View Full Version : three sectional staff

Hopping Frog
03-06-2007, 08:28 PM
Does anyone know a website that offers some basic information on 3 sectional staff techniques? I recently acquired a 3 sectional and was looking for some exercises so as not to bludgeon myself in the wheel of death.:eek: I can already use a regular staff well enough, and I'm looking to expand my range.

Thanks for any information.

David Jamieson
03-06-2007, 08:38 PM
hmmm. I think you can buy a video here that will teach you teh basics.

don't bother with the twirling it like a regular staff nonsense, that's not the most practical use of this flexible weapon. rather to train using the end pieces in such a fashion that the middle guards you and you can strike easily with the ends like using double sticks.

fancy stuff is more for control and awareness of weapon in space and time, practical stuff is pretty griity and fairly simple.

anyway, check this site for the vids, one's as good as the next for the most part.

edit: this site does carry a wushu version of the weapon, but, it is such an unusual weapon that i don't think that really matters. however, it appears to be out of stock at this time, so that tellsyou how popular it is anyway. :p

03-07-2007, 10:48 AM
You get a vid and a nerf three-sectional (http://martialartsmart.net/tckcs004.html). Just a couple of years practice and you'll be a master. ;)

We carry four 3-sectional models:
Traditional wax wood (http://martialartsmart.net/25-34.html)
Rattan (http://martialartsmart.net/25-32.html)
Hardwood (http://martialartsmart.net/25-31.html)
Foam (http://martialartsmart.net/25-33.html)
We also carry a wushu instructional video. (http://martialartsmart.net/vidthreessta.html)

Oh, you wanted a website with simple techniques. Sorry, I don't know about that. ;)

03-07-2007, 11:06 AM
Does anyone know a website that offers some basic information on 3 sectional staff techniques? I recently acquired a 3 sectional and was looking for some exercises so as not to bludgeon myself in the wheel of death.:eek: I can already use a regular staff well enough, and I'm looking to expand my range.

Thanks for any information.

My sifu once told me that when his sifu teaches 3 section staff, he does it with football helmets. I don't think this is something you should try to learn without a competant, hands-on teacher.:eek:

03-07-2007, 11:31 AM
so as not to bludgeon myself in the wheel of death.:eek:

At my previous style, I started learning 3 sectional staff. Blocks, attacks, stances, history etc. Then we started learning to twirl it. I whacked myself really hard like 3-4x. Hard enough to have to sit down and get a big ole lump on the side of my head and one on my shin. I put it back on the weapons rack after class and told my sifu, I wanted bladed weapons instead. Luckily only the staff, spear, butterfly sword, broadsword, and long sword were mandatory forms in that style.

My advise, don't do it. :eek: It hurts.

Unfortunately, my currently style, 3 sectional staff is mandatory. Believe me when I learn it again. I will be so padded I will look like the stay puff marshmallow man. Yes I'm a wussy girly man. :p

03-07-2007, 01:07 PM
At my previous style, I started learning 3 sectional staff. Blocks, attacks, stances, history etc. Then we started learning to twirl it. I whacked myself really hard like 3-4x. Hard enough to have to sit down and get a big ole lump on the side of my head and one on my shin. I put it back on the weapons rack after class and told my sifu, I wanted bladed weapons instead. Luckily only the staff, spear, butterfly sword, broadsword, and long sword were mandatory forms in that style.

My advise, don't do it. :eek: It hurts.

Unfortunately, my currently style, 3 sectional staff is mandatory. Believe me when I learn it again. I will be so padded I will look like the stay puff marshmallow man. Yes I'm a wussy girly man. :p

Most of the time if it doesn't hurt it isn't worth doing. If it isn't hard then it isn't worth doing...
But I don't know that form yet...

03-07-2007, 01:19 PM
Most of the time if it doesn't hurt it isn't worth doing. If it isn't hard then it isn't worth doing...


Gonna have to use that line the next time I talk a chick into letting me use the 3rd input.

03-07-2007, 04:30 PM

Gonna have to use that line the next time I talk a chick into letting me use the 3rd input.

Good luck with that!:eek:

David Jamieson
03-07-2007, 05:13 PM

You're out of stock on that thing.

get some coffee in ya man. :p

03-07-2007, 08:08 PM
a fun weapon...the only one you can wack yourself in the nutz and the head at the same time...

I tried to learn it a couple times from different people and then decided that if I didn't have access to a long stick, and I didn't have access to a short stick...I'd just run...:p

03-08-2007, 03:49 AM
we did a few bits and bobs with the 3 section staff and i mentioned to my sifu about using padding.......he said 'as soon as we do that we become afraid of the weapon, which means we never trust it, so will never master it'.

needless to say....someone got wasted on his shin bone :D


Hopping Frog
03-10-2007, 04:06 AM
"As soon as we become afraid of the weapon, we never trust it, so we'll never master it."
-----Wow, that's some insightful shiznit right there.

"The only weapon where you can whack yourself in the nuts and the head at the same time."
-----Also some sage advice. Thanks for all the opinions.

03-10-2007, 09:30 AM
Wushu Instructional


Emei 3 sectional form


Shaolin Wookie
03-10-2007, 10:45 AM
I bought one and just played with it. Do some stick/staff spins and short stick striking to get a feel for it. You'll hit yourself, but them's the breaks

03-12-2007, 08:20 AM
Can you really learn something so difficult from a video? :eek:

03-12-2007, 02:24 PM
Can you really learn something so difficult from a video? :eek:

Not that hard. First you learn to hit yourself....HARD....then eventually you figure out how to hit someone else. :D

07-23-2007, 08:32 AM
Not that hard. First you learn to hit yourself....HARD....then eventually you figure out how to hit someone else. :D

Ha Good one xcakid.

If you want to learn 3 section staff just get one and pklay with it, sleep with it, love it. It will beat the heck out of you but at the same time teach you what not to do. If you keep at it you will learn to feel it as an extension of your body. Some videos can help to give you some ideas of different forms. Try searching youtube there are a few good ones there.

07-23-2007, 08:51 AM
3 section is lots of fun - I sugges getting one made out of rattan, it's the easiest to learn and figure stuff out with, and waaaay less painful than wood (there seems to be that one commonality with 3 sec: wacking yourself - the Brotherhood of Hard Knocks, we could call it); as for figuring it out, just think about your spirals and figure 8's - visualizing what you are trying to do helps you a lot, IME; the thing is that some of the movs you can't do 1/2 way - it's all or nothing...