View Full Version : Yin Men Wing Chun?

08-30-2007, 11:08 PM
Has anyone heard of this particular lineage? Came across some VCDs over @ Plumflower by a guy named Lin Xin, and it looked somewhat suspicious. Stances are a lot wider than the HK version, and it claims to come from Canton but other than that there's no info about it anywhere. Seems to be mixed with Hung Gar. Can anyone shed some light on it, whether it is legit or not, etc?


08-31-2007, 02:21 PM
It'd be hard to prove/disprove legitimacy of lineages that are so obscure. Martial Arts are constantly evolving, mixing, and new systems are being developed all the time. The best thing to do would be to order one of the videos, see if it makes sense(from a scientific/realistic perspective), and go from there. Even if it's a new system, that doesn't necessarily make it bad, and there's probably a few things to learn from it.

Always watch every so-called Master, Sifu, Instructor, etc. with a highly critical eye and you'll eventually see the truth in everything, for yourself.

Phil Redmond
08-31-2007, 04:23 PM
It could be a form of Weng Chun.

08-31-2007, 05:26 PM
. . . ? . . . :)

09-01-2007, 02:19 PM

Just to share my 2 cents.

The branch you asked about, is a harder style of WCK, from Guangzhou, that is related to the Hung Family. Related in terms of Flavor, and its taught along side Hung Gar as a complimentary system, to one another. I have discussed this lineage briefly with one of its current head teachers. He said they trace the art to Leung Bok Lau, as their ancestor. He learned it, in a Guangzhou Martial Art Institute, that seems to be fairly popular in the local region, according to him. They consider it "red boat' WCK.

His english was broken, so my conversation only got so much info, but from what I understood, they have a Sup Sam Sau, a long SLT form, Chum Kiu form and a Jong form. He didnt mention "Biu Jee", "Tao", or "Gwun". When I pressed him on the question he simply didnt respond! LOL

09-01-2007, 03:15 PM
IMHO, this is an evolution of Red Boat WCK...

09-01-2007, 05:32 PM
IMHO, this is an evolution of Red Boat WCK...

Makes sense, as the description on Plumflower said it was "Hei Ban" (Opera House) Wing Chun.

Anyway, it sounds good to me. I've ordered the disc, so I'll post a review when it gets here. Thanx fellas!:)

09-02-2007, 03:27 PM
it was "Hei Ban" (Opera House) Wing Chun

Once I pulled an allnighter at work, and did some early morning training at the north end of the Botanical Gardens in Sydney. The Opera House was right there in front of me!