View Full Version : lol @ this excuse

Black Jack II
04-03-2007, 01:07 PM

Listen to Dillman try and explain away his bullshido on this clip. I guess to use Dillman's methods on a full bore street situation, the attacker has to have his tongue planted just in the right spot on the roof of his mouth for it to work.:rolleyes:

Man.....where o' where....did these people go wrong in there youth to fall for this nonsense?


04-03-2007, 01:25 PM
strange that this vid was in the "related" section...doesnt seem related to me at all.


04-03-2007, 01:28 PM
ok, so when I get into a confrontation, I have to wiggle my tongue AND my toes-alternately, no less, all at the same time?! Dayum! I can't even walk and chew gum at the same time. How the he11 am I supposed to master this technique?
No wonder these guys are considered masters.

(hmmmm, ok, lemmie practice..."lalalala(wiggle-wiggle)lalalala(wiggle-wiggle)lala")
ummph...it's hard. When do I get the glow?

Black Jack II
04-03-2007, 01:36 PM
I have heard the crowd or should I say followers at his seminars are considered shall we say.....on the heavy side of things.:D

This is the same nutty behaviour you seen in cults.

04-03-2007, 01:37 PM
man i have to watch this when i get home (no sound at the office)

how does he explain being un able to perform his "technique" ??

Black Jack II
04-03-2007, 01:41 PM
1. Guy was a non-believer (cult speak)

2. Tongue may of been on the wrong part of his mouth. (Retarded Speak)

I have also heard of one where to do some kind of lethal death strike they have to stand on one leg with the other leg wrapped behind the knee in order to suck out his chi before tapping him on the chest.


Can prob makes a but load of cash off of the stupid.

04-03-2007, 01:49 PM
hmmmm, ok. This goes into my little black notebook:
If I am walking down the street, and some bada$$ comes hopping up to me on one leg, I immediately drop into my defense position:
"lluthh-lluthh" (ptui !) Note to self: first spit out gum
ok. Got it.

04-03-2007, 01:50 PM
Dunno about knocking people out without touching em. But I have felt a Chi Gung practinioners hand get as hot as a cup of coffee before.

That is pretty funny though. I remember seeing Dillman at a seminar, all I could think about was wanting to do sit ups for some strange reason.

04-03-2007, 01:50 PM
Now thats the same reason my death touch wont work.


**** you all, non believers, you make my powers of death null and void. :mad:

04-03-2007, 01:56 PM
Now thats the same reason my death touch wont work.


**** you all, non believers, you make my powers of death null and void. :mad:

For $5K, I will teach you a hypnotic technique that will make people believe in ya. Unless of course they can wiggle their ears. Then all bets are off. Or if theres a full moon in that month. And if they just drank water that day.

04-03-2007, 01:57 PM
Evidently, there is a ring of truth to this-check out the beginning of this sword set.

notice the one legged stance in preparation for the death touch!

Black Jack II
04-03-2007, 02:07 PM
Dillman is a fat powerslob. His system is about as attractive as coming home from a hard days work and finding Jenna Jameson taking a dump in my kitchen sink while wearing clownmake up.

Chief Fox
04-03-2007, 02:31 PM
Dillman is a fat powerslob. His system is about as attractive as coming home from a hard days work and finding Jenna Jameson taking a dump in my kitchen sink while wearing clownmake up.
This turns me on for some reason.

04-03-2007, 02:37 PM
This turns me on for some reason.

strangely im not suprised...:p

04-03-2007, 02:39 PM
I have a video of that I will sell for $100

04-03-2007, 02:48 PM
he gets a vid for 100 bucks and i have to pay 5k for hypnotism?

something is up here...

04-03-2007, 03:20 PM
disappointing that Leon Jay has gotten caught up in it...

Chief Fox
04-03-2007, 03:32 PM
I love how he says "I probably shouldn't be saying this on video but...".

04-03-2007, 05:34 PM
I was at a karate seminar where the demonstrator hit a guy on a nerve and the arm went dead. The funny part was how many people asked about ki, where the guy had even said before the demo that ki has nothing to do with what he was showing. Some attendees were disappointed that anybody could do it, while one guy almost begged to be let in on the secret. :rolleyes: Some people love the ki as much as Gene loves the Iron Crotch.

Royal Dragon
04-03-2007, 05:50 PM
All Dillman's stuff can be negated by lifting ur big toe, but shhh, that is a secret!!!

04-03-2007, 07:58 PM
he gets a vid for 100 bucks and i have to pay 5k for hypnotism?

something is up here...

I'll tell ya whats up for $250 :p

04-03-2007, 08:34 PM
Some people love the "fill in the blank" as much as Gene loves the Iron Crotch.

i think your onto something here

golden arhat
04-04-2007, 03:15 AM
agreed this guy is stupid

in the wuji position isn't your toungue also supposed to be on the roof of your mouth ?

just a thought

The Willow Sword
04-04-2007, 07:53 AM
Well of course this kind of "chi" projecting is pure horsesh!t. Its interesting though that they say "well if you BELIEVE in the knockout chi blast then it will work". Here we have the power of suggestion and mind manipulation that actually does have an impact on those who are suseptable to that kind of manipulation.

I believe in "Chi" yet i know and alot of others who work with "chi" know that what dillman professes is a bunch of bullsh!t. But the power of suggestion and mind manipulation is not bullsh!t, it is very real.

It would be interesting to see how this would work with people who acknowledge the energy that the body emanates but who have a better mindset to deal with charlatans like Dillman.


04-04-2007, 08:33 AM
Dillman is a fat powerslob. His system is about as attractive as coming home from a hard days work and finding Jenna Jameson taking a dump in my kitchen sink while wearing clownmake up.

wow - talk about a study in contrasts!

so, let's get this straight: this KO technique works on everyone except

1) those who don't believe in it

2) those who don't have their tongues glued in the right place

so, my question: what if you believe, but your tongue is wrong? or what if your tongue i right and you don't believe? or what if you believe that your tongue is in the right place, but nothing is happening (no wait, that's something different, never mind...)?

to sum up: Dillman is a looney, but he is a happy looney...

04-04-2007, 08:36 AM
it reminds me of the charasmatic church i used to go to as a kid where they laid on hands and people fell over filled with "the power of god". it was funny bc as a kid i was always like "thats a bunch of cr@p". my logic at the time (mind you i was like 8 years old) was that if you could knock people out like that than boxers wouldnt have to be so muscular. they could just be slightly over weight in a suit holding a bible.

04-04-2007, 12:34 PM
Some friends and I used to go to a Pentecostal church in my youth. Well the minister picked one of my friends to lay hands on him, or rather the cooler palm to the forehead. Well he hit my friend in the forehead, my friend staggered but didn't go down, so the pastor hit him again with the same result, finally on the third one my friend crumpled. He later told us he went down because the pastor was hitting him so hard he figured it was safer to hit the dirt and stay still rather than take another hit to his noggin.

Another time my friend Eric showed up at the wrong time during a healing service. Nothing like a guy on crutches walking in the main entrance to catch the attention of this pastor. So the ushers grab Eric and drag him to the front where his broken ankle was prayed over. The pastor told him to throw away his left crutch, then to throw away his right crutch, now walk. Which he did right down the main aisle yelling "Praise the Lord". We made a bee-line after him and found him laying outside on the ground in pain. We asked him why he threw away the crutches and he said it seemed easier to just go with the flow after what happened to our other friend.

I almost got into it with two of the ushers when I went to get his crutches back as they were hanging them on the wall behind the pulpit. They finally gave them to me when I told them that they were rentals. :D

04-04-2007, 12:39 PM
yeah its like a circus without the elephants. just lots of clowns. i really think its a shame that that was my first experience with church bc i went to a methodist church in college bc my girlfriend at the time asked me to. that place seemed more normal (read as less crazy). but yeah i think the pentecostal church kind of colored my opinion of churches. so no matter what i have bad associations and am always just waiting for them to start giving out cool aid.

Black Jack II
04-04-2007, 01:43 PM
It would of been cooler if he just said...what the f@ck...its still broken.:D

04-04-2007, 02:00 PM
But that wouldn't have been Eric.:D

norther practitioner
04-04-2007, 05:11 PM
yeah its like a circus without the elephants. just lots of clowns. i really think its a shame that that was my first experience with church bc i went to a methodist church in college bc my girlfriend at the time asked me to. that place seemed more normal (read as less crazy). but yeah i think the pentecostal church kind of colored my opinion of churches. so no matter what i have bad associations and am always just waiting for them to start giving out cool aid.
I have to disagree....

I think there are plenty of elephents at their circus ;)