View Full Version : Learning praying mantis

03-24-2007, 02:42 AM
Hi i am student of shaolin 5 animals, wing chun we are also taught some chi kung and tai chi. Il get to the point

I was happily training with my mentor a feww eeks ago and he suggested i consider learning praying mantis kung fu (due to my form technique and etc), its really interesting and ive done lots of reasearch on the net the best website ive found is this one


however it doesnt have any pictures or diagrams at all!!! Basically i was just wondering is it appropriate to learn mantis kung fu from the net or from DVDs because there are no praying mantis schools near me and i wouldnt want to leave my school of martial arts anyway. I would love to learn mantis kung fu even if its just the basics but i dont know where to begin!!!

I know it seems like a bit of a cop out to try and learn from DVDs, writing and videos on the net but because i already learn kung fu i was wondering if id be able to pull it off.

feedback, critisicms, and links much appreiciated

03-24-2007, 03:59 AM

Here's a link to my Sifu's web site. He has for sale an excellent DVD on 7-Start Praying Mantis showing a form step-by-step with applications.


While learning from a DVD is not the best option, in the absence of anything else, it's an OK substitute until you can find a proper Sifu.

Best of luck,

03-24-2007, 06:20 AM
as you know, nothing replaces the real thing...

but, if you have to learn from books and dvds then Lee Kam Wings series are v good.


I have also heard good things about sifu john funks tapes


Sifu Darkfist
03-26-2007, 05:33 AM
Dr. Master Su has an extensive library of videos as well as links. he is at

Also My master has links to some of the best as well


03-27-2007, 10:21 AM
Well videos can be cool because you can have the lesson repeated over and over again....however there are some problems with this...but first some good stuff!

I learned grappling/jujitsu mostly from books/videos and then practicing them in real life...i can hold my own quite well with people bigger and stronger than me with no grappling experience (i've done this numerous times)...however usually people of equal strength WITH lots of grappling experience can usually beat me. But im a few steps ahead of most.

Now the problem with learning KUNG FU with videos is this...(In my opinion)...I personally take 8-step Mantis (with a Sifu) and even though i'll feel like im doing the move or stance correctly, he'll come over and make some crucial corrections. Like ill be leaning over too far in the crossing leg stance and be unbalanced..(leaning too far over in any position is not a good position to be in in a fight) (and i used to take a kung fu that had that stance years ago)...or in this one endurance stance (buddah looks to the sun, or something like that) my lower back wont be curved in properly which prevents the front part of my body from being fully expanded and 'open' to get maximum benefit...

So these little nuances and others only a qualified sifu can help you point out and correct...


In your case you are doing a 5 animal style and Wing Chun AND Chi kung AND Tai Chi....you've learned NUMEROUS things that you can practice in just a few weeks im sure....

My former Sifu used to say (quoted from his website)

"Focus on what you need. It is better to train one or two movements 30 or 40 times, than to train a 30 movement form once."


"It is better to practice one bridge block one hundred times a day, than four different bridge blocks twenty-five times. You will not only do the one block better, it will come up more reflexively"

Now since i took his system...and you said your a little new, i dont want you to take that to mean theres only one block in the system because there isn't...theres only one BRIDGE BLOCK

So...taking 2 systems is one thing (i do) but to add a whole nother system to your game...i dont see the point. Think about all the things you've learned (individually)...and just imagine how much someone who's only practicing ONE of the styles you take gets to practice each of those movements...do you really want to divide your time to practice that even further? (and spend more money?)

These are just my thoughts...but if you're interested in getting GOOD at martial arts consider this. If you're just looking to know a whole bunch of things to show off to people and never intend on needing your skills, then hey, collect the whole set. Just my opinion. No offense to meant to anyone. I'm sure theres plenty of guys who study a whole bunch of stuff who could whoop me, jes my 2cents

Oh, PS: Websites with pics include


