View Full Version : what do you think of this guys teaching method?

03-28-2007, 07:30 AM
What do you think of this? Realistic yes, but do you think this is somewhat counter-productive, in that he almost seems to be scaring his students rather than teaching them?

I have seen newcomers become really nervous when this sort of approach is taken.



Ben Gash
03-28-2007, 07:53 AM
Thing is, it's not actually realistic. All he's really teaching his students is how to get beaten up :mad: There's a world of difference between training hard and deliberately harming your students. The only thing this is good for is stoking his ego. He's doing often unrealistic stuff against largely compliant subjects and then hurting them. He's a complete A-hole.
Don't even get me started on the ethical and legal aspects of teaching people to boot their fallen opponents in the back of the head repeatedly.

03-28-2007, 08:04 AM
I think it's crazy. But i like to look at both sides of the coin, so i'll comment on both the good aspects and the bad aspects.

First the Good. He's getting in good practice...he's teaching (his own) body to repeatedly throw strikes until the person is finished...(and then some)

Now this can be good if he lets his students do the same thing to him...this looks more like it was just a commercial for his school so he was trying to make himself look tough...it might have been good for him to show his students kickin his A$$ too, so people are like "oh ok, i can be like that"..

Now the bad...It looked like he was hurting his students (unless they were acting) and if so, was using unneccesary force for the eye gouging techniques (for example) if this is the actual way that they train. He may have been overdoing it for the video.

And like Ben Gash said, the repeated kicks to the head could wind you up in a legal suit. A few are ok tho just for good measure ;) Tell the cops you just wanted to make sure he was done :D

Royal Dragon
03-28-2007, 08:32 AM
At first I thought he was doing fast, but really light taps. Then towards the end, I saw real pain, especially on a knee break he did. There is no excuse or call for that.

03-28-2007, 12:28 PM
I wasn't sure if the guy might be on the forum or not, so I left it open to discussion to see others viewpoints first.

I totally agree, it seems purely ego based, and totally counterproductive. The force he put into the neck throw/grab is crazy dangerous; its an injury waiting to happen.

03-28-2007, 02:22 PM
Too soft! How can anyone learn anything with soft training methods like that? I wanted him to grab bottles and use them as well. Seriously though, It's his youtube promo - aren't you planning on putting one up that's as hardcore as possible? See tougher fighting than that down at the local Muay Thai club - miles tougher.

Ben Gash
03-28-2007, 02:41 PM
It's tougher, but I'm sure the teacher is wailing on his students while they just stand there and take it. This is also really bad promotion, 'cause what's he saying? Come to my club and I'll beat you up?

03-28-2007, 03:38 PM
Most of his stuff was pulled. Looks like he might have missed a time or two and hit with harder intention than he had in mind.

Most of it was harmless... not to mention unrealistic.

And, yes, they were acting.

Royal Dragon
03-28-2007, 05:16 PM
I don't know about the acting, he cracked his partner in the nose really hard, and he covered on reflex action. Same with the knee shot. I saw real pain there, not fakeing it for show.

03-28-2007, 05:48 PM
Most of his stuff was pulled. Looks like he might have missed a time or two and hit with harder intention than he had in mind.

Most of it was harmless... not to mention unrealistic.

And, yes, they were acting.

Glad he pulled those punches on STUDENTS who were already SUBMITTING to a DEMONSTRATION;)

Yes, MOST of it was harmless, but there were a few times he went too far.

Yes, it was unrealistic, but it wasn't as realistic as your little video of you "sparring" a Wing Chun guy.:D