View Full Version : Scarring Moxibustion

herb ox
04-19-2007, 11:26 PM
Anyone tried it?

It's supposed to have a strong tonifying effect if you apply moxa directly to Zusanli (Stomach point #36) and create a weeping wound that you keep clean. I could swear I've seen old kungfu movies where a rickshaw driver or farmer had a white bandage wrapped around the lower leg, just beneath the knee. Could this be evidence of this practice?


herb ox

Dale Dugas
04-20-2007, 02:20 AM
I have 2 very large scars on my stomach 36 points. I had this done about 8 years ago when I was having some serious GI trouble among other things.

Cleared it right up.

I also burn moxa on them once a month on top of some Ching Wa Hung ointment.

many people feel they dont have to do it but its a whole other world compared to indirect moxa.

herb ox
04-23-2007, 09:34 AM
Yeah, I agree. It does indeed have a profound effect on the body. Oddly enough, I noticed a difference when drinking beer:p No, really! I can drink more beer and don't have to urinate nearly as much - it's a noticable difference. That's just after one treatment. Now the burns have healed and I'm ready for the next treatment. Looks like more beer in my future!:D


Dale Dugas
04-23-2007, 11:52 AM
Laughing out loud...

herb ox
04-26-2007, 08:39 AM
What about the dots on the monk's heads in all the old kungfu movies? I understand this was from burning moxa directly on the head, but what exactly was the purpose?

It seems like the points chosen for scarring were on the Du and UB channels. Is this to open the meridians somehow?
