View Full Version : Meal replacement,protien powders,Diet regimen.

The Willow Sword
05-27-2007, 10:22 AM
I was wondering what you guys do for supplements and meal replacement? I am getting really attached to the Isopure zero carb protien pwder(whey). I have gone back to consuming smoothies with Almond Milk as a base and using frozen fruits such as dark cherries and a mixed fruit blend,no added sugar,i will use bananas as well but not as often for some reason.

my meals now consist of 3 eggs and sprouted grain bread for breakfast, Smoothie for lunch, and a dinner of some lean meat and brown rice, veggies steamed lightly.

What do the rest of you guys do? Anyone do that eggwhite and oats diet?


05-27-2007, 02:19 PM
To me Zero Carb protein is a pretty idiotic idea. To start recovery from intense exercise you should have a 3:1 ratio of Carbs to Protein. High GI (insulin spiking) carbs to replace glycogen to muscles are what is called for. Somebody tried to sell me isopure at the GNC, I asked myself "why".

I love Oats. Things I try to consume regularly: Spinach, carrots, oats, whole wheat/whole grain anything, brown rice, green tea, WATER, turkey meat, fruit.

The Willow Sword
05-27-2007, 02:39 PM
I believe the whole point with the zero carb protien powder is that you are not getting any added carb to your meal replacement. case in point, i get enough of a carb load with the fruits i add to the smoothie( i dont just consume the isopure by itself) not to mention the complex carbs i consume with the grains and veggies. But i understand what you are writing.

Anyone else?

Black Jack II
05-27-2007, 07:09 PM
I try and do about a gram and a half per pound of bodyweight of protien a day. It does not always happen but its a goal. But I also try and do no more than 2 protein based supplements to top off real meals in this ratio.

Isopure I am not a fan of due to what I believe to be low levels of quality, but I do take the Gaspari IntraPro formula which is a ultra filtered whey protein isolate and concentrate and at night I take a time-released forumla as well as extra BCAA's and Glutamine when called for.

Royal Dragon
05-27-2007, 08:37 PM
I try and do about a gram and a half per pound of bodyweight of protien a day

How much protine is in a good sized steak?

05-27-2007, 09:14 PM
Lean steak is usually around 22% protein, so figure 1/5-1/4 the weight of the steak. What would you call a good-sized steak? 10oz? If so, 2-2.5oz of protein.

For me, milk is the most efficient and cost effective means of protein during the day. I usually drink about 2-4L a day. The milk is around 4% protein so each L is roughly 40g. I also have a protein shake every morning after lifting and it's about 15g whey and 15g calcium caseinate in 500-600mL of milk.

Black Jack II
05-27-2007, 10:16 PM
For me, milk is the most efficient and cost effective means of protein during the day.


This is going to make a big comeback. It's great for test levels as well with that sat fat in there.

RD'S Alias - 1A
05-27-2007, 10:49 PM
Milk causes excess flemb production though, lowers breathing capacity because of it, and this reduces cardio efficiency. Milk is just not a very good thing to put in your body period...better off eating a nice big organic steak.

Mung Beans supposedly have 12 grams of protine per serving though...seems such a waste to use them in Iron Palm bags....

05-27-2007, 11:35 PM
Who needs cardio? Just ask Ironfist ;). Yeah, full fat milk makes me feel mucousy so I drink 0% or 1% normally. But it's all about protein and efficiency. A nice big organic steak would be great, but I don't have the money and the cooking utensils handy all day to be able to cook a steak that often. I just paid about US$1.50 for a litre of milk for ~40g of protein. If I wanted 40g of protein from steak while here at work I'd have to buy a 200g steak from a restaurant. Around here I wouldn't get much change from $20 for that. Plus the milk I drank has < 0.15g fat/100g. A steak would have a far higher percentage, and lots of it would be saturated fats too.

I wouldn't want to source my protein from mung beans over dairy or meat sources.

05-28-2007, 06:33 AM
I don't know about isopure's quality.

I do know

Whey hydrolyzed > microfiltered isolates > Isolates > concentrates (based on speed of digestion and bio-availability)

The Willow Sword
05-28-2007, 07:55 AM
I agree with RD that Milk is one of the worst things you can put in your body as a protien supplement. we are the only species aside form domesticated animals that consumes milk AFTER infancy and who consumes the milk of another species. You dont see wolves sucking on tiger teets in the wild. Plus Milk has no fiber. you can get enough calcium from the green veggies you eat. Besides the body can only absorb so much calcium, the rest gets flushed out when you over consume it and with that you are flushing essential nutrients.

As to the quality of Isopure, its pretty good from what i understand. Im sure there are other forms of whey out there that are just as good Ie: Labrada lean body, Myoplex(which is like drinking cakebatter when i have mixed it in the past). I like the isopure because it DOES mix well with other things and doesnt give me that heavy bloated feeling like the other stuff mentioned does.

I agree about the steak, just make sure it is a lean steak, and if you can afford it get BISON, best lean red meat out there and it tastes way better than angus in my opinion.
I am also avoiding soy protien at all costs now. I dont want B-T!ts:eek:


Royal Dragon
05-28-2007, 10:30 AM
and if you can afford it get BISON, best lean red meat out there and it tastes way better than angus in my opinion.

AGREED!!!! When I can get it, I like to add a bit of light Olive oil to the Bison before cooking it. It makes it jucier. Darker Olive oils are good too, and tend to richen the flavor more.

Bison/Buffalow has 10th the fat of beef, and 2 times the protine

Water Dragon
05-28-2007, 11:59 AM
squats and milk

05-29-2007, 04:45 AM
We are also the only species that builds airplanes and goes to space.

milk might not be so bad.


05-29-2007, 05:21 AM
We are also the only species that builds airplanes and goes to space.

milk might not be so bad.



and other animals will drink cow milk given the opportunity. set out some milk with a cat or dog and see what happens.

The Willow Sword
05-29-2007, 06:35 AM
and other animals will drink cow milk given the opportunity. set out some milk with a cat or dog and see what happens.

if you had read my statement thoroghly you would have read where i included domesticated animals.
we are the only species aside form domesticated animals that consumes milk AFTER infancy and who consumes the milk of another species

The point is that you do not need to consume milk after adolesence. Your body can absorb and get quite enough calcium from the green veggies you eat.


05-29-2007, 07:50 AM
and other animals will drink cow milk given the opportunity. set out some milk with a cat or dog and see what happens.

if you had read my statement thoroghly you would have read where i included domesticated animals.

The point is that you do not need to consume milk after adolesence. Your body can absorb and get quite enough calcium from the green veggies you eat.


my bad ;) :) .

05-29-2007, 07:54 AM
I like the Isopure (vanilla), but I tend to mix it with juice, OJ especially. It tastes like butt in water, and isn't very filling, tending to make me wanna cheat.

The Willow Sword
05-29-2007, 07:57 AM
Whey protein is derived from milk and cheese and is a very good protein to consume. So i dont totally down dairy products. besides i am a big fan of our local pizzeria "Austin's Pizza" which makes by far the best pizza here in the southwest. OMG they make a stubbs BBQ chicken pizza that is so sublime:).


Black Jack II
05-29-2007, 09:32 AM
It's hogwash that milk is bad for you in the long run. It's a great source of protien with about nine cups per serving, it is inexpensive as a bonus, plus it has usefull sat fat which is needed in the body for the production of hormones and best part is that milk has two sources of protien, casien and whey.

Not to mention the water content, electrolytes and needed calcium.

As for Isopure, I stay away from the product, its not really bad but its much lower grade, the sodium content is often a showcase of why, then other iso's.

05-30-2007, 07:24 AM
I was wondering what you guys do for supplements and meal replacement? I am getting really attached to the Isopure zero carb protien pwder(whey). I have gone back to consuming smoothies with Almond Milk as a base and using frozen fruits such as dark cherries and a mixed fruit blend,no added sugar,i will use bananas as well but not as often for some reason.

my meals now consist of 3 eggs and sprouted grain bread for breakfast, Smoothie for lunch, and a dinner of some lean meat and brown rice, veggies steamed lightly.

What do the rest of you guys do? Anyone do that eggwhite and oats diet?


Mmmmm... I never thought of using almond milk in my smoothies. Frozen fruit of any kind, but I usually use plain old skim cow's milk, since I found an organic dairy I can get raw milk from. (No, I don't give it to my kids, though I doubt it will harm them, only benifit them. But one must be carefull of being a child abuser for having ideas seperate from the Liberals...)

The Willow Sword
05-30-2007, 11:10 AM
I never thought of using almond milk in my smoothies

I use the Unsweetened Vanilla flavored "Almond Breeze". You can get it just about anywhere these days. I combine that with frozen dark sweet cherries and organic frozen strawberries, then i add the whey and some other powder supplements. The Mix is pretty good. I just wanted to stop using soy milk and get off of soy protien altogether, and since i do not like milk at all i wanted something else to substitute.

As for giving milk to your children, i think that consumption of milk when you are young and still needing the calcium and fat to kickstart growth is fine. i just feel that you dont really need the milk after that.


05-30-2007, 11:17 AM
As for giving milk to your children, i think that consumption of milk when you are young and still needing the calcium and fat to kickstart growth is fine. i just feel that you dont really need the milk after that.


Raw milk, man, raw milk. As in, not pasturized. Pasturization changes the enzymes, sugars, and mineral content. While not bad, it is thought that raw milk can help stave off diabetes. I tend to be hypoglysemic, so it's a concern of mine.

But the popular mind set is that it is not as "safe" for children. And we all know how often popular oppinion wins in this overly regulated contry know for personal freedom. ;)

05-30-2007, 03:17 PM

Li Kao
05-31-2007, 12:54 AM
I have been experimenting with adding whey protein to my smoothies, though I use fairly small quantities as I feel my diet has sufficient protein anyway (lots of chicken/turkey breast, eggs, salmon, shrimp, beans, etc). I have a patio grill that I use almost on a daily basis. That being said, my favorite smoothies are with vanilla yogurt, fresh fruit -- either banana or strawberry usually -- and flax seed. I'm pretty easy to please and like to keep things simple. I've tried the Myoplex shakes on occasion, though I agree they are awfully thick when using skim milk. I like the meal replacement bars better, but to be honest, I've been eating pretty healthy lately so have backed off on the meal replacement options.

05-31-2007, 06:29 AM
Two hundred and four (204) healthy men and women between the ages of 55 and 85 were recruited for the study. Criteria for inclusion included a body mass index (calculated as kg/m2) of between 16 and 36.5, five or more years since menopause, consumption of 1.5 or fewer dairy food servings a day, and the ability to consume three additional 8-ounce servings of fluid milk daily.

I bet they had issues finding men 5 or more years past menopause...:eek:

On another note, I did try the almond milk in my smoothie last night. Interesting but very good! I added frozen water mellon and orange slices with 1 cup plain yogurt and 1/2 cup alomnd milk and1 scoop protien supliment. I tasted it before adding my usual aguave syrup for sweetener and found I actually didn't need it.

The Willow Sword
05-31-2007, 09:19 PM


Black Jack II
05-31-2007, 09:55 PM
vanilla yogurt

You want some good yogurt, find Brown Cow, its a whole milk top style. So creamy it makes you want to chain punch your mamma.

Organic as well.

06-01-2007, 07:31 AM
I believe dairy can still have it's place through out one's life. Crazy to me to sugguest that it has little or no value past a point because other creatures don't use it. Other species don't concoct meal replacement powder either;) I was a Myoplex person for a while but I've tried Labrada's stuff too.

06-01-2007, 08:16 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the "other species" argument is less to do with them drinking milk because it's not beneficial and more to do with their mothers not wanting to feed them milk any more. Hell, I was weaned at 3 months because my mom was sick of feeding me. Must be why I like both milk and breasts so much these days - I'm making up :D.

06-01-2007, 08:36 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the "other species" argument is less to do with them drinking milk because it's not beneficial and more to do with their mothers not wanting to feed them milk any more. Hell, I was weaned at 3 months because my mom was sick of feeding me. Must be why I like both milk and breasts so much these days - I'm making up :D.

LOL I barely got a month as the story goes :)

The Willow Sword
06-01-2007, 09:00 PM
The studies have been done on the hazards of the over consumption of dairy. Unless you live in france and have wine with every meal, those fats that milk contain are going to adhere to your plateletes and start to deposit along your arterial walls and become plaque, just as consuming fatty meats such as pork,duck will do as well. It may not happen over night but as you age the evidence starts to make itself known, especially to those who have had triple bypass surgery BECAUSE they consumed a very high fat diet that included fatty steaks,pork sausage, MILK and Cheese.
They have also done studies with different cultures in different regions of the planet and compared the health and cholesterol levels of those individuals to those whose diet is primarily high fatty foods, the instance of heart attacks and plaque in the arteries where almost non-existent in nations such as china and southeast asia where diary is very rarely consumed. Of course the studies also show that if you consume wine with high fatty food the properties of red wine lubricates the blood platelets and therefore allows the transferring of fat through the system without much adheration to the arterial wall lining. Yet in countries where the booze consumption is high the cases of liver disease is staggering, ie France and other Euro countries including the UK. In the united states alone the dairy consumption is way beyond other countries and you would think that if we are getting all this "beneficial" fats and nutrients and protien in milk then WHY do most of our nations elderly suffer from diseases like Osteoporosis and calcium deficiancies? whereas the eldery in Asian countries have almost no instances of osteporosis(which is a calcium deficiancy of the bones). its not because of "old age", what the consensus and studies seem to indicate is that the over consumption of dairy that has way too much protien for the body to handle or assimilate and way too much fat and no fiber to speak of causes a system flush that will eliminate the excess fat and protein but also eliminating vital nutrients as well. Over time this can result in the aforementioned diseases.
Like i stated before, you can get enough calcium in the green veggies you eat and enough protien in lean meats, certain veggies and in protein powders such as whey soy or egg, but remember those meal replacement packages such as the Labrada and the myoplex contain way too much for the body to handle. you wind up assimilating a small &#37; of that and cr@pping and pee'!ng out the rest.
I like the Isopure and i recently discovered a non gmo non hormone whey protien called "Quantum"(kind of expensive), but at least i can scoop out what i need and nothing more.
anyway, good thread, glad i started it, lets keep it going.


Royal Dragon
06-02-2007, 09:07 AM
Why don't you guys just eat real food?

We had Strong men in the early 1900's lifting SEVEN HUNDRED POUNDS using the old school training (now almost extinct) methods to get there. Back then they didn't have all these supplements, meal replacement shakes or steroids. All they had was good wholesome food..and when you consider it was all back before food additives, all of it was organic.

Instead of spending money on all these goofy fake food subsititues, why not just go here http://www.oldtimestrongman.com/index.html and learn how it used to be done back when they didn't need crutches like protine shakes and hand fulls of little pills that supposedly have nutrients?

And why bother wasteing money on vitamins and such anyway? If you look at the lables, they have maybe only a dozen or a dozen and a half of different vitamins and other nutrients (And that is the good ones). You can just eat raw fruites and veggies which are full of THOUSANDS of different nutrients instead, get a *Far* better balanced & varied nutritional intake, and save your money.

The strength trainers, and old time strong men of 100 years ago could perfrom incredible feaths of strength and had astounding athletic ability that is seen as phenominal by today's standards...why not just do what was found successful and stop wasteing time with modern crap that just does not prove to be any better, and most often is inferior?

Change and adaptation are pointless if you do it for changes sake only...and end up going backwards...

Shaolin Wookie
06-02-2007, 09:58 AM
You could do that, but then you wouldn't be able to enjoy that pasty and disgusting synthetic quasi-chocolate shake flavor that'll turn your gut into a dry-heaving disco party, which we all enjoy so much.:)

06-02-2007, 10:03 AM
Breakfast is either a Cliff Bar with my coffee or if I have time 2 eggs, 2 peices of Cobblestone mills Wheatberry and a 4-6 oz piece of lean meat; usually steak or pork with the fat trimmed off and fried in a teflon pan w/ olive oil cooking spray.

I make a smoothie w/ 1 apple, 1 bananna, 1 C orange juice, 1 C cranberry/pomegranate juice (no added sugar type), 1 C of plain yogurt and 3 17gram servings of 90% Whey Isolate purchased from bulkfoods.com

i do my best to drink as much water as I can stand...usually 1-2 quarts while working in addition to the consumption of the smoothie.

dinner is whatever falls in front of me at 9:30pm...

Shaolin Wookie
06-02-2007, 10:10 AM
If ever I visit your school and look for lessons, and you're teaching sparring at say, 9:30 p.m., don't be surprised to see me sneaking out the back door.

06-02-2007, 10:15 AM
say whut?


Royal Dragon
06-02-2007, 11:53 AM
My breakfast:
large amounts of various fruites, from a mainestay of apples, honey Dew and pineapple, to any sort of fruit, grape, berry or tasty thing I foud on sale in the fresh fruit department.

Sometimes I have eggs, and I have found a bit of protine in the moring is good, so I also occasionally have a small bit of fish or mixed nuts (Preferably no salt).

Lunch: Some sort of raw mixed veggies and or rice mixed with a bit of chicken, beef or whatever was left over from the previous nite's dinner.

Pre training meal is useually rice and raw veggies around 3:00-3:30 when I was training in the evenings, but now that I try to train in the morning it's been the same as my breakfast.

I eat the pre training meal, train and then eat more fruites for breakfast. Although sometimes the pre training meal is breakfast, and post training I eat the eggs,fish mixed nuts because I tend to crave protiens after I workout.

Dinner is useually almost entirely meat. ...Oh, and last nite also Pie :o

I like to mix it up so it's never the same meat twice. Protine loading before bed is important because you need the building blocks to rebuild and regenerate during sleep. In fact, *WHEN* you have your protine I think is more important than trying to over load your system with it (it just turns to fat when you do that anyway...unless ur lift'n 4 days a week, 4 hours at a time).

It's better to give your body what it needs, when it needs it (Raw fruites and veggies before exertion, protines after or before sleep)

I think if you just eat the most nutirtionally dense foods first, you are going to be good. Eat as much Raw as you can to preserve the nutrients and you will be charging your body with more goodness than a handful of pills or shakes ever could.

Infact, I will go on to say that putting all those pills and shakes in your body is actually depriving you of nutrition because they take up space that reall food could be using.

Ask your self this, do you want to eat 12 nutirents, or a fruit salad which has thousands?

The diet above is what we had my daughter on when she was a competitive gymnast. Any time we deviated form it it took her out of the medals and instead she would com ein like 6th, 7th or 8th place, Which is still damm good mind you but Bronze, Silver and Gold are better.

It was really an eye opener dailing in her diet. It blew away alot of myths for us (like Past being a good pre workout food). Especially since diet, and sleep were really the only variables, as her training was the same system taught by her Romanian coach all her life (from age 3-14). It's still the same system she trains today on her own, she just does not put him 4 hours 4-5 days a week anymore. Ohter than more cardio because she rollerblades constantly because she ice skates, that is the only difference.

She competed more than enough for us to see what dietary changes did to her scores over the 12 years she did gymnastics, as well as sleep too.

We found more sleep = higher scores, and more medals. There is no such things as over sleeping (A whole other topic to discuss BTW).

We found that the above diet = Higher scores, and more medals.

She never did shakes, vitamins or any of that. We had them avaliable to us as some of the parents sold various "High Performance" nutritional systems to eachother, but the girls who were on them really didn't do any better than any other girls.....in fact, the ones spouting all the vitamins and such were useually the lowest scoring girls on the team.....except for the milk drinkers, who generally took longer to progress, despite allways drinking thier milk because it "Does a body good" (Again, like sleep another big discussion...I actually got one of the girls into top 10 scoring just by convincing her mom to stop giving her milk)

Royal Dragon
06-02-2007, 12:10 PM
Outside of the above diet, the ONLY thing I found to have a major impact training wise was Chinese training wines.

Melissa often used Ginseng in the weeks leading up, and during competitions which boosted her performance noticably (although it was frowned apon by her old school Romanian coach for some reason anyway...still not sure why.)

I myself used the 16 herb training wine from my system to help do a major rehab on my back. I feel it was an integral part of the success I had. I never gave it to Her though because we were worried some of the substances (MaHaung) was not legal in her sport. Even though the formula only has small amounts, taking it out messes up the balance as I think other things in it counter some of it's harsher effects.

Although, we did give her a good dose of Mahuang one meet because she was sick, and probably should not have even competed. It was the biggest meet of the year though, and she refused to not go, so I loaded her up on Mahaung tea to clear her lungs out (And a few other things).

Even sick, with a feaver 100.4 (down from almost 102.00 that morning) before the meet started, she managed to take a Broz on the beam, and a Silver on floor...she collapsed right after it was over and slept from the moment we got into the car untill the next morning though, a good 14+ hours. She was the sickest at the meet. It took 3 days for her to get better, and that time she could not breath and was choking on Phlem everytime the tea wore off. She lived on that stuff for 4 days.

06-02-2007, 07:03 PM
I'm gonna get flamed, but I really think we have a collective tendency to go overboard on food stuff, one way or another. This country has to have the most unhealthy relationship with food I've ever seen. We obsess about it - if not by stuffing it in our faces, then by inventing elaborate protocols around our diets.

Oh, and while the Asian cultures may derive the benefits Willow Sword claimed, I do believe they have a high rate of stomach cancer.

Point being that any and everything is bad for you in some way.

I think what people really need to do is sit back, take a deep breath, and just exercise some common sense. Eat a variety of things, make your diet colorful, eat when you're hungry, and stop when you're full. And every so often, eat something that has absolutely no redeeming value as a food, just for fun.

The Willow Sword
06-02-2007, 07:54 PM
And every so often, eat something that has absolutely no redeeming value as a food, just for fun.

Here Here!!!:D For me it is Haribo Gummy Bears.


Royal Dragon
06-02-2007, 08:19 PM
Like Pie!! :D

06-02-2007, 09:16 PM
squats and milk


Shaolin Wookie
06-03-2007, 06:48 AM
say whut?


You see, you said "dinner is whatever falls in front of me at 9:30 PM" and I said something to the effect of "remind me not to spar with you at, say, about 9:30 PM" because, see, if I fell in front of you, you'd like, eat me, or something.

06-04-2007, 06:40 AM
You could do that, but then you wouldn't be able to enjoy that pasty and disgusting synthetic quasi-chocolate shake flavor that'll turn your gut into a dry-heaving disco party, which we all enjoy so much.:)
LOL! Interestingly, RD, I actually like my smoothies. And adding 1 cup of plain yogurt completely gets rid of that "dry-heaving disco party" the protien mix adds to it. I also don't drink the whole thing at once, I sip it all day. It takes care of the urge to snack on un-healthy things by keeping my blood-sugar level ballanced. The only "pill" I take is an occasional zinc tablet. I found out that alot of women crave chocolate due to a dip in the zinc levels in thier body. When I feel a strong craving of chocolate, I pop a zinc instead a candy bar and the craving goes away in about a half hour.:)

06-04-2007, 09:42 AM
I pop a zinc instead a candy bar and the craving goes away in about a half hour.:)

Zinc for chocolate? Interesting. Does anyone know the shelve life of protien mixes? I found some over the weekend way in the back, back, back of my pantry (this thread got me curious to see if I still had some.) To tell you the truth, it may be about 18 months old and has been opened but nearly full. Should I guess throw it out and get some new?

06-04-2007, 09:49 AM
Zinc for chocolate? Interesting. Does anyone know the shelve life of protien mixes? I found some over the weekend way in the back, back, back of my pantry (this thread got me curious to see if I still had some.) To tell you the truth, it may be about 18 months old and has been opened but nearly full. Should I guess throw it out and get some new?

There should be an expiration date on there, either the bottom, the lid, or the edge of the top. Most of the ones I've gotten are about 18 months ahead of when I got 'em, so you're probably gonna be in the red zone as far as that goes.

Royal Dragon
06-04-2007, 10:11 AM
The only "pill" I take is an occasional zinc tablet. I found out that alot of women crave chocolate due to a dip in the zinc levels in thier body. When I feel a strong craving of chocolate, I pop a zinc instead a candy bar and the craving goes away in about a half hour.

That is Crazytalk Woman!!! No rediculous Zink pill is a good substitute for Chocolate!!

Only real Chocolate does the job!!!! NEVER, and I mean *NEVER* substitute real chocolate for ANYTHING else!!

The men in your life will thank me for giving this advice!!

06-04-2007, 12:44 PM

Actaully, it's true, though. Many times when the body is zinc deficient, a person will get a craving for chocolate, just as a body may crave bananas if they are potasium deficient.

Now I need to figure out a way to kill the craving for blue berry muffins and frappies...:eek:

The Willow Sword
06-07-2007, 09:51 AM
RAW Cacao is supposed to be the best to consume for all the health benefits, HOWEVER, Have you tasted raw cacao before? uhhgh its terrible. So i found something a little better, it is the "Lindt Excellence" Brand of chocolate and they come in different percentages and the one i get is the 85% cocoa. Its still bitter but so is all dark chocolate.


Royal Dragon
06-07-2007, 10:04 AM
85% is the BEST!!! get the one with the raw orange peel chips in it!!!


06-07-2007, 10:11 AM
RAW Cacao is supposed to be the best to consume for all the health benefits, HOWEVER, Have you tasted raw cacao before? uhhgh its terrible. So i found something a little better, it is the "Lindt Excellence" Brand of chocolate and they come in different percentages and the one i get is the 85% cocoa. Its still bitter but so is all dark chocolate.

get rid of the bitter by making something like a chocolate sauce with chilis, cocao, coconut milk. I'll have to get the recipe from home; don't have it with me here.

It's not at all sweet, rather very tangy and excelante over backed chicken. :)

06-07-2007, 10:15 AM
Muscle Milk just came out with premixed muscle milk lite-in juice boxes.20 grams of protien,5grams fat,9grams carbs,160 calories. in my faveorite flavors-vanilla creme, chocolate milk, and chocolate mint!yea!!!

06-07-2007, 10:47 AM
Sounds good! If only they didn't add sugar to it, I'd try it. Making my own shakes is a pain some times, but I know of no mix that is sweetened with agave syrup. I get all the protein I need for the most part from the fat-free plain yogurt, though I do sometimes add plain soy protien powder if my body is telling me I'm not getting enough.

I do get to experament with flavors, though. A few weeks ago I got a wild hair to try fresh peaches with cocoa. Don't. Those two flavers do not go together well.:eek:

But watermellon and oranges go really well with almond milk!

06-11-2007, 10:12 AM
years ago when I was actually trying to gain weight I bought Joe Weider's Weight Gain Formula-chocolate. Mixed with 16oz milk-this concoction went right to my colon. I discovered I was lactose intolerant-not good.
How can you do forced reps if you are holding back the runs?:eek:
So I decided to mix it with juice instead. So I'm thnkin..what tastes good with chocolate? Cherries! Yeah, cherries. So I mixed it with Cherry Juicy Juice one morning before work, drank it down, jumped in the shower, got dressed and no sooner did I turn the knob on my front door, when my stomach felt like a roller coaster. It halted me right in my tracks, and I ran(well,if you can imagine running in yee ji kim yeung ma)right to the bathroom.
I have to admit...there was a faint hint of chocolate and cherry in the air....

Weider is mostly milk protien-never, never again.

06-11-2007, 11:30 AM
...How can you do forced reps if you are holding back the runs?:eek:...
Definantly a new definition of "forced" rips, I meen reps.:D

06-12-2007, 05:28 AM
Almond milk turns out to be really good, but much more expensive then any kind of milk. Cant find any frozen cherries.


06-12-2007, 06:40 AM
Almond milk turns out to be really good, but much more expensive then any kind of milk. Cant find any frozen cherries.

My mom is comming up this week end. I think I'm going to ask her to show me how to make almond milk from scratch. She said it tastes fresher than the store bought kind and is much cheeper dollor wise, but very time consuming.

Do you have a Super Target in your area? The best place for frozen fuit variety is Super Target in my experiance. I even foud frozen water mellon and frozen papiya there.:cool:

and papiya is fantastic in a smoothie, but not if you add dairy milk.

06-12-2007, 07:03 AM
mango lassie-mango mixed with youghurt

The Willow Sword
06-12-2007, 09:33 AM

To make Almond Milk from scratch you need RAW almonds(alot of them) and you soak them in distilled water in the refridgerator over night(this allows the almonds to soak in the water and become more easily digestable in the system.
You then take the soaked almonds and drain off the water and add the almonds to a blender and you puree them until they liquify(you can add a little water to the mixture if they get too pastey. You THEN strain off the dreggs with either cheese cloth or some filter that will allow the liquid to seperate from the almond dreggs. add some vanilla extract to the liquid and some honey or whatever sweetener you wish to use and Viola!! you have almond milk. Now you CAN use the almond dreggs as well for the extra fiber but you may need to really puree the hell out of them, say like if you have a vitamix or something like that.


06-12-2007, 09:58 AM

To make Almond Milk from scratch you need RAW almonds(alot of them) and you soak them in distilled water in the refridgerator over night(this allows the almonds to soak in the water and become more easily digestable in the system.
You then take the soaked almonds and drain off the water and add the almonds to a blender and you puree them until they liquify(you can add a little water to the mixture if they get too pastey. You THEN strain off the dreggs with either cheese cloth or some filter that will allow the liquid to seperate from the almond dreggs. add some vanilla extract to the liquid and some honey or whatever sweetener you wish to use and Viola!! you have almond milk. Now you CAN use the almond dreggs as well for the extra fiber but you may need to really puree the hell out of them, say like if you have a vitamix or something like that.

Cool. That doesn't soud all that time consuming, either. I spend more effort than that growing my own sprouts, due to all the draining and rotating...

06-13-2007, 01:06 PM
Where they got the idea that women never need more than 1,800 cal/day is beyond me. I don't count total cal/day only per "meal" with an eye on keeping the meal 42% protein, 42% carbs, and 15% healthy fats. I let my body tell me how many meals it needs. And I get the best results, performance wise, if the meals are 200-300 cal/ea. I know I'm dead on when I'm never actually full and I need a meal every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. As said before, I also keep a smoothie at hand to sip on all day so my blood sugar levels are constant.

What about you guys? Have you ever played with meal size/content to see if it impacted your performance?