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09-24-2007, 12:32 PM
Our expression of style thru form will be relevant to our ideas and approach to training. In order to have a solid foundation one must develop physical body strength. The most agreeable method of building a strong foundation is the horse stance. Many styles focus on the stability of the horse stance, yet now, as a creative artist, let's expand on the method by adding some other dimensions to the training. In horse stance, on upright bricks, juggling weighted iron bars; now not only do you have to be able to stand in horse, but you must learn to juggle. yet some would dare to ask as what can juggling improve in martial ability?
Juggling is one of the most basic and simplest forms of human maintence. Both sides of the brain are used, as are both sides of the body. Considered a cardiovascular exercise. Juggling greatly improves circulation, which in turn improves mental clarity, allowing the mind to settle into a meditative state. hand-eye co-ordination becomes second nature.
When applied to martial arts training and practice, one develops a highly refined instant targeting system; the hands go where the eyes look, and where they do not. There is no need to verify a jugglers reflexes, let alone justify it's complementation to self-defense and martial arts application.
Three ball juggling is the manifestation of the power of three, the strength of a triangle; the unity of mind, body, and spirit. Invoking the visions of electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom, which in turn is a reflection of the solar system and all its orbiting planets; even a galaxy orbits a center. Juggling is the representation of the perfect harmony of the trinity.

Iron bar juggling, all the benefits of juggling yet now also as weight training. include along with the ability to react in a controllable nature so as no to crack oneself in the face or smash fingers, elbows, knees, or toes. Breathing in one of the many available methods now turns the exercise into a chi kung method. Applying this understanding further, one can juggle these iron bars in all stances; one can move thru stance and stepping patterns while juggling the iron bars. Gradually increase weight over time.