View Full Version : I don't even know what to say here...Vid

Royal Dragon
03-30-2007, 06:01 PM

03-30-2007, 06:06 PM
evolution is only a theory.

there are many missing links.

but mutation and randon selections are real.



03-30-2007, 06:34 PM
evolution is only a theory.

there are many missing links.

In science there's no such thing as negative evidence. All existing evidence points to evolution by natural selection.

but mutation and randon selections are real.



Mutation and NATURAL selection.

03-30-2007, 06:45 PM
First of all, we share 97 % of our genes with chimps and manobos.

This reptile business is just bad reporting.

David Jamieson
04-01-2007, 08:47 AM
this just goes to show that you don't need to be well educated to understand the functional application of wide spread media technology. lol.

theories are not opinions and opinions are not theories.

Ayn Rand would school this dude in simple reality. :p

04-01-2007, 10:00 AM
evolution is only a theory.

there are many missing links.


theory is a working hypothesis to explain all the "evidences" available.

if new evidences come up, we may modify the theory to accommodate new evidence, or just throw the old one out of the window and derive a brand new one.

missing links/

if man comes from ape, where is the evidence of the intermediate or half ape half man?

if man comes from reptiles, where is the half reptile half man?

the links/

or just one day ape and the next day man?

:confused: :D

Royal Dragon
04-01-2007, 10:31 AM
There are links, but it's more like moder ape, and man have a common ancestor, not that we evolved from them.

04-01-2007, 12:48 PM
Reminds me of David Icks and his reptilian agenda conspiracy theory.

04-01-2007, 12:58 PM
I think that factor of us being aquatic monkies has something to do with the missing link dilema.

At some point we developed many features that are linked to life in water, Tear ducts, down slopping noses, less body hair, boyancy. Walking upright could have further developed in the water as well as the developement of the human foot.

Another factor after returning more to land was the advent of fire control. Fire was concidered sacred to early man. So cremation might have destroyed vital links to the archeological record.

Royal Dragon
04-01-2007, 01:00 PM
Good point. I agree we were probably some sort of water loving ape at one point.

Kung Pao
04-01-2007, 01:26 PM
Funny how we always hear that we evolved from apes, and if evolution is real, why haven't apes evolved into us?

Well, we are those apes and missing links, and we didn't evolve from modern apes. They're just like our evolutionary cousins. We are the same creatures we've always been, evolutionarily speaking. We've just got different DNA configs due ot natural selection.

But I gather I'm preachin' to hte choir here?

Royal Dragon
04-01-2007, 01:51 PM
Funny how we always hear that we evolved from apes, and if evolution is real, why haven't apes evolved into us?

Well, if apes DID evolve into us, that would explain where we came from! :D

04-02-2007, 12:09 AM
Evolution is just a theory...just like gravity. :rolleyes:

Li Kao
04-02-2007, 02:04 AM

04-02-2007, 05:37 AM
theory is a working hypothesis to explain all the "evidences" available.

if new evidences come up, we may modify the theory to accommodate new evidence, or just throw the old one out of the window and derive a brand new one.

missing links/

if man comes from ape, where is the evidence of the intermediate or half ape half man?

if man comes from reptiles, where is the half reptile half man?

the links/

or just one day ape and the next day man?

:confused: :D

Stop while you are ahead. You have no idea what a theory (in the sciences) means. There is a big reason why you do not see theories changed into laws. Gravity is still a theory.

Evolution is a fact. There are many books you can read. You can start with the selfish gene by richard dawkins. There also many videos on youtube that gives you a basic idea what evolution is.

04-02-2007, 05:41 AM
This is a good start.


04-02-2007, 05:47 AM
This is good too.


Ben Gash
04-02-2007, 06:11 AM
Um, gravity IS a law in science (or more accurately it's an effect of the laws of motion). The reason it's in the realm of fact, not theory, is repeatable experimentation.
This is the reason that evolution can never be proved and will always be a theoretical model. Evolution is a one shot deal, it happens and then that's it. It's not reversable and it's not reliably repeatable.
Observable features and archeological records can only really show us that at one time a creature existed that was somewhat like a bird and somewhat like a reptile. It CANNOT demonstrate that birds evolved from reptiles. While it may provide weight to such an argument, it requires that you pre-suppose evolution to be a fact, which is inherently unscientific.
This is part of the problem with modern science, this trend to support theories with other theories, means that much of scientific "knowledge" is really in the realms of natural philosophy.
Now evolution may or may not be true. Creationism may or may not be true, but neither one can be proved or disproved scientifically, and are therefore equally valid. This is probably why members of each camp attack each other so vociferously :rolleyes:
As for shared DNA, we share over 95% of our DNA with most living things, which says more about the nature of DNA than the nature of us.

04-02-2007, 06:21 AM
Gravity is a theory. It is not a law. Newton has a laws that dealt with gravity. However, Einstein's theories showed that Newton's laws were incomplete. Einstein's theories of gravity breaks down on the quantum level and in singularities. There is no complete theory of gravity or motion. There are theories.

I can tell you have never read a book about evolution or gravity.

04-02-2007, 06:33 AM

Ben Gash
04-02-2007, 06:36 AM
^whereas I can tell you don't get out much :rolleyes:
Yes, I have read plenty of books on both, and yes Einstein tidied up Newton's laws of motion to explain the areas where they didn't work (most especially with very small particles and in the presence of certain other variables), and yes, the two together form the basis of "the standard model", which is not viewed as a factual whole because there is no tie between sub-atomic and super-atomic particles. However, the specific sections are viewed as factual, becuase they are experimentally repeatable, and there are many laws contained within the standard model.

Ben Gash
04-02-2007, 06:37 AM
I can also tell that you read too much of the wrong sort of books, populistic, agenda driven biased pop science such as Richard Dawkins.

04-02-2007, 06:40 AM
Please watch.


04-02-2007, 06:41 AM
what have you read?

04-02-2007, 06:47 AM
Please watch.


This is the whole series.


04-02-2007, 06:49 AM

It seems to me that many of you are missing the point.. here we ARE!! knowing how we got here will have very little to do with how we procede. There's a bit more to concern ourselves with than this on-going debate.. Global warming comes to mind, peace seems like a good priority, too..

Be well..

04-02-2007, 07:01 AM
My god. He's a total psycho! He must have gone to a reptile zoo when he was a kid and he did something that made them all get out of their enclosures and attack him. I also think he suffered damage to the speech center of his brain, causing his slow speaking speed. And what the hell is up with wiggling his fingers so close to the camera? If he spent half an hour in an intro to evolutionary biology class, he'd be shown the illogic of his argument. Leftovers aren't the same as dominate traits. I might have a 'repilian brain' at the top of my spinal cord, but I'm not slithering around on the ground.

04-02-2007, 08:21 AM
"There's a bit more to concern ourselves with than this on-going debate.. Global warming comes to mind, peace seems like a good priority, too.. "
what about better first strike capabilities?
and whatever happened to the neutron bomb? Supposedly it only affected living things and left buildings intact. That would be great. We could simply get rid of all the people, but keep all their stuff! Much better than the standard rape and pillage. But it does leave out the rape....
and why is everyone using AK47's and we use the M16?
How come all autos don't come with ambidextrous safetys?
and WTF is with women in NYC, where once they reach 40, they feel they don't need make-up anymore? Then they put their pics up on match.com and wonder why they don't get any hits?
THESE are much more important concerns.

Ben Gash
04-02-2007, 08:38 AM
I must agree quite strongly with TaichiBob and Tentigers really. It's really not that important to the here and now (which implies a sub-text to the whole issue which I'd rather not get into right now).
I do feel I should qualify my previous statement though.
There is nothing wrong with books such as Richard Dawkins' as long as you view them for what they are. They are interesting food for thought, and commentary on scientific issues. However, they should not really be used as reference books, or as a basis for your understanding. If they inspire people to find out more about science and scientific principles, then that's truly great.

04-02-2007, 02:15 PM
Richard Dawkins books are basically for non-scientists. They are correct because they agree with what we know about biology. The evidence led us to evolution. It is not the other way around. Science did not start with evolution and then looked for evidence. Text books about evolution are boring and dificult to read for most people. Dawkins books are like Hawking's books. However, there is more evidence that support Dawkins.

What books have you read on gravity and evolution.

04-02-2007, 02:38 PM
if i throw you into a wall, you slide down and hit the ground


thats all i need to know its there.

04-02-2007, 02:41 PM
if i throw you into a wall, you slide down and hit the ground


thats all i need to know its there.


Ben Gash
04-02-2007, 02:45 PM
Indeed :D The post 1900 elements of the standard model don't really ride roughshod over Newton's laws, they qualify them. If you are bigger than an atom and travelling at less than half the speed of light, then the laws of motion apply :rolleyes:
Flying Monkey, I really can't remember what books I've read, it has been some time since I read science books in my down-time (if you have to read medical and healthcare research for a living, it kinda loses it's appeal), but just for you I will find a Richard Dawkins book to read.

David Jamieson
04-02-2007, 03:52 PM
Most of the planet is water. Most life came out of the water.
There is more or less an archaeological record or variated humans going back better than a million years.

With the Genome project and advancements in the collection of dna, we'll likely soon be able to tie ourselves more definitively to our anscestral forefathers.

Unless of course that is way to out of the jesus box for you, in which case, we all simply sprang into being from mud and ribs courtesy of god who we look just like! Now eat your potatoes!. :D

04-02-2007, 06:41 PM
France and Israel have neutron bombs. Our nuclear weapons are cheaper, so we got to afford to make stealth aircraft too. Neutron bombs are more expensive because you have to replace the Tritium in them every 15? years or so. You can see where that would get expensive considering how many we have.

And global warming is caused by an increase in output from the sun. Mars in heating up too, and it's polar ice caps are melting faster than ours.

norther practitioner
04-02-2007, 07:37 PM
The only problem with all of this is that we've started to circumnavigate "natural" selection...

Thats why you have people who'll dress and talk like this dude.