View Full Version : lol at last Sunday

03-14-2007, 02:09 AM
I was hanging out with a buddy of mine and it was late Sunday and no one was left since the bars were closed except this group of outcasts that started talking to us about drugs, anyway one of them looked likle he had cancer and we nicknamed cancer boy cause his whole head and eyebrows were shaved. We started tlaking about gangs cause of the hobos and the hobo mafia, than the subject turned into nortenos which are sopposevly is this biggest gang here. One of them also was like "f-k the aryan brotherhood" when i mentioned them lol. Anyway me and my friend left and we decided to go back and rob them of drugs (nothing too hard just some smoking stuff, nothing like injecting itno your veins or anything), but first ask them how much they were charging them and if they tried ripping us off we were gonna bust out our shanks and put them to their throats. Anyway they were gone when we went there so we decided to look for Nortenos since sopposevly gangs and gangsters hang out in the park late at night, so we went to the park looking everywhere for them, cause we were start a fight with them or somethingf or fun.

oh and we went to watch a movie earlier and were wasted and smoked a bit, and my buddy thought if we go int he theatre and start busting out a bunch of booze and sh-t were gonna look like cirminals, buit we already were walkign around in nmid day with booze in our hands and smoking joints in the car as we drove by so I thought we already pretty much did.

we were also almost caught by the cops as we were leaving, my friend was like "hey man dont turn this way turn around" and I listened to him even though Id dint see anything, and all of a sudden as we made a u turn a cop car rolled up that way. He told me they were just waiting for us to make a mvoe and would have found some sort of ane xcuse to nail us and give us a ticket or sent us to the county jail (which is full of nortenos btw). WHat's funny also is when we were talking about cancer boy, I asked my friend what would he do if he looked liek that and somebody called him a cance rboy he was like "I woudl tell them to not make fun of my terminal illness". lol.

Golden Arms
03-14-2007, 11:11 AM
Lock this **** and ban this *******.

03-14-2007, 11:33 AM
I can shoot lazers out my nose

03-14-2007, 11:36 AM
I sell colored pencils. I have red ones and blue ones and.......

03-14-2007, 12:24 PM
jetlifearless.................YOU....... are an idiot!

03-14-2007, 12:33 PM
Once I ordered a hamburger and had a deep philosophical conversation with it having to do wtih where its soul as an embodied socio-cultural construct was going and if it was actually transformed by the process of my consumption or if it was, indeed, deleted from existence...but then I argued that if I could still rememeber it and feel the effects of it, was it not still around? Then we argued about whether or not things actually exist or if they are just the effects, the streams of influence in a field of acting locuses in which each nodal position influences the next but which has no actual corporal body...especially if you consider that we only understand things from a perspective of our creative minds giving them attributes and meanings...


Best thread ever!

03-14-2007, 01:35 PM
in before lock ;)

03-14-2007, 01:59 PM
"this one time at band camp..."

The Xia
03-14-2007, 02:20 PM
Ok so I was walking around Tatooine with a buddy of mine. Mos Eisley Cantina was closed because this smuggler shot up this Rodian Bounty Hunter and they needed to clean up. There was a lot of scum and villainy hanging out on the streets and some of them started talking to us about spice. After that we were talking about gangs and Jabba the Hutt and we were told that Jabba the Hutt's gang was the biggest on Tatooine. I mentioned that the Empire was a bigger force here and one of them was like "F*ck the Empire!" So we left and decided to come back and rob them of their spice. We were first going to ask them how much it costs and if they tried to rip us off we'd point our blasters at their heads. But they weren't there so we traveled around Mos Eisley spaceport because there were supposedly lots of smugglers, pirates, and bounty hunters hanging around and we wanted to start a fight with them or something.
Oh and we caught a show earlier but we were worried that stormtroopers would target us because we have droids and there were some rebels or something with droids they were looking for.
So when we were leaving in our speeder I took a wrong turn and these stormtroopers were there. They said they were waiting for us and demanded an inspection. Apparently, these weren't the droids they were looking for. They said they were waiting for an excuse to bust us and send us to the spice mines of Kessel but they had bigger fish to fry right now. So that was my perfectly believable Sunday adventure! :D

Royal Dragon
03-14-2007, 02:24 PM
I got hit on by a 108 year old woman named "Klug" today.....:confused:

03-14-2007, 02:27 PM
I was hanging out with a buddy of mine and it was late Sunday and no one was left since the bars were closed except this group of outcasts that started talking to us about drugs, anyway one of them looked likle he had cancer and we nicknamed cancer boy cause his whole head and eyebrows were shaved. We started tlaking about gangs cause of the hobos and the hobo mafia, than the subject turned into nortenos which are sopposevly is this biggest gang here. One of them also was like "f-k the aryan brotherhood" when i mentioned them lol. Anyway me and my friend left and we decided to go back and rob them of drugs (nothing too hard just some smoking stuff, nothing like injecting itno your veins or anything), but first ask them how much they were charging them and if they tried ripping us off we were gonna bust out our shanks and put them to their throats. Anyway they were gone when we went there so we decided to look for Nortenos since sopposevly gangs and gangsters hang out in the park late at night, so we went to the park looking everywhere for them, cause we were start a fight with them or somethingf or fun.

oh and we went to watch a movie earlier and were wasted and smoked a bit, and my buddy thought if we go int he theatre and start busting out a bunch of booze and sh-t were gonna look like cirminals, buit we already were walkign around in nmid day with booze in our hands and smoking joints in the car as we drove by so I thought we already pretty much did.

we were also almost caught by the cops as we were leaving, my friend was like "hey man dont turn this way turn around" and I listened to him even though Id dint see anything, and all of a sudden as we made a u turn a cop car rolled up that way. He told me they were just waiting for us to make a mvoe and would have found some sort of ane xcuse to nail us and give us a ticket or sent us to the county jail (which is full of nortenos btw). WHat's funny also is when we were talking about cancer boy, I asked my friend what would he do if he looked liek that and somebody called him a cance rboy he was like "I woudl tell them to not make fun of my terminal illness". lol.

man this guy must be a real thug lol..lol your a joke!!!!

03-14-2007, 02:28 PM
I got hit on by a 108 year old woman named "Klug" today.....:confused:

That's some good gummin' right there. Don't have to worry about getting her pregnant.

The Xia
03-14-2007, 02:30 PM
man this guy must be a real thug lol..lol your a joke!!!!
Please! He's nothing compared to some of the people I met on Tatooine that day! :D

Royal Dragon
03-14-2007, 02:32 PM
She said I have sweet eybrows and wanted to know where I got them...and used every delay tactic she could to keep me there. She even asked if I was offended by an "Oldie" like her making a pass at me.

Next time I see I am going to inspect an old woman's car, I am waiting till it's in the SHOP!!!

With my luck lately, the Doll Chick is starting to look good....at least she was Hot and wore no undies!!

Chief Fox
03-14-2007, 02:41 PM
I took a crap in a can marked Chilie and served it to the old lady down the street. :eek:

03-14-2007, 05:47 PM
Ok so I was walking around Tatooine with a buddy of mine. Mos Eisley Cantina was closed because this smuggler shot up this Rodian Bounty Hunter and they needed to clean up. There was a lot of scum and villainy hanging out on the streets and some of them started talking to us about spice. After that we were talking about gangs and Jabba the Hutt and we were told that Jabba the Hutt's gang was the biggest on Tatooine. I mentioned that the Empire was a bigger force here and one of them was like "F*ck the Empire!" So we left and decided to come back and rob them of their spice. We were first going to ask them how much it costs and if they tried to rip us off we'd point our blasters at their heads. But they weren't there so we traveled around Mos Eisley spaceport because there were supposedly lots of smugglers, pirates, and bounty hunters hanging around and we wanted to start a fight with them or something.
Oh and we caught a show earlier but we were worried that stormtroopers would target us because we have droids and there were some rebels or something with droids they were looking for.
So when we were leaving in our speeder I took a wrong turn and these stormtroopers were there. They said they were waiting for us and demanded an inspection. Apparently, these weren't the droids they were looking for. They said they were waiting for an excuse to bust us and send us to the spice mines of Kessel but they had bigger fish to fry right now. So that was my perfectly believable Sunday adventure! :D

*gives the slow clap* by far the best post i have ever seen you put up. well done sir.

The Xia
03-18-2007, 05:29 PM
*gives the slow clap* by far the best post i have ever seen you put up. well done sir.
[Elvis voice]Thankyou, thankyou very much.[/Elvis voice]

03-18-2007, 05:56 PM
I knew Hieronim would come back some time. I think I called you Hieronim on your very first post:D