View Full Version : Testing chi in the palms?

09-27-2001, 02:50 AM
Ive heard that you can feel the tugging and pulling of energy coming from your palms by putting the palms apart about 14 inches and bringing them in 2 inches and apart 2 inches. ive tried that and i can feel a tugging and pulling, but is that my mind thinking that thats whats happening. does anyone know what I mean? :confused:

09-27-2001, 09:45 AM
This is a good and simple qi gong to practice. Of course its your mind, but its also the energy.. After a while, if you let the mind go, the tugging and pushing, which feels like two magnets, happens freely on its own. This experience, happens in almost all movements of qi gong once you are able to let go and breathe with the movements. When the breath and the movements are coinciding, the movements take on a life of their own.

It is not the mind playing tricks, its the breath having fun :)

- Nexus

09-27-2001, 07:23 PM
what you are experiencing is normal its called lotus flower, holding the hands like a lotus. The chi you feel is comming from the lau gong point! the middle of the palm.
A better way to do this excercise is to hold the hands very close together with the middle fingers almost touching, then turn the hands in opposite directions until the left one is on top, fingers facing away from each other.
extend the left arm out to the side , when you straighten the arm to the side full extention, tense EVERY muscle in the body immediatly and then immdiatly relax then return hand to the starting position and countinue the excercise with the right hand.
do this for about 10-30 minutes you will feel the chi so strong its hard to push or pull the hands away from each other.
remember tense and relax quickly and its sort of like pumping the chi out of the palms at an alarming rate.good luck let me know how you did!


09-27-2001, 09:51 PM
then turn the hands in opposite directions until the left one is on top, fingers facing away from each other.
extend the left arm out to the side

eh? I don't quite get it.

09-27-2001, 09:59 PM
what dont you understand? I will be happy to explain further but kinda hard to show movement through keystroks


09-30-2001, 11:17 PM

I too sometimes feel a force similar to that between equivalent magnetic poles directed towards each other. Sometimes the feeling extends to the remaining portions of my arms as well. I still have a healthy skepticism regarding this effect as I do imagine myself contracting on the inhale portion of a breath and expanding on the exhale portion.

In anycase, I've been told that one shouldn't be distracted by the feeling as one's intent may be diverted.


10-01-2001, 01:19 AM
I've felt that effect also and don't doubt it.

It was an exercise where 3 people lined their palms up over each others. Imagine, 1 person has palms facing in the centre. 2nd person has their palms on either side of the first persons. 3rd person has their palms on either side of the second persons.

This was done after we had been doing Qi Gong exercises.

2nd and 3rd persons had to move their palms out and in in unison. The 1st person (in the middle) couldn't stop their palms feeling movement in and out at the same time without any contact.

Believe me, I am pretty sceptical about some things but this woke me up. I felt the effect really strongly and know that it wasn't me imagining it.

Just my thoughts...

"We had a thing to settle so I did him"
Tamai, 43, was quoted by Police as saying.