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04-20-2007, 01:25 AM

Upon further reading of the thread the game appears to be fake. My local games mag mentioned it as well though, so who knows.

04-20-2007, 05:52 AM
****, that would have been cool ****. i wouldnt mind adding a karate black belt to my resume ;) :P

04-20-2007, 09:00 AM
That would be pretty funny. Some guy opening up a MA school. Lined with Wii gaming consoles and monitors. :D

04-20-2007, 03:48 PM
xia started a thread by this exact name a couple months ago, but he deleted it. I think the concept is cool. to get certified by something like that is wack tho.

The Xia
04-20-2007, 03:54 PM
I do that to many of the threads I start. It's a funny habit I have.
And I think SevenStar pretty much summed it up here,

I think the concept is cool. to get certified by something like that is wack tho.

04-21-2007, 09:56 AM
Only the ignorant would write of Virtual Martial Arts training as something childish or "wack" (I will refrain from digging at this posters grammatical nonsense for the moment, and its devolution into the realm of degenerate vernacular, indicative of both a stymied education and a stunted push for intellectual and linguistic excellence).

My studio now offers a virtual experience unlike that which has ever been seen. Utilizing the technology that has trained both pilots and astronauts, we offer a low impact full-contact training regiment via virtual reality training, which has turned out spectacular results.

Young up-and-coming UFC prodigy Rick Stamos said of our virtual fighter program: "It's just like the real thing. A low impact cardio kickboxing and groundfighting regimen guaranteed to prepare you for an iron cage fight."

It works. It's worked in the UFC. I dare any of you to naysay our program. I urge all of you to join. PM me with your personal information and a direct withdrawal so I can fund your initial payment, and we're in business, boys.

04-21-2007, 01:02 PM
I guess since I am the one posting gramattical nonsense, I will naysay it. virtual training of any sort is no substitute for the real thing. it is a nice concept, and I can see the same benefit from that as I can from a pilot flying a flight sim. but at some point, pilots fly. they realize that it is indeed wack to try and fly a commercial airliner after never having flown more than a flight sim.

04-21-2007, 01:11 PM
I figured you would come back eventually, mega-fist...

04-22-2007, 09:47 AM
the importance of good footwork would be highlighted in a real fight as the nintendo-ryu adept frantically backpedals to maintain the gap...both hands being occupied in the frantic search for the (PAUSE) button.

maybe the Wii is not the ideal method of honing martial arts perfection at this point in its development. But if you look to the lucrative world of professional sports, athletes who wish to be the most competetive and have the financial resources have been using digital motion analysis for over a decade at least. So to me the idea is not completely unprecedented. Still, at face value the idea of learning karate solely from a Wii program is absurd.

Maybe though in future generations of martial arts we'll see a branch of kobudo that employs wooden blocks shaped like wii controllers.

04-22-2007, 10:13 AM
This is not a joke, I've been hearing about it for months now.

04-22-2007, 10:36 AM
The simulation matrix we've engineered is not unlike a motion-ride at disney. When I'm talking about virtual fighting, or virtual reality--we don't yet have the kind of technology or funding for it to quite have that whole helmet virtual world to it. But it is pretty hi-tech when it comes down to it. Leagues and miles beyond the wii.

golden arhat
04-22-2007, 12:32 PM
Only the ignorant would write of Virtual Martial Arts training as something childish or "wack" (I will refrain from digging at this posters grammatical nonsense for the moment, and its devolution into the realm of degenerate vernacular, indicative of both a stymied education and a stunted push for intellectual and linguistic excellence).

My studio now offers a virtual experience unlike that which has ever been seen. Utilizing the technology that has trained both pilots and astronauts, we offer a low impact full-contact training regiment via virtual reality training, which has turned out spectacular results.

Young up-and-coming UFC prodigy Rick Stamos said of our virtual fighter program: "It's just like the real thing. A low impact cardio kickboxing and groundfighting regimen guaranteed to prepare you for an iron cage fight."

It works. It's worked in the UFC. I dare any of you to naysay our program. I urge all of you to join. PM me with your personal information and a direct withdrawal so I can fund your initial payment, and we're in business, boys.


virtual -nearly real

real- well.....real

so when u want to learn what is real

what is more helpful ?

the real or the nearly real ?