View Full Version : Leopard kung fu-an extinct style?

07-23-2007, 04:43 AM
I'm pasting this in the "shaolin" forum as opposed to an established style because it seems that this would be a fairly open ended question.

Out of the 5 traditional animals of Shaolin(Siu Lum) it seems that the Leopard seems to get very little publicity and I guess my question is:

Is this a separate style in the same mould as other of the 5 animals have their own styles?

As some brief examples would illustrate:
Dragon(ie: GM Yip Wing Hong),

2.White Crane(Master Yang Ywing Ming..sorry I am typing this rather late and from memory..I am not sure where the White Crane lineage has its' genesis from),

3.Tiger(here we have the Black Tiger style, White Tiger style, and others..I suppose in this would be the style of Master Wai "Bill" Hong)

4. Snake(I am not sure if there is a separate snake style all by itself.)

Within this list I suppose I could offer the followiing

Tiger/Crane(erroneously and incorretly referred to as Hung Ga..and I hope Hung Kuen people will excuse me for this oversight..no disrespect intended)

Snake/Crane(Wing Chun??--it seems I have worn out my welcome on the Chun board--so I will just repeat what I have heard/read)

Tiger/Leopard(Bak Mei/Jow Ga??)..I'm sure that I've gotten it wrong somewhere. Sorry.

I've gotten off on a tangent. To reiterate my original question...is there a separate Leopard style and if not...which current styles make use of the leopard sets/tecniques the most in their forms/sets?

I'm aware that CLF uses a good ammount of Leopard but beyond that I am rathern ignorant.

Below is a bit of info I have cut and pasted from www.shaolin.com

"Leopard kung fu

Leopard kung fu began as a southern style that has seen some northern influence in the form of Panther. Leopard is construed as a soft subsystem and is used to develop speed and strength, for it is the fastest of the tiger family. It was developed by Mot, a great choy lay fut practitioner, and was included in tiger because of its different structure and style of attack.

Although the chain and whip are occasionally used in leopard kung fu, the main weapon is the leopard fist. The fist is formed in such a way that it can jab, rake or crush on any surface without alteration, striking soft points in the anatomy and structural weak points. Ribs are a frequent target. The back of the hand is often used in breaking while a variation with the first two fingers extended like chelicerae is used for attacks to the eyes.

Snow leopard, leopard at dawn, leopard bares its claws and Panther are forms seen in tiger. The first is from the Tibetan snow leopard kung fu system and is arbitrarily included. The second utilizes tiger footwork in conjunction with leopard hand techniques. Panther, the highest form in the style, has all of leopard's kicking maneuvers and uses the 3rd leopard form as its foundation."

I find the above to be a bit dubious as per the comment: "Tibetan snow leopard system,etc."

Is there such a system?

Thanks all.



07-23-2007, 07:51 AM
there are schools claiming to teach leopard, but when you really trace it back, it turns out to be made up. Snow Leopard is usually a technique associated with Villari, for what it's worth.

Judge Pen
07-23-2007, 08:35 AM

SD teaches a Golden Leopard. To discuss more, please go to the "Is SD for Real" thread as this is not an atempt to de-rail this thread.

07-23-2007, 11:59 AM
I've learned a Leopard form from a Grand Master in NYC...so it's not really extinct. Just hiding.

Satori Science
07-23-2007, 02:22 PM
Our emphasis in Bak Hsing CLF is almost entirely on leapord and tiger (at least in my family) but we still have a healthy dose of crane, snake and dragon. I would say Leapord is the primary weapon of our school though.

richard sloan
07-24-2007, 12:59 AM
not sure about a cohesive system, but there are still leopard forms at the temple- we have a baby leopard fist at USAST...it's beautiful, and very rich.

Shaolin Wookie
07-25-2007, 08:50 AM

Saw this on Youtube a long time ago. Some kind of modern leopard system.

Sicilian Tofu M
07-25-2007, 06:20 PM
The 5 animals in hung gar tiger,crain,snake,dragon, and leopard. In Ha Say Fu Hung Gar the animal forms are separate, so thay have a leopard form.

Shaolin Wookie
07-28-2007, 06:46 AM
Our emphasis in Bak Hsing CLF is almost entirely on leapord and tiger (at least in my family) but we still have a healthy dose of crane, snake and dragon. I would say Leapord is the primary weapon of our school though.

I know in CLF you use a lot of leopard fist hand-formations as a weapon, but do you really use a lot of leopard style techniques?