View Full Version : Capital Classics

08-29-2007, 10:11 AM
Has anyone competed at this tournament?
If so , what is your opinion of competetors and who are the masters

08-29-2007, 11:04 AM
Capital Classics was started and run by Sifu Dennis Brown. It is an open styles tournament, was one of the big tournaments on the NASKA and WKO circuits.

The divisions are set up like most open tournies. They have a dedicated Chinese martial arts division, but no distinctions beyond that. So, you will have a wushu competitor and a traditional CMA competitor, and a make beleive CMA competitor all competing in the same division.

The tournament was a big attraction for the top open circuit forms competitors on the east coast. There's always a bunch of the teachers and celebrities you see in the magazines.
Although they label the sparring as point contact, it's definitely a step up from normal point style sparring and alot more like continuous sparring, although, certainly not full contact either.

If one is deciding if they should attend or compete, I would say do it. IF for nothing else, to never have to say "What If?", and to have had the experience. It's alot of fun, and walking distance to some bars and restaurants, as well as a short cab ride or subway ride to the Mall (not the shopping Mall, the monumnet, smithsonian, museums, ets).

I hadn't known Sifu Brown was doing it again after the last time I saw him two years ago. When is it?