View Full Version : History of Tiger Kung Fu

07-24-2007, 12:21 PM
I have been searching online but can not find anything other than the Fu Jow Pai History and The Shantung Black Tiger History. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I just ordered some books that I hope will help me out , but I really need some online sources.. Thanks

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-24-2007, 12:25 PM
I know there are some old tiger sets from the sung dynasty around the Sichuan area. I have the links at home, but not here on my laptop.When i get back tonite, I .will post to some VCDs of the sets/

07-24-2007, 12:29 PM
Thanks . I would love to see them ,but I am not looking for forms . I know a few alrerady . I am just looking for the history of the style.

David Jamieson
07-24-2007, 02:47 PM
Tiger as a model for fighting style is probably one of the oldest.

Steeped in antiquity.

frankly, you aren't gonna find much, especially not on the internet.

Many Asian countries modeled fighting systems after the tiger.

07-24-2007, 06:56 PM
Yes, Tiger was "modeled" after even before the invention of characters or letters or just prehistorical.

As far as a system, I run into a "godly tiger" or Shen Hu Shu. It was said it dated back over 2000 years ago in the warring period.

It is a set of Qin Na and wrestling techniques.




07-26-2007, 05:13 AM
I have been searching online but can not find anything other than the Fu Jow Pai History and The Shantung Black Tiger History. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I just ordered some books that I hope will help me out , but I really need some online sources.. Thanks

There's a tiger style called Huzunquan, or Yongfu Huzun, apart from being known simply as Huquan.

I came upon this info by accident:


It says the style was founded by Li Yuanzhu of Pikou village, Yongfu county, Fujian prov. during Qianlong era of Qing dynasty. :)

07-26-2007, 12:07 PM
There's a tiger style called Huzunquan, or Yongfu Huzun, apart from being known simply as Huquan.

I came upon this info by accident:


It says the style was founded by Li Yuanzhu of Pikou village, Yongfu county, Fujian prov. during Qianlong era of Qing dynasty. :) Link did not work ! thanks anyway.

07-26-2007, 01:23 PM
Link did not work ! thanks anyway.

It does work for me..:confused:

Anyway here's the text (if you read chinese):

中文名称: 虎拳
其他名称: 永福虎尊 虎尊拳
所属民族: 汉族
所属地区: 广东 江西 福建 香港
主题词或关键词: 拳术 武术 虎拳
栏目关键词: 传统体育
Title 虎拳

一种地方拳术,在福州、闽侯、长乐、南平、三明、仙游、莆田等地流传较广,属南拳类,也是一种象形拳。清乾 隆年间,永福县批口村李元珠所创。仿虎之形,取虎之技,融为拳意,创编了虎尊拳(即母拳,指第 一路拳)。

虎拳拳术套路有三战(三箭)四门、猛虎下山、角短、剪手、千字打、猛虎洗爪、虎仔伸腰、仆地虎、太子游城、 关公拉须、关公拖力、日月连环脚、虎形五技拳等,器械套路有笔架叉、狼宪、丈二杖七十二步、齐眉杖等,对练 有双虎跌、两虎相斗、对杖等。虎拳套路短小、简练、紧凑,步型、步法偏小,以三七步为主。手法多用虎爪和拳 掌,手象车轮。习练中注重气的配合,运用丹田之气,以意导气,力随气出,做到形、气、劲、意的完整统一。攻 防上强调手法多变、脚步多移,逢桥断桥,无桥造桥,逢空则补,突出近战短打,防中带攻,明防暗攻,以刚制刚 。同时还主张见力借力,见力化力,硬中见柔,出手真硬,化手真柔。腿法运用谨慎,起脚三分虚,无搭不起脚。 虎拳发劲凶猛。练时吞喉露齿,狮嘴映城目。常发声吐气,阔气催力,震脚助威,以扬其势。突出了刚猛势烈,以 刚制刚的运动特点。

Shaolin Wookie
07-28-2007, 02:13 PM
Yes, Tiger was "modeled" after even before the invention of characters or letters or just prehistorical.

As far as a system, I run into a "godly tiger" or Shen Hu Shu. It was said it dated back over 2000 years ago in the warring period.

It is a set of Qin Na and wrestling techniques.




SPJ, I can't believe you linked to the Holy Tiger maniac.


Shaolin Wookie
07-28-2007, 02:15 PM
"His name is Wimp Lo. We trained him wrong. As a Joke."

And then he killed the dog.



Black Jack II
07-28-2007, 02:19 PM
When does a tiger sound like that. LMAO that was a funny clip.:D

Shaolin Wookie
07-29-2007, 05:29 AM
I swear he thinks he's a hyena.

All it is is a guy with mad aggression. It's the only reason his applications section looks like he knows what he's doing (at a beginner's level).

Funny. He does this forward roll to break the grip of three guys, but winds up on the ground with all three nearly on top of him, and he just sits there, not in a much better position than before. I always scream at the screen: "What ya' gonna do now, hotshot?!"

David Jamieson
07-29-2007, 06:33 AM
Ok, so bringing it back around... lol

Tiger is one of the top shapes of asian martial arts.

Many Asian martial arts base their theories and ideas about attack and defense on the tiger.

The concepts being varied, but often mirroring how a tiger will be aggressive or retreat if and when it does retreat. For the most part, Tigers do not retreat and are relentless in their attack. So, that idea gets transposed as a principle and now a method is developed to service that principle of relentless aggression.

Things like moving into attacks, jamming, overwhelming and pursuing the retreating party. And so on.

Tiger isn't really a wait and see type of modality of fighting, it's more of a get in there and get er done kind of approach. When you inhibit that spirit with your own indecision is when tiger style will fail you. Unlike other animal styles that take on attributes such as hunt and peck, wait and receive then turn back and so on and so forth.

there's definitely a lot to talk about in that respect when it comes to defining what is and what isn't tiger style. Probably more interesting than the history. :)

07-29-2007, 07:27 AM
Yes, both the spirits and forms/shapes of a tiger are incorporated in many styles.

Tiger claws are a common Qin Na or grabbing hand form.


Xing Yi 12 animals including tiger.


Hung Kuen: tiger shape/form fist.




southern tiger.


Black Jack II
07-30-2007, 07:10 AM
West Sumatra and Malaysia have a few different Harimau tiger and Pamacan systems as well.


