View Full Version : Dragon Form clip

Royal Dragon
04-06-2007, 08:01 AM
Is this considred a Taoist set?


04-06-2007, 09:35 AM
I think it is considered a wushu set.

04-06-2007, 09:59 AM
That dude got some serious air on his jump spinning rev crescent. :eek: or maybe its just the camera angle.

04-06-2007, 10:19 AM

(meaningless words down here to make the post long enough)

Shaolin Master
04-06-2007, 10:31 AM
Longhuaquan is a part of Wudang Sanfengpai along with Xuanwu, Xiaoyao and other sets. The performance is though a little more on the Modern Wushu side of things.

Wu Chanlong

04-06-2007, 11:07 AM
Is this another wushu player that the chinese government dresses up to look like some type of taoist monk at one of their kung fu land attractions? See shaolin temple, wudang temple, etc...

golden arhat
04-06-2007, 11:17 AM

(meaningless words down here to make the post long enough)

lol like trad sets are worth any more than modern ones haha

here is the smae guy doing trad long quan tho if ur interested


04-06-2007, 11:33 AM
The guy is really good no question. I was just wondering if its real wudang or "lets get the lo faan tourists to come" wudang.

04-06-2007, 12:17 PM
One big difference is that wushu performers are doing the set based on looking cool and the movements can be easily seen to be meaningless in terms of combat application in technique and in power generation.
Traditional sets are not very flashy, if at all, and are kind of boring to the untrained eye. They involve combat applications, developmental aspects, and generation of body mechanics.
That dragon set was void of anything I could see in terms of power generation and combat application. Mostly just flailiing and trying to look like something instead of trying to feel and be something...

04-06-2007, 12:22 PM
The difference between REAL traditional long fist and this crap is pretty simple, traditional long fist is basicly kicks and punches done from grounded stances, a lot more pratical than learning to run real fast into a jumping turning outside crescent kick :rolleyes:

04-06-2007, 12:37 PM
For those that might be interested here is the same guy shown in some other videos. Doing some Wudang Parkour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwI6WK6gNHk and then some Wudang Sanshou type Taiji? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzl8uzOMtTw

Why should Wudang be any different then Shaolin and it's not only influence from Wushu it's pop culture also, China is changing and it's only natural that artists like this 'Wudang' person should follow suit. It least it's better then some of the things that have happened to CMA in the west, watered down beyond recognition and sold to soccer moms at strip malls as baby sitting alternative. :eek:

golden arhat
04-06-2007, 12:38 PM
i always find moves performed with much better intent and speed in wushu than trad


neither compares to sparring

04-06-2007, 12:42 PM
i always find moves performed with much better intent and speed in wushu than trad


neither compares to sparring

it depends on the player i guess. ive just seen to many modern wushu people with poor intention.

i guess that would stem from someone not learning full applications and practicing them.

but i guess it goes both ways

04-06-2007, 12:58 PM
The intention is wrong...the head whipping, the flailing...it's for performance...that is the type of intent.

Many traditional sets are not designed to be done at a full speed. They are not your basis for fighting...they are training tools. Sparring and drills are the way you train to fight.

It doesn't matter how fast I go in a form because that is not a direct carry-over to combat. You generally don't fight like you do a form...
They are faster and they do jump higher...but I'm sure the cirque de soleil do as well!

To me wushu has taken the form element and drawn it to its logical conclusion...doing it solely for performance and show. Forms are one peice of a comprehensive traditional martial arts training program...by no means do they or should they take prescedence over other types of training...but I feel they do belong there.

When I do a traditional form the focus is on correct mechanics, and driving my body and intent towards an objective which is an explosive strike and/or evasive maneuver.

Some of those guys look like they watch too many movies and want to impress people whereas if you look at combat oriented TCMA or even marital arts in general, they do not look like that at all when they spar...not to say there are not different expressions, but not everything you see is what is ideal or functional.

Royal Dragon
04-06-2007, 02:15 PM
The difference between REAL traditional long fist and this crap is pretty simple, traditional long fist is basicly kicks and punches done from grounded stances, a lot more pratical than learning to run real fast into a jumping turning outside crescent kick

My Tai Tzu sets are more techniques done from grounded stances. However, I have seen some traditional Chan fist sets that do run, jump and kick.

golden arhat
04-06-2007, 02:54 PM
The difference between REAL traditional long fist and this crap is pretty simple, traditional long fist is basicly kicks and punches done from grounded stances, a lot more pratical than learning to run real fast into a jumping turning outside crescent kick

My Tai Tzu sets are more techniques done from grounded stances. However, I have seen some traditional Chan fist sets that do run, jump and kick.

zha quan, hua quan

Royal Dragon
04-06-2007, 04:14 PM
Yup, Them too.

04-06-2007, 07:36 PM
Check This, it'll make ya REAL dizzy::o

08-13-2008, 06:40 PM
in this website you will see the wudang dragon form


the chinese name is wudang long hua quan:)

08-13-2008, 08:54 PM
The difference between REAL traditional long fist and this crap is pretty simple, traditional long fist is basicly kicks and punches done from grounded stances, a lot more pratical than learning to run real fast into a jumping turning outside crescent kick :rolleyes:


isnt that the **** truth of things

08-14-2008, 04:34 AM
I don't judge people anymore on "how" they do forms. If they know the applications and can use it, i would say he is good and has good kung fu.

If you just do forms you do "wushu". I don't care who your teacher was or how you the form.

The Willow Sword
08-14-2008, 08:21 AM
I guess i am being redundant in saying what everyone else seems to be saying.

Its not any Dragon form i have ever seen. Looks like fancified Wushu to me. As for the taoist kungfu website. I took a seminar form them when they came to Austin, learned a basic form called "Taming the Tiger". felt pretty solid,but i have to admit that even their stuff is a little wushuy.

the dragon stuff that i know is from Xingyi and Bagua, so i guess trying to compare the two is a moot endeavour.

Peace, TWS

Shaolin Wookie
08-15-2008, 07:40 PM
So how many of you/us have posted vids of bag work where you/we kicked with any kind of power with even half of that man's speed?

(Crickets chirp)........

And some of you guys do this for a living....................

Do you honestly think that if you put this guy into a fight, he'd collapse and get pounded by a white belt....even a BJJ white belt? I "have" a BJJ white belt, and I've sparred BJJ white belts. If I can keep 'em at bay with my craptastic kicks (compared to the wudang guy), he'd slaughter 'em.

This forum is hilarious. You guys find someone five times as atheletic as any of you, and instantly he's a hack because he does some wushu.:rolleyes:

You know what? I bet he's gay, too. And I bet he's a communist, and he hates puppies, and he probably hates fake tittys, too. I bet if he crossed paths with a Falun Dafa Black Belt, he'd report him to the government and ask if he could pull out the *******'s intestines with his teeth........I bet........I bet......:rolleyes: