View Full Version : Hung Gar or Wing Chun

09-01-2007, 08:22 AM
Done some research and think I'd either like to do HG or WC. Which do you think is better for fighting? Can someone say benefits and downsides of both. Thanx

09-01-2007, 10:25 AM
Depends on the quality of the teacher and the quality of the student.

joy chaudhuri

09-01-2007, 10:56 AM
I'm the student and I'm really good quality.

09-01-2007, 12:59 PM
I assume you're asking this on a Hung forum as well?

What you need to do is to research the two styles and then go visit schools.. Spend a week doing so, take your time..

In the end you have to go with what feels right to YOU!

09-01-2007, 02:33 PM
WCK may be boring for you, as we dont typicaly do backflips, but you could always create your OWN WCK like everyone else does and pretend its the best!!:) - I would pick a name that would strike fear into your foes - How about - "English Hand Grenade WCK"!!

They say CLF is made for multiple opponent fighting, so in all honesty, if you really are looking for something, that might be your best solution, for your particular needs and situation.

I would suggest Modified Glok Fu, if you plan on fighting gang members, as you mentioned, in another thread, but I dont want to get anyone iced so ignore what I said.

LOL - I thought about your post about the area you live in, several nights ago. My Fiance and myself were watching a movie from England, Filmed in an area EXACTLY like what was described. It was about a young girl with a baby, and her brother and his friends were trying to make it through life. By the end of the movie because of all the carnage they created and people they ran around beating up, someone ended up dead, and they were all in jail and she lost her baby. Not a happy ending. I think I would move!!


09-01-2007, 03:17 PM
I'm the student and I'm really good quality.

what is a good quality means?

IMHO starts with


first ask if your art is an ALIVE art or Dead art as define above.


ask if your WCK or your Hung Ga is an alive art or dead art......


ask if your Jing cultivation aids the alive or dead art..


ask if you have internal training which aids the execution of the alive or dead art..

09-01-2007, 05:38 PM
Wing Chun.

That'll be 25 cents.:cool:

09-01-2007, 09:53 PM
Doesnt matter which style as soon as it is an alive art then it is excellent.

09-02-2007, 12:53 AM
Okay, let me tell you what I want from my martial arts. After training I want to be...

1. Well trained in a number of weapons
2. Prepared for any situation eg. trained in fighting on wet grass, narrow coridoors etc.
3. Preferably at least a basic level of acrobatic training
4. Much stronger, faster, more powerful etc. than I am at the moment

With these things in mind... HG or WC?

09-02-2007, 02:14 AM
ninjutsu should fit you then

09-02-2007, 04:39 AM
ninjutsu should fit you then

Ninjutsu doesn't exist. ;)

09-02-2007, 04:47 AM
WC is overcrowded.

09-02-2007, 04:52 AM
ninjutsu should fit you then

I read this "Dux Ryu Ninjitsu's self-defense techniques, unlike Kung Fu or Karate, are geared to the individual, thus the individual progress is faster, finding personal self-defense practical for today's threats and builds around one's own strengths and weaknesses. Another factor, separating Dux Ryu Ninjitsu from traditional Martial Arts, is that training is not addressed to fighting only under ideal conditions like in school, but in fluctuating situations and environments. For example, one v. multiple attackers, fighting in the dark, in a crowd or hallway, on slippery ground, such as wet grass, where a fight strategy emphasizing kicking would be rendered useless."

Which made me very tempted by Dux Ryu Ninjitsu. I've always liked the idea of training to be a ninja etc. But I like the idea of learning Wing Chun or something, and then adapting it to my own skills of stealth etc.

09-02-2007, 06:23 AM
Go MMA. You never know when an elephant my sneak up on you. Work with resisting elephants.
Wrestle the trunks. Pull on the tails. Avoid the footstomps. Mount on their heads.Avoid the chi blasts-specially if they have just been given an enema.Work with pythons- avoid the chokes.
As Rudyard Kipling said- if you can do all that and keep your head while others are losing theirs- youll be a man my lad.
You dont need wing chun.

09-02-2007, 06:30 AM
Please be serious. I live in Leeds - Elephants are not a problem. I'm worried about chavs and hooded people with bottles and knives. If I'm meditating in the carpark of my estate sometime, I'd like to be able to sense if a chav is approaching etc. I'd like to be able to scale the side of my coucil estate too in case I'm surrounded. Those are the kinds of skills I'm talking about.

09-02-2007, 06:45 AM
choose krav-maga

wingchun or hunggar are to complicated to learn

09-02-2007, 07:02 AM
Not too complicated for me. I've never tried anything I couldn't do.

09-02-2007, 08:09 AM
From the sounds of where you live, you might want to cross train parkour too for the CV aspect.

If you're worried about tooled up chavs in your vacinity, then maybe filipino arts (silat/arnis) will be good for you - not too dissimilar to WC.

09-02-2007, 08:33 AM
Learn WC for fighting, Parkour for walling climbing/ tumbling, do a little Kuji-In, and Boom!!! Your a Ninja.

09-02-2007, 01:34 PM
Quit trolling!!

09-02-2007, 02:28 PM
Quit trolling!!

I dunno...this is the most 'fun' I've seen everyone have in a long time.

It's definitely lighter than the ol' my MMA is better than your MMA in the WC forum!

Kenton Sefcik

09-02-2007, 03:23 PM
I'm the student and I'm really good quality.

Then you'll have no problem making up your own mind.

Please be serious.

If you were serious, you would have already enrolled in Dux-Ryu.

If I'm meditating in the carpark of my estate sometime

I've heard the carbon monoxide really helps reaching those altered states of conciousness. I've often wondered if that's one of Hendrik's secrets.

I'd like to be able to sense if a chav is approaching etc.

In a carpark, they'll probably approach a car. Meditate with your eyes open and watch for blinkers and headlights.

09-02-2007, 06:58 PM
fighting lad,

I suggest you take up techno dance with trendy clothes, you may find a life partner.

09-03-2007, 03:13 AM
fighting lad,

I suggest you take up techno dance with trendy clothes, you may find a life partner.

Please bodhitree, your trolling is getting very tiresome. Not only is it tiresome, but it lacks any of the essential elements of humour, logic or reason. Why trendy clothes? What are you on about?

Please answer the question properly without desperately trying to be funny. It's pretty pitiful.

09-03-2007, 10:43 AM
It's pretty pitiful.

Actually, it's extremely pitiful.

Lee Chiang Po
09-03-2007, 09:16 PM
There are only 2 systems that are worth learning. They can be learned and practiced by anyone. You do not have to be really strong or large or physically capible of leaping and jumping. Only a few people ever achieve this prowess anyway, and the rest is BS that you see on TV. Not only dangerous to the opponent but to you as well. Scientific mechanics that are really sound and repeatable. Wing chun for one, and Japanese Jujitsu for a second. You may never be a MMA star or anything, but who on this forum is? The average normal person that you will have to deal with is not going to be a martial artist. The odds are greatly against it. And no matter how good you get, if you are always going up against trained martial artists you will end up getting it kicked out of you anyway.
In todays society you can not go around with swords and daggers and long sticks without drawing attention of the local constibulary. You sure can't use them against someone. Your best bet would be to learn to defend yourself if it becomes necessary, and avoid any situation that could lead to an encounter. Not go looking for a group of bikers to whip. Besides, in 40 or 50 years down the road you will still be able to do them. These other forms of fighting will be beyond your ability by then. Arthritis, age, injuries, all the stuff that goes with living a long time.

09-04-2007, 05:24 AM
There are only 2 systems that are worth learning..Wing chun for one, and Japanese Jujitsu for a second. You may never be a MMA star or anything, but who on this forum is? The average normal person that you will have to deal with is not going to be a martial artist.

Thanks for the advice, BUT...

What about Ninjutsu, Hung Gar and Xingyi? Aren't they worth learning? I plan on becoming a martial arts star, so it doesn't apply for me. Also, there is no such thing as "the average normal person" where I live - British Beef, Frankie Joe and Ben "the bruiser" Jenkins ALL live in my estate, and they've all been to prison. Therefore I need to be better than average... understand?

09-04-2007, 06:19 AM

Maybe I can be some help. It is obvious you need the real deal, the end all to be all, the whole tamale.... Please allow me to introduce you to Dr. Haha Lung. In light of the recent report about a Ninja beating up a Shaolin monk, I think you would serve yourself better by looking more closely as to what this man has to offer you. Here are the books you need: http://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Arts-Anthology-LUNG-Pseudonyms/lm/RH86ODTVDQWO6
Now, you have the information you need and you have exhausted your resources here. Please be careful with what you learn from these books.

09-04-2007, 03:34 PM
What about Ninjutsu, Hung Gar and Xingyi? Aren't they worth learning?

On a Wing Chun forum, I doubt you'll find many answers in the affirmative.

I plan on becoming a martial arts star, so it doesn't apply for me.

In that case you'd be better learning WuShu and acrobatics.

Also, there is no such thing as "the average normal person" where I live

Certainly not if they all lay it on as thick as you do.

- British Beef, Frankie Joe and Ben "the bruiser" Jenkins ALL live in my estate, and they've all been to prison.

Maybe you could go to prison too and come out as tough as they are. you might even be able to pick up some Jailhouse Rock / 52 blocks in there. If trolling were punishable by a jail term, you'd probably have served several stretches already.

Therefore I need to be better than average... understand?

I guess you have a chance unless you include intelligence.

09-05-2007, 10:15 PM
Please be serious. I live in Leeds - Elephants are not a problem. I'm worried about chavs and hooded people with bottles and knives. If I'm meditating in the carpark of my estate sometime, I'd like to be able to sense if a chav is approaching etc. I'd like to be able to scale the side of my coucil estate too in case I'm surrounded. Those are the kinds of skills I'm talking about.

Hi! So you're serious about it. I recommend HungFut or ZiRanMen. Its the best kungfu for all serious practitioner. email me if you have questions hans2jet@yahoo.com

09-06-2007, 08:17 AM
No he isnt. He is failing trolling 101.

joy chaudhuri

09-06-2007, 10:24 AM
Please be serious. I live in Leeds - Elephants are not a problem. I'm worried about chavs and hooded people with bottles and knives. If I'm meditating in the carpark of my estate sometime, I'd like to be able to sense if a chav is approaching etc. I'd like to be able to scale the side of my coucil estate too in case I'm surrounded. Those are the kinds of skills I'm talking about.What you need is this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6968934.stm