View Full Version : thinking about writing an article on independant martial arts film

doug maverick
05-19-2007, 11:34 AM
i'm thinking about writing an article for the ezine about how to make independant action films or rather how i made them(it would be a shameless plug for my first feature coming this summer) but i don't know if anybody would be interested and if kung fu mag. would buy it. guys let me know your thoughts

05-19-2007, 12:32 PM
I am not much of a reader. I like to watch:D

05-21-2007, 04:54 PM
I hate to say it Doug, but I get a lot of indie self promotional articles and it's just not the content we're looking for. I get a lot of promotional submissions for direct-to-DVD flicks, also for indies in production, none of which I accept. We are interested in indies if they make Sundance or Cannes or even the SF Asian Film Festival, but it would have to be a festival of some notoriety. We are also interested in 'how to' articles that reveal some of the tricks of the trade in film choreography, but most professionals are very protective of this, and for good reason. Here is our submission guidelines, for your reference. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/about/guidelines.php)

doug maverick
05-22-2007, 08:51 AM
I figured as much, which is why i said i was thinking about it. it was actually gonna be a how to thing but not on choreagraphy (your right martial arts choreagraphers don't like talking about it they want someone to steel there style lol). besides i doubt if i have the time to actually write. my schedule is rediculous. but thanks for the response and my film will def. be in a major film festival.

05-22-2007, 09:30 AM
...I'm very interested articles on martial arts in live theater (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46473). That's far more cutting edge than filmwork nowadays. Video shelves are full of B level films, but few are imaginative (or brave) enough to try live theater where there's no editing or retakes. It's far more challenging work, as I'm sure you know, and true martial artists rise to such challenges.

doug maverick
05-22-2007, 01:43 PM
when i was doing live martial arts theater you told me it wasn't interesting enough. this is when no one was doing it now everybodies doing. but i'm working on another one about wong fei hung, but its hus hus right now i get like 20 emails a day about when i'm doing another one. and i can't even go in a martial arts store in chinatown without some one asking me when is the next play coming. heres the old website:


05-23-2007, 09:37 AM
Perhaps it was the self-promotional tone of the query. :rolleyes:

In general, we've been running live theatrical stuff in our news section. Only a few have been big enough to warrant a feature article, mostly the Cirque stuff. But things change a lot in a few years, so I may well have disregarded your earlier query on this subject for other reasons. One thing is for sure, we're not looking for indie film coverage unless the film gets somewhere significant beyond the Blockbuster Martial Arts bins. Sundance would be good. I get a query like that almost every month. I just got one recently that demanded that I interview some master about his amazing new direct-to-DVD movie for a feature article and he wasn't even a CMA guy.

doug maverick
05-23-2007, 11:43 AM
i don't have the time for it anyway. besides its not a direct to dvd movie. its gonna have a limited theatrical run here in nyc (and maybe L.A. depends) i just know that alot of people make these types of movies and i wanted to do some type of how to thing and just my film as examples. and yeah it was like a self promotion thing for the play. but that was when we first did it(under another producer) when i co produced it months later it was a whole defferent show. and we actually got a plaqgue from the chinatown small business men association which was kinda cool. that last show was packed over five hundred people. which is why i'm thinking of doing another one, it just fun first off, cause you know that know hollywood actor can do this (unless the are seroiusly trained in ma) that this is just your time to shine. i love that factor of it, but right now i have like three other project to do, and a nine to five with a tv company. but trust me when its ready its gonna explosive and i'm gonna remind you gene of this post when i saend a query for an article. thanks again for your post insightfull as always