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View Full Version : Perspectives on Wing Chun and Siu Lim Tau Workshop in Buffalo, NY

Mark Kune
03-11-2007, 07:17 AM
"Perspectives on Wing Chun and Siu Lim Tau Workshop" will be presented by the Northeast Wing Chun Student Association (formerly Rochester Wing Chun).

Saturday March 24, 2007 at 10 am at the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County on the corner of Summer and Delaware.

This event is open to everyone, no experience necessary.

The schedule is as follows...

10am to 11am Free- "Perspectives on Wing Chun"

11am to 2pm $15- Workshop on the "Little Idea" set.

10am to 11am (Free) Members of Northeast Wing Chun Student Association will present their perspectives on Wing Chun for the experienced martial artist and layman alike. The presentation will be informative on the art of Wing Chun in general and relay personal insights and connection to the art.

11am to 2pm ($15) The workshop on the first set, the "Little Idea" form in Wing Chun. It is the foundation and in many ways the most advanced training set in the style. Participants of the early section may attend for a fee of $15, no experience necessary.

The workshop will cover the posture and positions and sequence of movements in the form and how they relate to application. Emphasis will be placed on how to correctly practice the form to ingrain the the Wing Chun movements into your body.

Participants will be asked to sign a waiver and children must be accompanied by a parent.

RSVP not required but greatly appreciated.

Contact Mark Stoddard at
northeastwingchun@yahoo.com or happyknucklesandwich@verizon.net.

Phone in Buffalo 716-885-1597, in Rochester 585-671-0870, leave a message.