View Full Version : check this guys kicks

golden arhat
05-09-2007, 03:30 PM

05-09-2007, 03:34 PM
nice. funny how he does the handstand capoeria kick thingy at the end, but says he's not good at the chair assisted rear leg lift.

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-09-2007, 05:32 PM
His upper body is off balance, and it makes him easy to throw.

05-09-2007, 07:00 PM
if i bent the standing leg and lifted my heal off the ground i could kick higher and faster too. :rolleyes:

but he does have skill.

05-09-2007, 07:42 PM
very pretty and precise, but if thats the sum of his skill i'd only be intimidated if i had to face him at ballet.

very fast and athletic though .... lots of potential.

05-09-2007, 08:56 PM
"if i bent the standing leg and lifted my heal off the ground i could kick higher and faster too.

but he does have skill."

oh yeah? Well, if I stretched and practiced more, I bet I could also kick higher and faster. Um, and if I was twenty. uh..and not such a fat bastid.....or lazy azz muthafuka...
but he does have skill"

golden arhat
05-10-2007, 01:22 AM
"if i bent the standing leg and lifted my heal off the ground i could kick higher and faster too.

but he does have skill."

oh yeah? Well, if I stretched and practiced more, I bet I could also kick higher and faster. Um, and if I was twenty. uh..and not such a fat bastid.....or lazy azz muthafuka...
but he does have skill"


10 charcters needed

05-10-2007, 12:37 PM
"if i bent the standing leg and lifted my heal off the ground i could kick higher and faster too.

but he does have skill."

oh yeah? Well, if I stretched and practiced more, I bet I could also kick higher and faster. Um, and if I was twenty. uh..and not such a fat bastid.....or lazy azz muthafuka...
but he does have skill"

oh yeah?

if i got cybernetic hips and legs i would kick so fast and have such awesome strength i would pwn that neo kata kid!!!!

05-10-2007, 12:44 PM
If you look at his supporting leg... As he kicks, it scoots and lifts off the ground which indicates loss of power. Definately Karate style foundation. Jump spinning kicks are too flashy... look good but I doubt if they are effective.


05-10-2007, 01:00 PM
Well, I can do all those kicks at the same height and speed. Except for that last Capoera style one. And I will be 39 in Aug., Not bragging or anything. :D Well OK I take that back, the jump kick he did, we call it a tornado kick, may be a bit difficult for now since my pattelar tendonitis is not fully healed.

05-10-2007, 01:11 PM
that guy's kicks are pretty clean. but his upper body is waaaaaaayyy toooooooo stiff. like robo cop. but he does his inside crescents in a horse like we do in my school.

the only thing that bugs me is his little poses after the kicks........its toooooo karate.

but here's another clip from them


05-10-2007, 01:13 PM
I do all those kicks too...but they're all at about knee height. (picture it...y'know, like in yer mind...) But being Southern Stylist, we find that low kicks are more effective for us.
The handstand capoeria one leg handstand thingy at knee height took some time to get down....actually, it's kinda a squat, where you lift the one leg....

05-10-2007, 01:47 PM
I do all those kicks too...but they're all at about knee height. (picture it...y'know, like in yer mind...) But being Southern Stylist, we find that low kicks are more effective for us.
The handstand capoeria one leg handstand thingy at knee height took some time to get down....actually, it's kinda a squat, where you lift the one leg....

Southern styles are just too lazy to stretch. :p ;) Northern styles rule!!

05-10-2007, 09:37 PM
I was taught to keep my heel on the ground. he lifts his heel on every high kick.

granted he gets 2 inches more reach, but he becomes really easy to throw off balance with a slight nudge.

even with the chair for assistance, his base foot slips.

not saying he sucks, he just needs a root....

05-10-2007, 11:29 PM
Before Becoming Paralyzed From The Waist Down I Used To Throw High Kicks. I Was Pretty **** Good If I Do Say So Myself.

One Day In Class My Sifu Saw Me Throwing High Kicks And Asked Me Which Was More Powerful? I Told Him Of Course The Lower One. He Then Asked Me Why I Kept Doing High Kicks?

Now That Im Getting My Legs Back, I Try To Kick High Just For The Hell Of It. But In A Fight Or Sport I Would Never Throw Anything Higher Than The Chest.

I Do Teach My Students To Kick Alot Because I Feel Its An Important Aspect In Acquiring Lower Body Awareness.

Judge Pen
05-11-2007, 04:44 AM
"if i bent the standing leg and lifted my heal off the ground i could kick higher and faster too.

but he does have skill."

oh yeah? Well, if I stretched and practiced more, I bet I could also kick higher and faster. Um, and if I was twenty. uh..and not such a fat bastid.....or lazy azz muthafuka...
but he does have skill"

How did you see into my mind? :confused:

05-11-2007, 03:09 PM

This guy strikes me as more of a gymnast that a martial artist. He demonstrates good range and flexiblility. It is good to have for a foundation. But that is all that is there. I hope he pursues instruction. If he can do that well on his own, imagine how well he will do with an instructor.
