View Full Version : My meditating

07-02-2007, 03:41 PM
I'm not sure what qigong is, but I've been meditating for some time now, and a few months ago I got really deep into it and I saw colors beneath my eyelids, specifically blue and green. From then, I managed to find a sensation I get in my chest and I can see the colors at any time. Green easiest, and then with concentration, blue. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this. My friend, who got me into MA, says it has to do chakras, energy points of your body (or something like that). I'm fifteen and I've taken a liking to Monkey style kung fu and Drunken Monkey style.

07-09-2007, 09:21 PM
have u been meditating correctly? u probably have a strong chi.

07-09-2007, 10:06 PM
Strong with the force, is he.

It's probably synesthesia.

07-10-2007, 09:07 AM
I've never had any teachers in meditating. I just did it how it felt right. I've found that I can send energy to any part of my body by getting the feeling (it's right in the middle of my ribcage at the bottom) and then, I don't know how to describe it, moving it into the area.

Whenever I get tired or lazy I close my eyes and spread it generally and I can get moving easier.

I just thought someone would know about this since it was kung fu forum where hopefully someone else had experienced something like it.

07-10-2007, 04:39 PM
To me, the feeling can be described as rushing water running through my body parts.

Edit: The colors seen could be caused by anything. Try seeing them again and when you do command in your mind that the energy being seen tells you what it is and what it means, so you can understand what's going on. After that, see what happens. Other images, sounds, smells? And go from there.

07-11-2007, 06:29 AM
That seems like a good description. It feels as if energy is flowing through your body.
I tried it last night and I don't know what it was, chemical imbalance or what, but I was having trouble seeing the colors. I did manage it for a little bit, but my eyes stung, probably because I needed to sleep. When I do see the colors, I usually get a sense of calm and I can think things through easier. Occasionally, when I get really deep into it, I see this female face. I don't know what that's about.

07-12-2007, 08:21 AM
Old emotions are leaving while you are meditating. This is good.

07-12-2007, 07:55 PM
Ask who she is the next time you see her.

Scott R. Brown
07-13-2007, 12:44 AM
Hi Daniel09,

What is your purpose or goal for meditating?

Many spiritual masters, it does depend upon the tradition, discourage getting too caught up in these kinds of effects. They can become a distraction for those who are seeking spiritual goals. That is not to say you can't explore them or enjoy them. However, they tend to lead the individual into other directions and create obstacles that will later have to be overcome.

07-13-2007, 07:38 AM
But, what is spiritual ascension without overcoming obsticles? :p ;) :p

07-13-2007, 10:43 AM
My goal in meditating? I don't really have a goal. I just do it to clear my mind and sometimes get some extra energy to get started in the morning.

I suppose I don't really have a reason for doing it. I just do it because it's helps, and without it I probably would have broken down from stress at school. When I meditate I see all the possibilities I didn't before and I am able to determine the best action to take in order to better myself. After that it's just a matter of implementing those ideas. Like right now I'm trying to avoid eating foods with processed sugar in them. I've had it all my life, so my mind has built a dependancy on it. While meditating I feel in complete control over my mind and I can alter dependancies.

Scott R. Brown
07-13-2007, 04:02 PM
But, what is spiritual ascension without overcoming obsticles? :p ;) :p

Hi RonH,

What is life without obstacles to overcome. ;)

Since obstacles originate within the mind they are inherently non-existent. We create them and then overcome them. Life is a cabaret old chum......... er uh......i mean, life is a game!!!

Hi Daniel09,

Overcoming dependencies is a worthwhile goal. I would just enjoy the process then and have fun with the effects for the time being. Try to avoid an emotional or ego attachment to them. That does not mean you cannot pursue the effects, but do not allow them to rule you.

The manipulation of colors is a common shamanic practice, but in the end it is merely a tool or device used and is not necessary to the process. "Not necessary" is not the same as "not valuable", however. Meaning and value occur individually. What has value and has meaning to you may not matter at all to others, yet this does not de-value your experiences for you.

07-13-2007, 04:18 PM
Life was made by Parker Brothers, wasn't it? :p

07-13-2007, 05:56 PM
Even though I am only 15, I have experienced many things and understand what you are talking about. I think the colors serve as a tool my mind uses to stay calm, because I get a sense of calm when around the colors blue and green. Although, I do have a scientific mind and I've been wondering about the possibility of the colors relating to the pigments of my eyes, what with light harboring in the pupils.

08-04-2007, 02:11 AM
I have not been to this forum for a long time.

Seeing colour is a good sign for medication which is the result of energy created reflected as light.

If you reply here., I would explain more as I am busy.



08-04-2007, 09:52 AM
I've been reading up on things like this. It all seems to be related to inner energy manifesting itself, but I am still open to other ideas, being at such an impressionable age.

08-04-2007, 02:19 PM
Hi, Daniel

I learnt qigong when I was 14 from Chinese qigong books, but not doing it consistently due to no guidance from any teacher. I am now learning from a Sifu for 10 years and understand some basic principle from experience. You are 15 and is the best time to practice as young people can easily achieve the goal of qigong, the Golden Elixir.

I see light when I am in a state of calmness, a tranquillity where I enjoy the peacefulness and quietness in my mind.

I see purple light which comes and go only when my mind is calm. Every one see different colour of light depending on your level of qi energy. The final goal is to reach the golden light. Each light will lead you to your final goal. My Sifu saw purple light at the beginning which lead him into qi healer now.

The result of qi cultivation would lead you to strong qi which is energy or E=MC2.
The energy manifested will give you the sensation of light which can be of any colour depending on the frequency of the qi energy generated in your Dan Tien.

Light is a good sign, so keep meditating.

Light is one of many sensation besides vibration, heat etc.

Meditation is to cultivate qi in your Dan Tien until you can feel strongly of the qi. That is a basic level of meditation.

Briefly tell me what type of qigong you are practicing and how long and frequency of practicing it.

I will share my understanding of qigong. So, ask if you do not understand any point. Also learn Tai Chi if you have time.



08-04-2007, 02:39 PM
I don't know anything about qigong, I just meditated for a half hour and started seeing the colors green and blue. Since then I've been able to see the colors even when I'm not meditating.

08-04-2007, 02:52 PM
I'm not sure what qigong is, but I've been meditating for some time now, and a few months ago I got really deep into it and I saw colors beneath my eyelids, specifically blue and green. From then, I managed to find a sensation I get in my chest and I can see the colors at any time. Green easiest, and then with concentration, blue. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this. My friend, who got me into MA, says it has to do chakras, energy points of your body (or something like that). I'm fifteen and I've taken a liking to Monkey style kung fu and Drunken Monkey style.

You'd better write a will.

08-04-2007, 02:56 PM
I'm not sure what qigong is, but I've been meditating for some time now, and a few months ago I got really deep into it and I saw colors beneath my eyelids, specifically blue and green. From then, I managed to find a sensation I get in my chest and I can see the colors at any time. Green easiest, and then with concentration, blue. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this. My friend, who got me into MA, says it has to do chakras, energy points of your body (or something like that). I'm fifteen and I've taken a liking to Monkey style kung fu and Drunken Monkey style.

It sounds like you'd better write a will.

08-04-2007, 03:04 PM
Why do you say that?

08-04-2007, 07:06 PM
Just kidding.

08-05-2007, 12:32 AM

I couldn,t help you on this as I don,t understand why you see colour when you are not meditating.

BTW, how do you meditate?



08-05-2007, 08:11 AM
I just concentrate and pull energy from my chest. Then I see the colors. When I meditate, I just close my eyes and empty my mind of all thought. The colors become quite vivid during meditation. Then, after a while, I might start to see something different. Once, I saw the color purple, and a couple of times, a face.

08-05-2007, 08:55 AM
Hi, Danial

That is normal to see light or faces or other strange images you never saw before during meditation. My Sifu and other students and me saw several strange images. Once I saw an old script of letters I never seen before. Those phenomenon is normal as meditation activate your mind so one tiny part of your brain cells is linking to the other part of the brain cells bringing back some memories of your past or of your ancestor(s).

Our brain is only being used for 3 to 5 %. Meditation will increase it to a percent or more depending on your level of meditation. Keep meditating as you will be more clear in all your daily undertaking ie more clever.

The colour will change depending on the strength of the energy (frequency) level you created during meditation. After all, different colour has different spectrum and will be shown as colour during meditation.



08-07-2007, 10:00 AM
I've never had any teachers in meditating. I just did it how it felt right. I've found that I can send energy to any part of my body by getting the feeling (it's right in the middle of my ribcage at the bottom) and then, I don't know how to describe it, moving it into the area.

Whenever I get tired or lazy I close my eyes and spread it generally and I can get moving easier.

I just thought someone would know about this since it was kung fu forum where hopefully someone else had experienced something like it.

It not good idea tolearn self meditation.There are lot of classes to guide you.self meditation might lead to some miserable effect.

08-07-2007, 10:47 AM
I haven't noticed any issues and I've been doing it for quite some time now. I feel better and think clearer about everything. Maybe one day I'll start taking kung fu classes, but it will have to wait till I'm out of school.

08-07-2007, 11:35 AM
I haven't noticed any issues and I've been doing it for quite some time now. I feel better and think clearer about everything. Maybe one day I'll start taking kung fu classes, but it will have to wait till I'm out of school.

If you are really in to meditation, maybe start of with some Qi Gong...

08-07-2007, 12:14 PM
There's that Qi Gong again. What is it and how do I do it? I haven't been able to find any books about it at the library here.

The Xia
08-07-2007, 12:23 PM
My advice, get a qualified sifu to teach you.

08-07-2007, 12:28 PM
You don't understand. My father's the kind that would think of it as a waste of money to do anything like this. I mean, I could convince him to, but it leaves me with a bad conscience knowing that I'm using the family's scarce money for my own benefit. I just can't bring myself to do it.

The Xia
08-07-2007, 01:04 PM
I still stand by my advice. If you want to learn Kung Fu and Qigong, I recommend getting a qualified sifu. If price is an issue, maybe you can look around and try to find something you can afford. Talk to teachers and see if you can work out some deals. Check out places like YMCAs, community centers, etc. Also see if there is anyone in parks. Remember to ask around. And last but not least, do your research to protect yourself from getting ripped off! :)

08-07-2007, 01:40 PM
Hi, Daniel

Doing still qigong is simple and easy.

Sit cross legs with both bottom of the feet facing up. If that is hard, sit cross legs with one leg over the other.

Breath slowly towards your belly button, exhale slowly out without any force. Relax yourself all the time. Make sure your shoulder is not stress.

As you can see colour of light, you have reached the state of calmness. Keep that state all the time and keep seeing the light. Keep breathing slowly until you can master your breathing using your diaphragm ( between your lungs and intestine) that your tummy is moving more than your lungs. Eventually learn to breath so that you can hardly hear your own breathing and each breath last about 15 seconds. Eventually your tummy hardly move at all. That is embryonic breathing.

You will feel a strong energy ( qi) gathered inside your belly button. Keep meditating until that qi lasts longer and longer even after stopping meditation. That qi may linger from a hour to a day or more. Keep harvesting that qi until your reach the basic state of qigong meditation. That qi would eventually move down your genital and up your spine towards your head and back toward your belly button. You may need guidance at that time. That is called micro cosmic orbit or small circle or Shao Chou tian. By then, your immunisation would be very strong that you would not fall ill again easily.

I haven't been sick a day for the last 10 years working sometimes under the rain and at all weather.

It may take up to a life time to reach that state, but at your age and seeing green/blue light now, you can probably achieve it in less than 2 year with some guidance.

Then you can go on doing a second state of meditation. You may then grow up working with the ability to support yourself in finding a good Sifu. There are a few states to go yet.

Have faith in yourself. Qigong is not a mystery. There are many dynamic qigong which is difficult to learn. Learn this simple sitting meditation which is simple and easy to achieve good health without paying money to so called Master. It is easy to reach basic state, but difficult to achieve a higher state.

But bear in mind that you also need physical exercise to balance the still qigong meditation to strengthen your muscles and your heart. However, aerobic exercise will eventually wear down your cartilages of your jounts. TaiChi is the best, but you must find a good teacher which is difficult. Learn Chinese so that you can understand the origin books written by authentic master.



08-07-2007, 01:48 PM
Thanks a lot. I guess I need guidance then, since I haven't been sick in ages (since I started seeing the colors). I'll try and find a teacher in my area.

08-07-2007, 02:23 PM
My advice, get a qualified sifu to teach you.

i seriously second that.

I personally had a VERY bad experience with qi gong trying to experiment on my own.

I tried to work something more advanced and actually made my heart either stop momentarily or skip a beat. it scared the living daylights out of me and i decided that moment some things just need teachers.

08-07-2007, 02:59 PM
I think I did something like that a few months ago when I was first seriously meditating, and since I didn't know anything about qigong and hardly anything about meditating, I didn't take it as something to worry about, just to slow down a bit and take it from the beginning again.

I had a good session about an hour ago. Very nice feeling to have considering how long it's been since I last meditated. Hopefully I'll find a teacher. I have a feeling I'll stumble upon one soon.

Scott R. Brown
08-07-2007, 03:17 PM
For a contrasting view:

I have meditated and practice Chi Kung exercises without any instruction or guidance for over 35 years. I am extremely independent and personally averse to instruction when not necessary. While instruction may be a benefit it also creates structures that must be transcended eventually. (Of course structures are created by an independent meditator as well.) Just because something is beneficial does not make it necessary.

Try not to let the fear mongering here scare you. There is nothing really to fear for most people. To not get caught up in the effects is the key. That is, avoid emotional clinging. Effects are fascinating, interesting and sometimes beneficial, but they are inherently empty experiences.

Fear comes from the unknown. The experiences cited by those here scared them because they didn't understand them. A slow and sure approach is of more benefit than a fast and furious one. Think of it as slowly getting into a hot bath tub so your body will acclimate to the temperature as opposed to jumping right in and experiencing unpleasant effects. Another metaphor is moving to a new country with different cultural rules than you are accustomed too. First you must observe the social rules to become aware of what is considered appropriate behavior and what is considered inappropriate behavior. The mind is a landscape with rules. It merely takes caution, practice and experience to learn to navigate the mind effectively, but first must learn how your mind functions and how to use it according to the inner rules of the inner environment.

For now it is more beneficial use your reason and analysis skills when evaluating your experiences and the effects that occur. Eventually, as you become more familiar with the landscape of your mind, rational analysis will be tempered and experiences will occur differently that you can now imagine.

There is no reason to fear independent practice, but as with all activities, be smart, don't overdo it, and look before you leap.

08-07-2007, 04:03 PM
But of course.

Nay be the man who stumbles for he ran before he could walk.

The Xia
08-07-2007, 04:05 PM
Without proper instruction, how is he supposed to do qigong correctly? What's stopping him from hurting himself? Maybe you call what PangQuan described happening to himself as "fear mongering," but it's actually mild compared to some of the stuff I've heard.

The Xia
08-07-2007, 04:26 PM
From this thread,

Here is a post from Gene,

Well, beyond misfired hard qigong stuff (and I've seen more than my share of injuries there) the negative effects of qigong, or I should say bad qigong practice, are more subtle. I firmly beleive that qigong can affect people's minds negatively - it can bring stuff to the surface that is hard to process, and those issues can easily make people lose their minds. Now, that being said, I've not seen anyone go stark raving mad, but I've seen more than my share of egotist - in fact, egomania is the most common pitfall - and I do have a fine collection of bizarre letters, even a few manifestos, from various qigong practitioners that are somewhat unstable. I would like to think that the qigong just brought out some instability that was already there instead of thinking that it actually caused mental problems. I think this is where it's important to get a good teacher who can guide you through such obstacles. Of course, how to you know that the teacher isn't nuts too? That is the source of most cults, in my mind.
TenTigers adds,

Jow Faw Yup Moor-ask someone who -one-is Chinese, two-is also adept at ch'i-gung, and you might have your answer. Basically what Gene said is true, and it can get to much deeper levels. Ch'i Gung has become so popular that people think that they can read a book, and now they have an understanding of it.

Scott R. Brown
08-07-2007, 04:39 PM
Hi The Xia,

Well “fear mongering” was not the correct term to use; I was pressed for time and couldn’t find the term I wanted, but “fear mongering” gets across the general idea I was looking for.

I am sure we have all “heard stories”. I have never experienced any truly ill effects nor have I met anyone who has experienced ill effects that could not be reasonably explained and dealt with using simple reasoning skills. The ill effects that I have heard about directly from the persons with the experience have all occurred according to the structure or method they followed. That is, the effects are defined by the method and do not necessarily reflect true ill effects. The method followed influences and defines the effects and whether they are considered ill effects or beneficial effects. Ill effects are defined by ignorance (lack of understanding what is actually occurring), fear, and foolishness and are all inherently empty. The meaning they have is the meaning you give them.

The dangers of Chi Kung are over-rated as well. There is no inherent danger as long as one uses reason and progresses in a measured manner. There is nothing wrong with reading a number of books on Chi Kung to get the general outline. Learning is mostly accomplished by doing. Instruction helps us to avoid mistakes, and tends to increase the learning curve, but it is also attended by structures (methods) that tend to confine (define) personal experiences that may be of value, but do not fall within the defining structure of the method one is studying.

If there was only one way to do anything there would not be so many views, schools and methods. A method is merely a tool used to assist us in accomplishing a specific purpose. In the end the highest practice is to transcend the methods. Method leads to No-Method! If some develop their own method, good for them. Their experiences and knowledge is not necessarily less valid and in many cases they provide insights that may transcend the confines (definitions) of established methods.

As with most things advice and instruction are beneficial, but not necessary!

08-07-2007, 04:50 PM
I understand that there may be serious ill effects. I will find a teacher in time, that is certain. But for now I must go solo. I was merely agreeing with scott that going slow is the best way most times.

Scott R. Brown
08-07-2007, 04:56 PM
Hi The Xia,

Gene’s comments are somewhat accurate.

There is inherent instability in many people and this is the cause of the ill effects, not the actual practice. The megalomania would likely occur with these individuals under any circumstance in which they interpret themselves as “special” or “gifted” beyond the abilities of others. These effects are created by feelings of insignificance by the individual and NOT the Chi Kung or the meditation practice.

Fantasy is the stabilizing factor in the mind’s of these types of people. Some people develop their megalomaniac behaviors through the study of the MA and then consider themselves Intergalactic Grand-Masters. The problem with these people is the same as with those who create any kind of cult following, that is feelings of insignificance that are over compensated for by feelings of grandiosity. We do not blame the MA for the imbalance of these people, we blame the individual’s instability. Just so, there is no reason to blame meditation or Chi Kung exercises for the personal issues of individuals. Sometimes the instability is brought out by the MA, sometimes Chi Kung, sometimes they are bosses at work, or any other reason.

Further, the inability to express or explain ones personal experiences does not make the experience without meaning. It is inherently difficult to accurately and effectively express the inexpressible. It takes a lot of practice and the linear expression will always be inadequate.

08-08-2007, 01:13 PM

There is no mystery to do still qigong. Be confident and let nature do its own course. As Scott said, "don't rush".

There is so many so called qigong masters who would siphon your money away. They are no doubt good but money to them may be more important. I have spent thousands of dollars and benefit a fair amount. In the end, I prefer my still sitting qigong which I self learnt it when I was 14.

Daniel, don’t waste your money until you can find a good teacher which is rare and difficult.

Do your meditation but learn to prolong your breathing NATURALLY using your diaphragm to drawn air into your tummy. It is that simple. Eventually, you can master doing 4 breaths a minute.

Learn to bring your mind, your thought, your hearing and your sensation deep inside your tummy (Dan Tian). Meditation brings you tranquillity which is beautiful and peaceful. I can meditate at that state for 2 hrs forgetting any hunger and time.

When you have problem or in doubt, ask any one here for second opinion although some one may disagree with others.

Self learning is ok.



08-08-2007, 07:04 PM
I always find it neat when a half hour's passed and I remember nothing but blissful silence. Thanks for all your help guys, I was kinda confused for a bit, but now I've got my mind made up. What my decisions are, I will keep to myself. I'd prefer not to get caught in a 'tug of war' of opinions.

Scott R. Brown
08-08-2007, 11:59 PM
Thanks for all your help guys, I was kinda confused for a bit, but now I've got my mind made up. What my decisions are, I will keep to myself. I'd prefer not to get caught in a 'tug of war' of opinions.

Good thinking! ;)

08-10-2007, 06:52 AM
I've been doing basic 3 circle qigong for about 6 months now and in recent weeks i have been experiencing what can only be described as energy, flowing through my body, surrounding me and sort of like nice feeling waves through my head. Afterwards i feel warm and relaxed. The colours your seeing could be a manifestation of energy. I am only a beginner at qigong but its descibed as energy work and that whai i'm experiencing, i suppose this energy (Qi) can be used to fight or heal if learnt how to channel or manipulate it. at the momemt i'm simply feeling it and that it exists but a long journey strarts with just one steo hey!!!

08-10-2007, 06:22 PM
I can use my qi to fight better, but I really need to strengthen my hand bones and such because I can't punch very hard without hurting my hand, though I am getting better.

Over this past week I've been having problems with me right shoulder. Every time I use it for punching or just moving fast, I get a sharp pain in the shoulder area. It's not related to qigong, but it is something I've noticed and would like suggestions. I've just been simply trying to lower my usage of that arm.

08-11-2007, 02:58 PM
If your locking your arm out at the shoulder during practicing right hand punching then this is the cause. A lot of arts punch/kick into air and e.g karate people who lock out side kicks in air have terrible knee problems, you need to be hitting something for total lock out power techniques. I'm having the same problem funny enough because i'm practicing a style which primarly uses right hand for attack and left to block.

Hope this helps

P.S I've heard of wing chun people having problems with elbows due to where they lock their punch out at!!!

09-05-2007, 04:07 PM
what you described is called 'inner light meditation'. It is linked to the 6th Chakra (aka third eye) located just between your brow and colours and sensations are energy moving to and from that particular Chakra. The sensation in the chest would be energy moving to and from the heart Chakra. I believe blue/indigo/green colours would be the most prominent because that is actually the colours related to the particular chakras you are feeling/using.

Green - heart
Blue - throat
Indigo - third eye

warm regards


09-05-2007, 05:45 PM
"P.S I've heard of wing chun people having problems with elbows due to where they lock their punch out at!!!"

Could be cases of poor wing chun instruction or poor execution. With proper instruction, practice and execution one can punch straight without elbow or shoulder problems.

joy chaudhuri

09-05-2007, 07:59 PM
Well the shoulder stuff is gone. It was just a bruise in the muscle. And monkeyfoot, that's what my friend told me. I just can't really get solid answers out of him anymore. I think he has a superiority complex. If someone does something better than him he tends to ignore it.

I've been trying to focus the energy recently. Make it more compact, so it's not always escaping and causing health issues. So far it appears to be working, but only time will tell. I wonder what death will be like. Guess I'll have to wait a while for that. A long while.

09-12-2007, 03:29 PM
Well I found out that I haven't been seeing green at all. The yellow light outside my eyelids is mixing with the blue I'm seeing. I made sure by covering my eyes when I saw green. It became blue.

So I'm only seeing blue. Fancy that.

09-17-2007, 02:44 AM
Well, I've been seeing that face more often when I meditate. It seems each time it becomes more and more defined. Now I see eyes, nose, mouth, and chin. There doesn't appear to be any hair on the head of the one I see and it is still only the face.

09-25-2007, 04:15 PM
hello my alias is giggity.
ive been doing simple breathing and chakra meditation. but i practice samadhi/vipasanna meditation every night. altho i cant perform the full locus or the half locus, i attempt to sit in standard indian style while meditating. also laying down before i go to sleep.

i had an strange experience a while back that i just want to tell u guys about, since i read the first few posts in this thread.
one night i was in my quiet room with the lights out and a couple candles lit. i was meditating while laying on my bed. after doing an hour of my daily meditation, i felt i should try something new that i recently read up about.
begin ur normal meditation, once u have done that, imagine ur meditation as an aura of energy around ur body. begin to concentrate that energy into a ball an inch or two below your navel. i held this state of mind for about 30 minutes.
and then you release the energy throughout ur body; through ur limbs and up to the top of ur head.

and after i did this i began concentrating on my breath again. in a few seconds i remember my mind wandered off and i cought myself on track concentrating on my breath. at that moment, i could feel coursing energy through my limbs and body. it felt the same as when i released that ball earlier. i could just feel it rippling. i felt intensely euphoric, but i could not explain why. i just continued with my meditation, and it seemed to grow stronger and then it just absorbed into my body. after that i ended my meditation after 45 minutes.

i felt so different. i was a bit happier than normal, energetic, etc. i felt that i should go for a jog but it was night. i didnt feel sleepy one bit, but i told myself i needed the sleep (because i did). that meditation kind of wore me out, in a different sense of exhaustion.
even tho i felt so energetic and did not want to go to sleep. i fell asleep fine that night, i layed comfortably in my bed and dozed off. usually when im energetic i wont sleep and ill keep kicking and moving. but not after this particular meditation. i was truely dumbfounded by that experience.

but it was nothing truely. it came and went, and i embraced the moment in the time being. but when it left i was happy. i was happy nonetheless that night before i went to sleep.

10-12-2007, 01:19 AM
It's amazing, because I know exactly what you felt. It is a wonderful feeling.

But I was wondering, what are the samadhi/vipasanna meditations and what are the full/half locus?

10-12-2007, 06:07 AM
It's amazing, because I know exactly what you felt. It is a wonderful feeling.

But I was wondering, what are the samadhi/vipasanna meditations and what are the full/half locus?

wow nice, i half-expected and was fully-anticipating somebody to say they understood my experience. im not sure if this was even a qigong meditation tho. if i were to describe it from my own knowledge, i would say it reminded me of chakra.

samadhi and vipasanna meditation are different branches off of buddhist meditation. samadhi involves concentration of the mind (one-pointedness of the mind). vipasanna is similar to samadhi in that the meditator uses the minds conciousness as the object of meditation. i guess u could say vipasanna is the concentration of the minds conciousness. something like that.

10-12-2007, 06:00 PM
Oh ok, I just clear my mind of thought and drift in my own mind until I feel as if I'm out of my mind. Then I just kinda float there in my tranquility until the colors make my head hurt. By that time I feel like I'm done and become energized, healthy, and down-right optimistic. Which reminds me, I'm a bit overdue for my next serious meditation. This cold has been bothering me ever since I used meditation to break the fever and feel better for a day.

See you in a while!

10-13-2007, 04:57 AM

There is an important distinction between "meditating" and.. intending, energy work, and/or ritual.. "meditation" utilizes a stilled mind, you get out of your own way and let Life reveal itself.. in combat, the stilled mind interacts with the situation, in real-time.. your training and discipline mutually arise with the demands of the situation, otherwise.. without the stilled mind, you are reacting and playing catch-up..

The vast majority of "meditations" are intentions, energy-work, rituals, etc.. requiring mental presence and engaging the mind.. creating distance between the experiencer and the experience..

Be well..

10-17-2007, 03:22 PM
to Daniel, how long do u normally meditate for?
i started out with 10 minute intervals, but as time went on i found myself going on longer without even noticing

for me i try to be in a quiet area. i close my eyes and listen to the silence, and then i listen to my breathing. listening and concentrating on my breath untill i feel relaxed throughout my limbs. not concentrating hard, just taking notice of it. as well as being aware of any other sounds around me.

its hard to explain it. but thats about it for me

10-17-2007, 07:44 PM
My house is generally very active, but when I do meditate, I tend to spend a half an hour to 2 hours meditating. After that my muscles feel weak and flimsy from being unused, but I feel renewed and energetic.