View Full Version : What is the deal with Black Helicopters?

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-06-2007, 02:35 PM
Ok, why is it a problem for the government to fly Flat Black helicopters? What is so scary about that?

I have seen them, and they don't appear to be any different than regular ones.

08-06-2007, 02:37 PM
lol where did this come from?

08-06-2007, 03:17 PM
Waco, for one.

08-06-2007, 03:18 PM
I thought it was illegal to have unmarked, IE untraceable, vehicles.

08-06-2007, 03:33 PM
Ok, why is it a problem for the government to fly Flat Black helicopters? What is so scary about that?

I have seen them, and they don't appear to be any different than regular ones.

Commonly associated with Black Ops. They were also used in Waco, and Ruby Ridge by your favorite alphabet soup govt entities(FBI, DEA, ATF take your pick) for reconnaisance. Most paranoid anti govt individuals fear or hate them. I use to post on a gun board many years back. Everyone seemed to be paranoid about the govt. and was always talking about black helos around their neigborhood and such. When one of the board members shot up a cop car killing the officer and running for the hills of TN and insuing a manhunt. Some of you guys may remember the incident, it was covered nationally and pics of the officers car still gets emailed every so often. Most of the board defended his actions. Claiming "the man" pushed him into a corner. I knew I needed to stop posting there and associating with those nutjobs.

Black Jack II
08-06-2007, 03:34 PM
Most Black Helicopters are military gear.

Campbell, Kentucky is the home of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division, which is also the home of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Nicknamed the "Nightstalkers", there motto is "Death Waits in the Dark" and there helicopters as well as DEA drug unit copters are a source of a lot of these so called black helicopter sightings.

The paint is that way because its a specific blend, called "CARC" because it helps to avoid infra-red survaliance and from what I have been told by my uncle, even sometimes radar absorbant, actually he says if you were to get close there not really black at all, but more of a very, very dark green.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-06-2007, 03:43 PM
Black, green, whatever I just don't see what the big deal is.We have a big government, and they fly around...same as cooperate CEO's

Also, I don't see anyone complain when they see a vehicle from a local military base driving around with no plates

Black Jack II
08-06-2007, 03:48 PM
Black, green, whatever I just don't see what the big deal is.We have a big government, and they fly around...same as cooperate CEO's

I 110% agree. It's not a big deal, its only a big deal for those that love the fringe of conspiracy junkfood, which by itself can be pretty interesting, but just full of empty calories.

You WANT your government to have secrets, those secrets help keep us safe as a Nation, within REASON we need those secrets and civilans have ZERO business trying to find out certain areas that may pertain to national defense.

08-06-2007, 03:50 PM
Most Black Helicopters are military gear.

Campbell, Kentucky is the home of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division, which is also the home of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Nicknamed the "Nightstalkers", there motto is "Death Waits in the Dark" and there helicopters as well as DEA drug unit copters are a source of a lot of these so called black helicopter sightings.

The paint is that way because its a specific blend, called "CARC" because it helps to avoid infra-red survaliance and from what I have been told by my uncle, even sometimes radar absorbant, actually he says if you were to get close there not really black at all, but more of a very, very dark green.

for some reason or another i knew you would have an answer for all this

08-06-2007, 05:18 PM
The ones you have to watch out for are the ones that look normal and don't look like military. Those are the real black helicopters. And keep on eye out for white unmarked vans. They're so common people stopped seeing them.

Yum Cha
08-06-2007, 07:15 PM
Yea, and the plain white Semi's on the interstate with the blacked out windows that look like they just rolled off the showroom floor.


Yes, must be aliens because the Military is forbidden from conducting operations on American soil, or something like that....than again, the used to have to have search warrants to tap your phone or read your internet stuff as welll......

I mean, theoretically speaking....and did I say how much I love the States, and have never played with explosives, smoked pot, or looked at dirty pictures, because my Christian beliefs are the only thing that make my life worth living? Mainstream Christinan, not whacky Branch Dividian stuff mind you...

And Bin Laden sux too....

Bush and Cheney in 08!

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-06-2007, 07:24 PM
Actually, it's the silver, or gold Grand Am's and Grand Prix that you need to be wary of. Also any color Toyota Sienna mini vans with dark tinted side windows.

08-06-2007, 08:43 PM
Still refusing to wear pants while in the Sienna?

Yum Cha
08-06-2007, 08:57 PM
Over here in OZ its the black Ford Territory Turbos with blacked out windows.

David Jamieson
08-07-2007, 06:08 AM
1972 purple gremlins with the off centre racing stripe loaded with what appears to be circus clowns.

these are the real black ops killers in our society. Beware!

as for the choppers, that's marty the traffic guy. just make sure you don't get under his bird when he pukes his lunch up from following the 30 mph chases they have in hollywood with drugged out drunken celebs.

The Willow Sword
08-07-2007, 06:19 AM
You Know, One of my favorite Movies and Scenes from that Movie(Apocalypse Now Redux) the scene where the Helicopters are flying in to take the beachhead and they have speakers strapped to them and they play Vaugners "flight of the valkeries" as they swarm in and blow everything up.:D:cool:

I think it would be cool if our military would do something like that when attacking iraqi villiages and homes.:rolleyes: Of course nowadays they would play songs from like Godsmack or Tool or some death metal band.
I personally would like to see them play "Helpless" from Metallica's Garage Days Album. Thats a great song!:)


David Jamieson
08-07-2007, 06:59 AM
It's Wagner.

Mas Judt
08-07-2007, 07:17 AM
One of my teachers is a conspiracy nut. Great guy, great martial artist, but will not listen to reason or logic when it comes to the 'big conspiracy theories.'

As much as I like 'shake it up' candidates llke Ron Paul (or even Ross Perot before he went nutters), I had to leave a Ron Paul get-together because it was filled with 9/11 conspiracy idiots. Now, I don't blame Ron Paul for them being there, but I just can't hang with the mentally disturbed. It's too bad, as I think this will hurt him more than anything else - the influx of idiots around his campaign. Why couldn't Dr. Strangelove, er Obama attract them? Maybe his Black Helicopter isn't black enough for those folks... ;)

David Jamieson
08-07-2007, 07:21 AM
One of my teachers is a conspiracy nut. Great guy, great martial artist, but will not listen to reason or logic when it comes to the 'big conspiracy theories.'

As much as I like 'shake it up' candidates llke Ron Paul (or even Ross Perot before he went nutters), I had to leave a Ron Paul get-together because it was filled with 9/11 conspiracy idiots. Now, I don't blame Ron Paul for them being there, but I just can't hang with the mentally disturbed. It's too bad, as I think this will hurt him more than anything else - the influx of idiots around his campaign. Why couldn't Dr. Strangelove, er Obama attract them? Maybe his Black Helicopter isn't black enough for those folks... ;)

well, there's only a few "big" conspiracies and none of them are really nutso.

9/11 is pretty valid as conspiracy theories go. Especially with the witholding of evidence such as the pentagon crash tapes. Elephants all over the table with this still.

JFK is still a big one. Magic bullet is still elephant on the table.

Aliens. Who doesn't love aliens? No elephants, but bajillions of pieces of legit evidence. even if only 5% of the reported cases are possibles, that's still hundreds and hundreds of cases.

and greed makes people do all sorts of despicable things and so, conspiracies do exist. You know, people conspire to do things both evil and illegal on a daily basis.

they even have charges for it written into law. To deny that conspiracies exist is to deny human nature.

Black Jack II
08-07-2007, 07:29 AM
9/11 is pretty valid as conspiracy theories go. Especially with the witholding of evidence such as the pentagon crash tapes. Elephants all over the table with this still.

No its not at all, calling 9/11 a valid conspiracy is as absurd or even more so then most of the wacky fringe conspiracy junkfood out there.

JFK is still a big one. Magic bullet is still elephant on the table.

I may agree with this one, but I don't think its in the way that you view it.


In a certain respect, I agree with this one most of all, but not in the fruitloop infowars kind of way.

David Jamieson
08-07-2007, 07:35 AM
No its not at all, calling 9/11 a valid conspiracy is as absurd or even more so then most of the wacky fringe conspiracy junkfood out there.

I may agree with this one, but I don't think its in the way that you view it.

In a certain respect, I agree with this one most of all, but not in the fruitloop infowars kind of way.

You protest too much. If they want to get rid of teh "conspiracy" tag on 9/11 then they simply have to come clean with the tapes from the gas stations and hotels on the highway that captured the evidence of what hit the pentagon. That's what is suspicious about the actions of the government on the matter.

No too mention that simply saying "no it isn't" simply isn't an acceptable argument.

Also, you ever see the clip where the head SS guy tells the bodyguards to stand down on Kennedy's Limo? pretty interesting. Almost as interesting as the wink LBJ got while being sworn in on air force one not to mention the hoards of kkk members who made no bones about wanting kennedy dead and the run on gag of all the secret society members joining into the government to have greater access to the seat of power.

the aliens are the coolest of them all though, eventhough they may very well be an illusion spun to hide electromagnetic propulsion systems that would destroy the fossil fuel economy! :p

08-07-2007, 07:46 AM
It's all just hype for the new X-Files movie. ;)

David Jamieson
08-07-2007, 07:50 AM
It's all just hype for the new X-Files movie. ;)

I hope Gillian is still hot. DD should be replaced.

08-07-2007, 07:53 AM
I hope Gillian is still hot. DD should be replaced.

They're both gonna be in it, though it's still just being written as far as I know. Probably gonna be awhile, since Duchovny's got a new show.

Black Jack II
08-07-2007, 08:49 AM
No too mention that simply saying "no it isn't" simply isn't an acceptable argument.

Neither is saying.....

9/11 is pretty valid as conspiracy theories go.


out of all the supporting factual information; out of all the photographic evidence; out of all the scientific data; out of all the crash data; out of all the eye witness testimonies; out of all logical explainations; if a person still wants to think about conspiracies, then I suggest that person needs to re-evaluate their ability to discern fact from a desired or predisposed version of reality.

If you would rather believe hoax based films and websites that is your freedom but in the end it was a flacid douchebag named Hani Hanjour who rammed the Pentagon with a 747.

Also, you ever see the clip where the head SS guy tells the bodyguards to stand down on Kennedy's Limo?

Yep, I have seen the vid, and to be honest we really don't know for sure what the guy said or did not say. Sometimes human error can have absurd outcomes.

Mas Judt
08-07-2007, 09:45 AM
You are not capable of logical thought. There is simply no credible evidence of an 'inside job' in 9/11. But, since you obviously like the paralogia and mistruths in tripe like 'loose change' you'll enjoy this:


Please note, this is not a personal attack on you, just an observation. Now go tighten those screws.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-07-2007, 09:49 AM
The odd thing, when they had the Titanic display at the Museum, they said that there were three built, and ALL of them eventually sank.

08-07-2007, 09:52 AM
At the time of his life a capitalist with a communist wife
Started to fight and did to cats what God did to Christ
Hardly the type to give garbage advice
He was larger than life
He penetrated the roof of your car with a spike
Trained by an insane ex marine
CIA trained a renegade assassin android
Passport pilot to black helicopter choppers over Bosnia
Sniffed so much coke nose is f*cked up and bled alot
For all ya'll bystanders baggy ass jeans to hide ya banga wranglers
Thugged the f*ck out hang with bash in ya face gat gangsta's
The governments these other kids it's like a drug abyss
That sucked a hundred ****s its yo party the crowd great
Plus the hooker lies great sniff another line to get ya mind straight
Pull out the nine and start shooting people
Money ain't the root of evil it be much more than that
America taught me how to kidnap and torture cats

[Chorus: x2]

Exit the stargate initial perception quickens my heart rate
This dark place planet Earth orbits one star
Come from afar far away state of mind
Open up your 3rd eye Black Helicopters in the sky

I need G's so I can jet easier
My crib tapped I suspect Ether
Thats why I'm out of touch with the media
Undercovers like Pete Seiger
I couldnt tell neither
Watchin the projects with a van of speakers
Peepin how my kids rest bangin my wiz for hours
Surveillance tapes us in the King's Plaza even got us after hours
Drug party's golden showers on the floor shiksa
Work for the FBI so anytime I might whisper
My scary team be like barely clean rockin Israeli jeans
Thats why I mostly heard and rarely seen
Realization so much urgency
Can't escape history's pen I be the worst of me [echoes]

[Chorus x2]

This cop bring the city hoppa like a rocka with binoculars
Said that we were imposters and impetuous government agent
From another nation and said we had the proper information
About the aliens vegetarians devil scenarians
These are civilized Barbarians we ****in bury them
Baraza said ya p*ssy blood clot got you shot
I'm like **** this I'm blowin up spots this **** is hot
We know about the plan from the projects and contraband
Drop bombs on Brazil so you can kill and conquer land
You drug trafficking your new creation for disease
To control the population and the states of overseas
Put poison in the weed and the milk we feed our seeds
You looked shocked that Sabac could know the plots to all of these
Took his glock lift a shot when the ******* wasn't lookin
Threw him out then the monster flew the chopper back to Brooklyn

"black helicopters" - Nonphixion

Pork Chop
08-07-2007, 10:12 AM
You protest too much. If they want to get rid of teh "conspiracy" tag on 9/11 then they simply have to come clean with the tapes from the gas stations and hotels on the highway that captured the evidence of what hit the pentagon. That's what is suspicious about the actions of the government on the matter.

That plane flew right over rush hour traffic.
Plenty of people saw it.
When that french-made pentagon conspiracy vid came out, I was living around DC at the time and that was the most egregious piece of garbage i've ever seen.
I had a few work-related stints at the pentagon between 2002 and 2005; anytime the subject came up some people would be holding back tears, others would be recounting friends they lost, NOBODY was questioning whether or not it was a plane that hit.
That internet clip had what, 1 anonymous eye-witness account?
I knew more than a handful of people stuck in traffic that day who actually saw it.
Police investigators went on local tv recounting what they saw in the aftermath of that crash.
In fact, I'd say that the "pentagon missile" theory is one of the most debunked theories I've ever seen.
Just because some of the video footage hasn't been released that means it was a missile that hit?
Couldn't have possibly been another reason?
Like the military's aversion to having its stuff taped?
Naw, a huge conspiracy theory about missiles killing our own folks at the Pentagon makes much more sense....:rolleyes:

Mas Judt
08-07-2007, 10:27 AM
You know, I wasn't even going to bother with the facts. Lunatics don't care about facts, only what they want to believe...

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-07-2007, 10:56 AM
I think the underground Tri lateral commision destroyed the towers, and just blamed Al Quedia.

08-07-2007, 11:48 AM
All these conspiracy theorists with their evidence of vast, worldwide conspiracies among the 'global elite', and all I can ever think is, OF COURSE there are conspiracies. Everywhere, all the time.

Jeez, I used to 'conspire' with my buddies to make sure we got free food at lunch at school. There are conspiracies at every level of every aspect of human society, when two or more people decide to work together to protect their interests above those of others. So, SURE there are conspiracies at the highest levels of government, and probably on levels of 'elite' interaction the likes of which none of us will ever see.

So the grey aliens and the reptilians are fighting a super-secret war over the planet Earth with the grey aliens using the Bohemian Grove in an effort to overthrow the reptilian-backed Knights of Malta, all of whom are actually backed by the Bavarian Illuminati in their attempt to create a one-world government in order to immanentize the eschaton and bring about Armageddon, in which they will pit christians who believe in the anti-christ as the real Jesus against christians who don't believe in the anti-christ so as to rid the world of christian influence and bring back the true rulers of the planet, which, of course, are the Scientologists.

How is that going to change my morning workout routine?

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-07-2007, 12:25 PM
Scientologists have nothing to do with this....is the Druids that are the real rulers.

08-07-2007, 01:52 PM
well, as far as the black helicopters are concerned, it is said that when one starts out, their helicopter is white, representing purity. Over the years, the helicopter is never washed and subsquently gets darker and darker until the coveted black helicopter is achieved.

08-07-2007, 01:57 PM
well, as far as the black helicopters are concerned, it is said that when one starts out, their helicopter is white, representing purity. Over the years, the helicopter is never washed and subsquently gets darker and darker until the coveted black helicopter is achieved.

lmfao...thats great!

Mas Judt
08-07-2007, 02:06 PM
ten tigers, i salute you.

08-11-2007, 07:58 AM
well, as far as the black helicopters are concerned, it is said that when one starts out, their helicopter is white, representing purity. Over the years, the helicopter is never washed and subsquently gets darker and darker until the coveted black helicopter is achieved.

Funniest thing ever. I laughed so hard my tinfoil hat(aluminium is better) nearly fell off. Well it could have been prop blast from a black helicopter.

The Willow Sword
08-11-2007, 09:35 AM
If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them.
– Jack Handey

David Jamieson
08-11-2007, 01:28 PM
You are not capable of logical thought. There is simply no credible evidence of an 'inside job' in 9/11. But, since you obviously like the paralogia and mistruths in tripe like 'loose change' you'll enjoy this:


Please note, this is not a personal attack on you, just an observation. Now go tighten those screws.

You are incapable of listening to anything but the voices in your own head and possibly those of the group think you're encouraged to buy into.

This is not a personal attack, but apparently you are incapable of looking at all there is on the matter and prefer to live in your version of things.

so, tighten your own screws there my good man, or the bite on your ass when you find out that all politicians without exception are lousy and corrupt but unfortunately a necessary evil and all are more than capable of screwing over the taxpayers through their personal political agendas.

and before you go off about "credible" evidence, just take a look at what's out there from both sides. You'll soon see the gaping holes in the official line despite the whackiness of some of the tinfoil hat crowd.

as for the eye witnesses, the opinions and what was seen differ widely from big jet to missile, all from "eye witnesses". thanks, i'd rather see the film than listen to what people have to say because you simply can't trust what's being said about it.

there is tons of evidence that is contrary to the official story and the videos are yet to be released in re the pentagon and what hit it. All I know is that even with only rudimentary applied physics that a 767 is pretty much an impossibility and is easily ruled out with the information available on what hit the pentagon, but then, there are hundreds if not thousands of people who are saying this and pointing at it time and again and are being met with such wisdom as "you are a tinfoil hat nut and other sundry things that replace any credible retort in favour of the brush off.

I'm a show me kind of guy and frankly, the us government, homeland security and the whole lot haven't shown me much except some highly questionable stories and contradictory hodge podge of paper and reams and reams of literature that go round and round, say nothing and so on. Not to mention the official report barely speaks tto the pentagon issue at all.

so, I can only surmise that:

A) the government is lying (duh, they always lie about stuff)

B) the terrorists have way better weaponry than the government is letting on.

so, until that film is released, Im on the fence and I just am not buying the official line, too full of holes when held up against the questions that remain.

don't even get started on the bogus pretense for entering into a unilateral preemptive invasion of a sovereign state. And I don't wanna hear what a bad man Saddam is, there's plenty of bad men sitting at the helms of nations on this planet and there always has been, so that excuse doesn't cut it.

anyway, kindly adjust your own screws man, maybe tighten that wingnut on the right a bit. lol

Pork Chop
08-13-2007, 10:24 AM
and before you go off about "credible" evidence, just take a look at what's out there from both sides. You'll soon see the gaping holes in the official line despite the whackiness of some of the tinfoil hat crowd.

as for the eye witnesses, the opinions and what was seen differ widely from big jet to missile, all from "eye witnesses". thanks, i'd rather see the film than listen to what people have to say because you simply can't trust what's being said about it.

As I said, outside of that video the whole "missile" crowd is not vocal within DC city limits. That video's quotes were from anonymous folks if i'm not mistaken.

Yah who needs pesky things like verifiable first hand accounts when you can have videos like that french one, because of course videos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYgEC-sekgI) never lie. :rolleyes:

David Jamieson
08-13-2007, 01:51 PM
As I said, outside of that video the whole "missile" crowd is not vocal within DC city limits. That video's quotes were from anonymous folks if i'm not mistaken.

Yah who needs pesky things like verifiable first hand accounts when you can have videos like that french one, because of course videos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYgEC-sekgI) never lie. :rolleyes:

check outthe free tinfoil movie i just posted.

anyway, tere are a lot of tapes that cover exactly what hit the pentagon, an dthe us gov, specifically the fbi and homeland security refuses to release the tapes to the public.

so, if it was a plane, why not show it? there's gotta be 50 angles on what hit the pentagon and all we got was 5 frames that show pics that show...well, an explosion.

so, this is the big puzzle, also, the complete lack of debris in the shanksville crash, the multiple explosions reported by police and firefighters on the scene at wtc and so on and so on and so on and so on.

I know it is very uncomfortable to have to look at this stuff, but it ain't going away because there is obviously something being hidden for some reason and someones got an agenda for hiding it.

so, I am still interested in what really happened. Terrorists or not.