View Full Version : kiddies

07-14-2007, 07:46 PM
brutal kiddies (http://youtube.com/watch?v=s_2aFtG5-dg)

awesome fight

David Jamieson
07-14-2007, 08:33 PM
too young.

this is foolishness.

end of story.

07-14-2007, 08:37 PM
You do realize that this is staged right? I have seen worse in school yard scraps:)

07-14-2007, 08:45 PM
Looked staged to me also. But what the hell do I know.

07-14-2007, 09:17 PM
Fake... but they are still badass little guys.

07-14-2007, 09:30 PM
Agreed Knifefighter, but I had to make sure because some people here have issues!!:)

too young.

this is foolishness.

end of story.

as you can see.......

David Jamieson
07-15-2007, 05:16 AM
Agreed Knifefighter, but I had to make sure because some people here have issues!!:)

as you can see.......

the only issues i see are with people who think it's ok for kittle kids to exhibit or actually fight with intensity as children. I regard people like this as no better than abusers of children who actively fill their clean slate minds with the vicarious wants and desires of themselves.

This is my view point and I really don't care if you agree or not.

as you can see..:rolleyes:

07-15-2007, 06:40 PM
the only issues i see are with people who think it's ok for kittle kids to exhibit or actually fight with intensity as children. I regard people like this as no better than abusers of children who actively fill their clean slate minds with the vicarious wants and desires of themselves.

This is my view point and I really don't care if you agree or not.

as you can see..

First off, are you ignorant? They are doing an exhibiton and they are not even making heavy contact. I have seen kids hit each other harder in no contact tournamants!!!!

Lol I have seen kids just as young in the PAL padded up and boxing. But then since you don't care I am sure your ignorance is bliss :)

ta ta

07-15-2007, 11:57 PM
staged. obvious.very cool, though.:cool:

Golden Spider
07-16-2007, 12:15 AM
I found the display disturbing, rehearsed, or not.

07-16-2007, 12:17 AM
ahh come on DJ. Kids can enjoy fighting just as much as adults do. Whats abusive about that? Cides, whats the difference between allowing kids to play rugby and allowing kids to fight?

my son is 6 years old and he enjoyes full contact fighting just as much as senior students of our school. Living in a rugby mad country, I see very little difference.

07-16-2007, 06:42 AM
Let kids be kids.

True. physically, 6 year old may play soccer, swim, punches, kicks, jumps., elbow etc.

May be wear helmet and avoid head and neck shots.


School yard or back alley kid fight is more rough.

bite, scratches, black eye, bloody nose, bruises--

using sand, rocks, bamboo stick --

over a comic book, a lollipop, a pair of straw sandles?



07-16-2007, 09:44 AM
the only issues i see are with people who think it's ok for kittle kids to exhibit or actually fight with intensity as children. I regard people like this as no better than abusers of children who actively fill their clean slate minds with the vicarious wants and desires of themselves.

This is my view point and I really don't care if you agree or not.

as you can see..:rolleyes:
Interesting point DJ. What would you say about kids as young as 3 or 4 years old playing thier first soccor games or 5 ans 6 year-olds wrestling in thier first turnies?

And back to the tai boxing. There seems to be a mixed thought on kids being allowed to spar at all, but also at what intensity...

I admit, I'm mixed on this one myself. My youngest loves wrestling with a passion. I will likely let him compete if he spacifically asks. But I here horror stories for idiotic parents making ther 7-year-old cut weight so they can keep competing agains yonger kids. A year or two make little difference at high school levels and none at all at colligate. But grade school kids?

My oldest son has no interest in hurting anyone and he's 11, so I might be inclined to let him compete in KF point sparring. But I am glad he has no real interest in MMA. I'd hate to have to refuse him one type of cometition but not deny his little brother something that seems similar.

I guess what I'm saying is that that "match" was more of a travisty because of the spectical they made of the kids than because they were allowed to do a full mock-up exebition match.

07-16-2007, 09:50 AM
there was a uproar about kiddie fighting San Shou in Hong Kong a few years back.

now it is dead in the water.


07-16-2007, 10:57 AM
Im trying to have a kiddies san shou event included at our SAWF san shou events. We had Kiddies fighting in the Kuoshu events, no reason they shouldnt do san shou.

As long as we follow the rules (change it for kids maybe), and keep safety first, I see no problem with it. Most of my generation grew up in such a culture, and there are nothing wrong with us ;)

David Jamieson
07-16-2007, 03:09 PM
It's a no brainer.

when we are young our bones and flesh are developing. risking serious injury can impede this natural development and cause deformation of problems later in life.

Each of us does not have a completed and fully grown physiology until we are the very least in and around the 18 years mark.

In youngsters sports, there is no hard contact in most rule sets that are sanctioned. This is for the reasons stated above.

I don't have issue at all with telling someone who is subjecting an underdeveloped person to percussive or concussive striking that they are more than a couple of cards short of a deck.

Encouragement of it is less severe, but indicative of an underdeveloped mind.

Are people telling me they are ok with risking the health and well being of their child for their own vicarious desires? then i can only say to that person that they need to seriously reassess and re-evaluate their world view.

there are some wrongs that really are quite black and white.

kids will tussle and fight on their own without any of us stepping in and organizing it.

07-16-2007, 03:35 PM
when i was young several of my ribs recieved serious damage.

this resulted in a deformation during healing which caused excess cartilage to grow where it should not have.

resulting in discomfort as an adult.

Nothing I cant deal with, nothing to worry about, nothing dangerious.

But it can be annoying and bothersome....

boy i wish i had someone around to tell me NOT to do some of the things i did as a child.

07-17-2007, 12:15 AM
You wont break your ribs that easily as a child.
The keyword is controlled.
At the level of primary school rugby in my country, I see very little difference to fighting. Kids recover much faster than adults and they obviously don’t go as hard either.
As a father I understand your concerns, but I really think you’re over reacting a little bit.
That Thaiboxing fight in that video wasn’t that hard either.

golden arhat
07-17-2007, 01:27 AM
at that age
kids can not throw powerful enuf punches to do serious damage
so if they should fight i dont see the problem

07-17-2007, 07:46 AM
Pfffftt.....those kids ain't got nothing on these kids.

07-17-2007, 09:01 AM
not for nothing a few halloweens ago I was going through a "white trash area" near where I live to visit a friend. I made the wrong turn and saw like 12 little buggers dressed like that with paint ball guns. They turned and saw me, their eyes got all big and next thing I new I was running for my life. I didn't know what to do... They were all young maybe 12-14

I felt like I was their border patrol practice. If those would have been real guns I would so be dead. The worse part of it I remeber one kid screaming over and over again 'SHOOT HIM IN THE ASS!!!"