View Full Version : Mixing Martial arts(Jack of all trades???)

07-13-2007, 01:51 PM
Just want to know what peoples opinions are of learning several martial arts, taking on board what's useful and moving on, or at least trying several to see what suits them. I practiced Wado karate for 11 years and finished training when i got disilluisoned. After a break of about 10 years i started doing Freestyle kung fu (freestyle being not for sport but a condensed practical art). After training for about 18 months, i now feel more confident of my abilities than i ever did whilst training in Wado. This has lead me to think what else is out there. Bruce Lee said that after all that the creating individual is far more imortant than any style. I know that you need a solid foundation but what constitutes a solid foundation?

I figure I'll keep at the freestyle and take up either Bagua or Wing Chun, depending on which one i take to.

Please give me your opinions through your experiences.

Thanks in advance

07-13-2007, 02:04 PM
So, uh WTF is Freestyle kung fu again? Condensed from what? :confused: Kung fu is a catch all phrase for the Chinese martial arts, there is no specific kung fu style.

As for mixing Martial arts, you should always have a style that you invest in, like a major in college or some such. You should continue with that training through out. You can double major, or minor, or take survey courses as you like. But changing styles every year or even every three years isn't going to produce as much.

Who has greater depth of knowledge a PhD or a dude with 5 associates?