei 12 Zhuang GM FU and The senior sifu of White Crane from Fujian, IE: GM Pang or Martin's sifu in China , to examine and comment on the SLT kuen kuit which transmitting down from Yik Kam the actor of the Red boat.

To see what is the possibility or likely of SLT is indeed as the legend said, a fusion between a snake and crane or Emei and Fujian. Which I firmly believe in.

What I found out is GM Fu is coming to San Francisco.

So, we have a chance to listern to what GM Fu's comments. I have never met GM Fu before and thus that is good because we will have a non biased view from him.

So, if you are interested doing an article about these above, I would propose, if you are interested and could sponsol/set up the meeting with GM Fu in your Fremont office, that will be excellent.

I will invite sifu Robert Chu, Rene, Jim Roserando, Brain and others who is doing his research on the source of WCK to attent this freindship meeting.

Sifu's and WCners from differents red boat lineages who is sharing the same legent and interested to attend this meeting is more then welcome to join in this friendly gathering.

From my part,
the first part of the Yik Kam SLT kuen kuit will be releasef to the public so that everyone could bring it back for investigation and reference after the meeting and hope that it will benifit everyone's SLT/SNT cultivation/Training in the future. Notice that what is name as the first part of the Yik Kam SLT kuen kuit is actually equavalent to the present day SLT or SNT of other lineages.

I also propose to pay for GM Fu's hotel and food and other expenses while he is in the bay area if he is interested to come spending a day or a few hours with us on the above subject.

I decide to go this far because I think it is very meaningfull for all of us to clearify and preserve what little piece of art we all inherit. and I believe there must be lots of piece out there which we all need to encourage every lineages bring out and sharing with all of us and the future generation.

Yes, bring things out under the sun light so that we all could enjoy the spring time.

Finally, I understand this is not a business or private gathering but a doing it for public even. So I could understand if these type of meeting is turn down based on business consideration which is an important part of our living.

What do you think?


Best Regards