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View Full Version : Where do you report suspicious terrorist activity?

07-09-2007, 04:09 AM
I have a suspicion that I’m either being scammed by some 419 scamster, or I it might be an attempt from a group to try obtain visas to travel around in a possible terror plan.

I might be completely off, but in todays world, I’d rather be safe than sorry.

I got a letter from group who wants to come down to our place for a training camp. I did all the planning, and even spoken to the people on the phone. Today I received a letter which instruct me to prepare invite documents for VISA applications. Few things that were suspicious about it, so I think I’d rather contact someone who does care to help.

Btw – South African Police cant (or wont) help me as no crime has happened yet, and frankly, I think it might just be a little to much work for them.

Ben Gash
07-09-2007, 04:10 AM
Contact your immigration service.

07-09-2007, 04:25 AM
T I A :) (this is africa)

It seems that reporting posible terrorist activity isnt much of a priority amonst South African law enforcement. Called immigration but they didnt seem very phased about my query.

07-09-2007, 04:30 AM
I have a suspicion that I’m either being scammed by some 419 scamster, or I it might be an attempt from a group to try obtain visas to travel around in a possible terror plan.

I might be completely off, but in todays world, I’d rather be safe than sorry.

I got a letter from group who wants to come down to our place for a training camp. I did all the planning, and even spoken to the people on the phone. Today I received a letter which instruct me to prepare invite documents for VISA applications. Few things that were suspicious about it, so I think I’d rather contact someone who does care to help.

Btw – South African Police cant (or wont) help me as no crime has happened yet, and frankly, I think it might just be a little to much work for them.

https://tips.fbi.gov/ This gets routed to a local FBI office.

Immigration is at the bottom of the totem pole. FBI takes the lead makes appropriate hand offs.

07-09-2007, 04:55 AM
I'd say try reporting it to Interpol, but I honestly don't know which countries they "do business" in.

07-09-2007, 05:04 AM
phoned 4 different immigration offices in SA, and while they all agree with me that this letter seems suspicious, non of them seem to be willing to help. As one said to me, all I can do is report the passport numbers to the various airports and tell them to investigate the people upon arrival. :mad:

07-09-2007, 06:28 AM
OH crap, I just realized you are in Africa.

Reading is comprehension.

07-09-2007, 07:04 AM
well I did fill out that online form and emailed them about my suspicion. It has an option for international threats. there are americans living down here (not many tho) so Im sure they'll act if they think its needed. :cool:

07-09-2007, 07:34 AM
consider the fact that you will be implicated if there is any suspicion. They will crawl under everything you own and your own personal freedom will always be in jeopardy. You will be on "the list."My advice to you is to not teach them. period. Might ruffle a few feathers, but you need to weigh the outcome. It's just not worth it.
I was approached by a guy who represents "interested parties" who fund Isreali anti-terrorist group. He offered to pay for me to fly to Isreal and train their group. Well, Isreal has their own anti-terrorist group-Masaad. The country funds their soldiers, and they certainly don't need someone from theUS to train their people. This means that this group were mercs. and I would be actually training terrorists in the eyes of the government-both Isreali and ours. I refused.

07-09-2007, 07:40 AM

I agree with TenTigers.

I am also on board with contacting Interpol.


07-09-2007, 07:41 AM
you need to see the reality of teaching a group, which may give you some fast cash-which is temporay,
and the repercussions which may last a lifetime.

07-09-2007, 08:12 AM
Heres what happened:

I was first contacted by this group in January regarding a training camp in our country. We responded positively, although I reminded myself it could be one of those Nigerian 419 scams. Played it safe, but it was while Sifu Chow was here, and he thought it might have been a good idea to see how it goes. Few emails and a few months later, they accepted our proposal (though Sifu Chow is no longer here), and asked me to send them formal invites for visa applications.

Did a search on some of the names, and got the exact same letter as posted on some other school site. Word by word the same, just changing country names obviously and without the ‘champion ship” in SA part.


I wrote a detailed report and attached all my emails and mailed it to a few different departments. No one in my country seems interested to take action, but I just received a seemingly positive reply from the FBI site someone listed here.

Last thing I want is to get ‘famous’ for assisting some kind of terror group to enter our country and blow up something …. Actually, we are doing fine blowing up things ourselves so we don’t need Osama Bin Laden for that ;) .

David Jamieson
07-10-2007, 03:07 PM
You should report it right here for all the good it will do.

the war on terror is a scam anyway. designed to filter off huge amounts of money into the pockets of the few.

something like the war on drugs.

there should be a war on poor education...

07-10-2007, 03:22 PM
"there should be a war on poor education..."
if there were, I'd be suffering from PTSD:p

07-10-2007, 05:00 PM
It is pretty common to need a notorized letter from one's host in the country one is visiting to get a visa.

Black Jack II
07-10-2007, 05:09 PM
the war on terror is a scam anyway. designed to filter off huge amounts of money into the pockets of the few.


Hang on, a bunch of black helicopters just flew over my house chasing a damaged ufo which looks about to crash in the woods next to my house.......wait, why are men in black suddenly at my door???

David Jamieson
07-10-2007, 06:54 PM

Hang on, a bunch of black helicopters just flew over my house chasing a damaged ufo which looks about to crash in the woods next to my house.......wait, why are men in black suddenly at my door???

Because the pope says if you ain't catholic, you are a defect.





...and so on. Really, there's not much snow to shovel before you get to the pork barrels....

07-11-2007, 04:48 AM
Last year I travelled to the USA around the time they caught those guys in the UK somewhere that wanted to hijack a plane with liquid something. For some reason, I was explained it was because I had a hectic itinerary, my ticked was marked SSS which meant something like that I am a suspicious traveller. At each airport where I wanted to board my flights, I was taken aside to be searched and interrogated. Although this was a slight inconvenience, I didn’t mind it as I also would want to be on a plain that gets hijacked and flown into some important building.

When I got to JHB International airport, there was actually very little security, and I had no trouble moving through the ports. Even though I carried a Big Lion head with me, I walked through the customs gate without having to declare the lion head.

There was allot of things regarding this email and correspondence which fuels my suspicion, but it seems that no one is actually interested in my story. Seems that, unless they have already done the crime, there is no need to act on suspicious activity.

I guarantee that, lets say I accepted the request and assisted these guys to get visas to our country, and God forbid, they actually commits an act of terror, I’d probably be arrested and punished for not reporting suspicious activity.

Though I really don’t agree with all the politics, I do support national security and safety. Would like it if my child is murdered because of some act of terror.

As it seems that no one else is interested, Im just going to ignore it all, and forget about this. Its just sad to realise that it seems like, if only in SA, criminals still have the upper hand.

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-11-2007, 05:54 AM
No one in my country seems interested to take action, but I just received a seemingly positive reply from the FBI site someone listed here.

You probably shouldn't have contacted the FBI. GWB knows where you are now, and he's likely to send troops in to conquer your school.

You are going to end up on the run, and having to spend the rest of your life hiding in a cave.

07-11-2007, 07:31 AM
hiding in a cave doesnt seem so bad.
Im convinced I saw Osama Bin Laden at the local Oriental Plaza last week. He was selling material and habadashary (sp?)

Funniest thing. My neighbour is a very strong right wing (or is it left? I get confused with which side is which). He still has the old South African flag hoisted on a pole infront of his house. We have special investigations units patroling our street, which is an added benefit because of the security issues here. Because of that flag, I dont have to pay so much for a private security firm. The police watches my neighbour, so I get to share in that too. :)

Geedoubleya is welcome to invade our land. I live right on top of the orange grove, which has the most gold than any other place in the world. Sadder thing... If I had to find gold in my back yard, I cant even own it. It belongs to American and Brittish companies... :eek:

Black Jack II
07-11-2007, 07:47 AM
LOL...keep on trucking with that imagined conspiracy.

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-11-2007, 08:00 AM
Just becasue you are Paranoid, does not mean they are *Not* actually after you!

Dig the Gold in ur back yard, and sell it on E-bay...they will never find out!!!

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-11-2007, 08:04 AM
If I had to find gold in my back yard, I cant even own it. It belongs to American and Brittish companies..

How does that work anyway?

07-11-2007, 09:12 AM
Mineral rights belong to Anglo American. With Diamonds, De Beers control everything. So if its conspiracy theory you want, you could say that the Jews control the whole of Southern Africa.

I live in the West side of Joburg, and this is where all the gold mines are. Im sure if I dig a deep enough hole in the ground (it will take me ages but it probably could be done), I’d gain entry to some of the mine shafts and tunnels which are below our city. ;)

Of course, I wouldn’t even know what real gold looks like, so I’d probably not be very successful as a gold dealer.

The only thing I can dig up to resell on Ebay are AK47’s. We have more than enough of those things buried around here. :eek:

07-11-2007, 12:13 PM
The only thing I can dig up to resell on Ebay are AK47’s. We have more than enough of those things buried around here. :eek:

I'll take 2. Will you have a "Buy it now" option? :D