View Full Version : Fight Poll

Yao Sing
09-25-2007, 11:34 AM
Ok, how many train in CMA and have had more than one real fight (non-sport, non-competition).

Let's see if we can track down all these CMA guys that cave in when punched.

09-25-2007, 11:45 AM
Does the Taco Bell dog I kicked when it bit my kid count?

Yao Sing
09-25-2007, 11:48 AM
Only if he hit back. :)

09-25-2007, 11:50 AM
What if the actual fights i have been in all occured prior to my CMA training?

i grew up and stopped getting into brawls. and no, i do not do any sport fighting.

though i will say i have had some really rough "sparring" matches since i began trainng.

4 busted ribs, on two different occasions. bit through my mouthpiece and chipped a tooth, been kicked/punched in the head and dropped numerous times, then your various other blunt damage...

maybe im a puseh

Yao Sing
09-25-2007, 12:15 PM
I'm going to say any adult fights count, whether pre or post CMA training.

The point being have you experienced a real life attack. There are some who feel most CMA guys would be shocked by a real life attack and are clueless about real fighting.

Myself, I've been there before so I'm not surprised by anything. I think I've outgrown it too, last scrap was in my mid 40's.

But it looks like I'll be coming out of retirement to straighten out my daughters ex-husband. :D

Judge Pen
09-25-2007, 12:34 PM
I had one "encounter" in college. I didn't get hit, but the guy took a swing and I was able to lock him up and hold him down until campus police arrived. He was pretty drunk and causing a ruckus to begin with.

I had another encounter, but the guy backed down before anything came of it.

I had numerous scraps growing up though.

09-25-2007, 12:35 PM
Ok, how many train in CMA and have had more than one real fight (non-sport, non-competition).

Let's see if we can track down all these CMA guys that cave in when punched.

Does getting into physical fights with my ex count? If so, yes I have. Though honestly, once I got serious with my training in Pai Lum, I also got better at avoiding fights with the B@stard.:p

09-25-2007, 12:37 PM
Never been in a fight. I promised my first teacher as a teen that I would never use martial arts to hurt others, and since then never had a problem I couldn't talk out of. Plus I always have a huge stupid looking grin on my face and raggedy clothes so no on thinks I'm much of a threat. Plus I live in Oakland CA and no one fights here.

-Jess O

golden arhat
09-25-2007, 12:37 PM
i dont train cma anymore

and ive had a fair few fights

i still incorporate elements of cma in to my ,mixed martial arts

does that count ?

09-25-2007, 12:43 PM
Only if he hit back. :)

I nailed him with a 1 hit knock out...that should count!:D

09-25-2007, 02:14 PM
do fights while a bouncer count?

09-25-2007, 02:17 PM
are we talking fair fights toe to toe? or are we taking anything with violent force into account....cause that changes a lot

09-25-2007, 05:52 PM
do fights while a bouncer count?

If the do, I gave up trying to count a long time ago. Probably low to mid thirties .

If not it reduces mine to single digits or VERY low doubles. I`m just a big sweet Pooh-bear type, and nobody really wants to swing on Whinnie the Pooh.

Nowadays I like to think I`ve outgrown my past.

09-25-2007, 07:12 PM
If the do, I gave up trying to count a long time ago. Probably low to mid thirties .

If not it reduces mine to single digits or VERY low doubles. I`m just a big sweet Pooh-bear type, and nobody really wants to swing on Whinnie the Pooh.

Nowadays I like to think I`ve outgrown my past.

i need your secret...I honestly keep trying to come off like Whinnie 'ther' Pooh but most people take me for a rabid grizzley....

Mr Punch
09-25-2007, 07:16 PM
i need your secret...I honestly keep trying to come off like Whinnie 'ther' Pooh but most people take me for a rabid grizzley....Stop dribbling.

Mr Punch
09-25-2007, 07:19 PM
I counted the number of encounters I've had, as in muggings, separating fighting friends, mob-beatdowns and brawls, bouncing encounters etc, and I came to 20-odd, all before my kung fu career, but several since I'd been doing aikido... some people think it's a lot, but it was mostly just through living in a bad area and so always being in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Shadow Skill
09-25-2007, 07:27 PM
I've only been in one during the time I've been doing cma. to make long story short my friend spat on a bouncer and he bouncer socked him, then another friend hit that bouncer next thing you know we're all banging.
I've had a few prior to MA trining. I too grew up, plus I rearly go clubbin, and I'm somebodys Dad I don't have time for that stuff anymore, well at least I pretend not to have time for it:D

09-25-2007, 07:58 PM
Haven't been in a fight since I was a teen, and even then didn't really feel like it was the kind of thing I wouldn't walk away from if I lost. Never been attacked by a stranger.

09-25-2007, 11:15 PM
i need your secret...I honestly keep trying to come off like Whinnie 'ther' Pooh but most people take me for a rabid grizzley....

No secret really, smile alot and be patient listening to the other guy. (`Cause you could actually be in the wrong ya` know)

My Pillsbury doughboy physique helps alot because nobody sees me as a threat.

And be nice to people. (You`d be suprised how good it actually feels.) It`s like money in the bank. The last time I came close to getting in a fight some drunk at a party decided he didn`t like me and started yelling and looking like he was ready to swing. It was amazing how many people I just considered passing aquaintences lept to my defense. (And they were ****ED). Being known as the "nice guy" made me a sacred cow.

I`ve never tried this last part, but I`ve always thought if I REALLY want that Winnie the Pooh image though I`ve gotta speak more softly and stop wearing pants. Just the red shirt and a honey pot, but my wife said she`ll leave me.

09-26-2007, 02:14 AM
My friend was king hit then the guy came at me i put up the fence kept my distance talkd him out of it an he ran off to high my friend got realli hurt. Ive been robbed not fun. My bro pulled a knife on me twice an recently jumped me in a fit of rage i just controled him an took him down and pinned him down. Talked myself out of most of my potential biffs dont realli wna biff if i dont have to, Have had a bit of tournament exp I got a realli stiff hit once from a guy he was like 40 I just muttered thro my mouthguard thanks mate and just did what I train for. My jaw hurt for like a week after but it was so funny his face just plain shocked lol.

09-26-2007, 03:33 AM
Stop dribbling.

rabid grizzly's don't dribble, they froth.

09-26-2007, 03:39 AM
No secret really, smile alot and be patient listening to the other guy. (`Cause you could actually be in the wrong ya` know)

unfortunately my face just doesn't smile. I've recently become convinced of that fact.

lol, i guess I should probably take the sticker off my car that says "I know how you feel, I just don't care"

My Pillsbury doughboy physique helps alot because nobody sees me as a threat.

yea, that doesn't work for me I don't think. i'm big, ugly and mean looking by circumstance

And be nice to people. (You`d be suprised how good it actually feels.) It`s like money in the bank. The last time I came close to getting in a fight some drunk at a party decided he didn`t like me and started yelling and looking like he was ready to swing. It was amazing how many people I just considered passing aquaintences lept to my defense. (And they were ****ED). Being known as the "nice guy" made me a sacred cow.

i'm generally nice to people...except hippies, idiots and the inconsiderate....ok, i'm generally nice to hippies unless they are idiots or inconsiderate of others...but, these emo kids are starting to bug me.

I`ve never tried this last part, but I`ve always thought if I REALLY want that Winnie the Pooh image though I`ve gotta speak more softly and stop wearing pants. Just the red shirt and a honey pot, but my wife said she`ll leave me.

LOL, I've got lots of red shirts but I'd have to find a honey pot.

09-27-2007, 06:02 PM

09-28-2007, 10:35 AM
lol mambi!

does hitting a crack head with my skateboard count?

09-28-2007, 11:13 AM
Ok, fourth grade, we were circled around two boys fighting on the playground. I chimed in with a sarcastic comment and suddenly was rushed by the boy it was aimed at. He ended on his back with me sitting on top of him (full guard?), pinning his arms down so he couldn't hit me. The peanut gallery cheered!

...then the bell rang

Did I win? Does that count? Do all fights end on the ground? :D;)

09-30-2007, 04:08 PM
I've never been in adult fight. The 4 scraps I got into were all as a kid. And none of them went to the ground... I musta been fighting TMA guys

09-30-2007, 04:27 PM
several, but the one that I will share with you is the best.
I had just broken up with my GF,packed my bags and moved out. My friend and training brother says,"We're taking you out to this really cool club."
Well, we're in the club,Friday night,15.00 cover, open bar,with puh-lenty of young,drunken girls with ID that "proves" they are legal. So of course, we end up in a brawl with five lesbians. The bouncers throw them out,carrying them upstairs over their shoulders,kicking and scratching,we're all laughung, the bouncers were laughing, we were laughing during the fight, it was just ridiculous. What's better, is the dykes are now outside in the parking lot,leaning up against a car, pounding their fists, waiting for us-as if! Like we were going to leave a bunch of cuties to go out in the parking lot and fight with the rambettes.
They somehow snuck back in, and the fight started all over again! I said to my friend,"This place rocks! I am definately coming back here!"
Then I meet this hot Korean chick and we end up in the parking lot in my car.
So the story had a happy ending.
We made that club our regular hangout on Friday nights. We had bonded with the bouncers due to the fight, got in free, drank,and the usual mayhem.
Oh-and Thursday nights was the "Male Review." Women only until eleven, and then they let us in. So a bar full of lusty,drunken ladies. So it became Thursday AND Fridays. ahhhhh, youth. of course, now I'm happy to get a smile from the waitress at Fridays, and lie to myself that she digs me....

10-02-2007, 02:23 PM
Ok, how many train in CMA and have had more than one real fight (non-sport, non-competition).

Let's see if we can track down all these CMA guys that cave in when punched.

pre or post training?
adult or child?
outcome of the fight?

there are a lot of things to take into consideration when asking a question like this one. simple fact is that if you look at crime numbers vs population, most people never have a fight in their adult lives. that is why some people place so much emphasis on contact training and competing. that is the safest and easiest way to build experience.

10-05-2007, 12:42 PM
I've been in about 3 or 4 fights. I train in Sil Lum Kung Fu. One of the fights I got in happened at a pool hall. I had beaten a guy out of about $150, we had been playing for $10 a game. He wanted to start playing for $25 a game. I told him he had to win it back $10 at a time just like i had to. Well, he got mad and we ended up in the parking lot in a fight. The guy played football and was a lot bigger than me. He came at me and tackled me onto a hood of a car that was driving by. So I have this big guy on top of me and I'm laying on my back on a hood of a car. The car decides to back up and we both fall to the ground (pavement). I couldn't really hit him because we were to close together and I would be trying to hit upward so the only thing that I could think of was to thumb strike him in the eye. Let me tell you it was a really gross experience. I felt icky stuff behind his eye ball. I ran into him the next day and I had busted all of the blood vessels in his eye. all the white was red and part of his pupil. I had also did a spear hand strike to his throat but I didn't do it that hard because I was affraid of permanent injury. He got off of me and walked away cussing me in Arabic. He was from the country of Jordon. Thats one of my fight experience

Shaolin Wookie
10-06-2007, 03:54 AM
i need your secret...I honestly keep trying to come off like Whinnie 'ther' Pooh but most people take me for a rabid grizzley....

1- get shorter
2- get smaller bone structure
3- facial reconstructive surgery

Only seen pics of you, man. But I remember you dwarfed everyone else in the pic.

Better just to pimp like a lumberjack.

Shaolin Wookie
10-06-2007, 05:11 AM
I've never been in adult fight. The 4 scraps I got into were all as a kid. And none of them went to the ground... I musta been fighting TMA guys

Same here. Almost all of mine ended with nut-kicks, but then, I was outnumbered in 2 of them, so I considered it fair game to fight dirty.

There's one that happened in college, but I often forget about it, because I was so drunk that I don't remember it, and only know about it secondhand--so I don't really consider it a fight. It was actually a drunken brawl. I woke up in a shower with a bloodstained t-shirt, and none of the blood was mine. That's a freaky thing to wake up to in a college dorm, when you're still drunk, possibly sick, and have a pain in your skull you can't attribute to the alcohol (vodka, beer, whiskey, etc.).

From what I have pieced together from 4 people, it went like this:

My girlfriend invited me to go out that night, and she brings along her little rat-******* friend (a sniveling little punk of a guy I never liked, b/c he had a snotty attitude, and looked/talked down on everyone) at this sports bar (I'm sure you met his type in college, too) on the corner in downtown Athens (forget the place).

I'd already gotten a buzz from drinking vodka with my Scottish roomate (rotary scholar) and his Irish friend. (I lived in the foriegn students dorm---hottest chicks on campus). Anyways, I invite my firends to go with me. They do. We're downtown, drinking, having fun, and the little sniveling punk of a guy is playing pool. He and some dude start sharing words (I heard from the Scots/Irish connection he bumped into him while brushing past and messed up the dude's shot on the neighboring table). The confrontation turns to a fight right there. Well, the dude is twice the sniveling punk's size (says the soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend). And so the sniveling punk gets rocked quickly. But the big dude doesn't let up. He knocks him down, mounts him, and starts bashing his face in. My soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend tells me to go help. But I'm drunk, I know it, and even though I'm strong--it's not my fight. I only remember one thing from that night, and it's saying, slurred, "it's not my fight." But she keeps on complaining, and apparently got me involved (although, in her defense, my roomate says the big dude took the beating too far), and I walked over (stumbled), told the guy to let up, he'd done enough, and he gets up and apparently socks me in the face. I stumbled back into the wall, and my face hit the brick wall, cutting it up some. This part I believe to be true, because its always been true when someone hits me in a way that I know they're trying to hurt me intentionally---I go ****ing nuts with manaical rage. I've always had a wicked temper when I get pushed too far. My roomate says I charge him, deck him, throw him down, mount him, and start pounding on his face, all in a quarter of a second, which is where the blood in my shirt must have come from, b/c the cuts on my face turn out more like burns than anything (and left scars which I hoped would be permanent:D, 'cuz scars are wicked, but healed up fine:().

So anyways, my roomate and his friend yank me off of this guy after I'd f'd him up, KO'd him, whatever (I honestly don't know). They drag me outside, and my girlfriend is dragging her sniveling little punk friend. At this point, she actually starts yelling at me, screaming "What took you so long, you *******! Look at his face!!!" Which my friends tell me is much worse off than mine, but probably not as bad as the big dude's.

I'm still amped and drunk, but I can still call someone on BS then, because I apparently broke up with her on the spot, and told her exactly she could do to the sniveling little punk who couldn't defend himself when he picked fights with people bigger than him.

It was funny finding this out the next day--the break-up part, that is. I mean, I wake up in the shower fully clothed, sitting in running water, with blood on my shirt, with a massive hangover, still drunk, possibly sick, and ask my roomate: "What the hell happened last night". He says: "You got ****ed, beat the hell out of some guy, and broke up with your girlfriend."

Some night. Anyways, this turned out to be a scary experience, because I realized two days from then, when the alcohol finally wore off after the world's biggest hangover, that I could have gotten arrested, kicked out of school, and possibly seriously injured. Plus, since I didn't recall the whole event--only maybe a minute of that night in total, I don't know what the dude I beat up looks like, so maybe I could be walking around campus one night after work, or between classes, and I could get jumped by him and a couple of his buddies, and seriously beaten or killed. That was frightening.

Anyways, I still stand by my decision to break up with my then-girlfriend, despite the fact she was pretty hot. But I still like to imagine what would have happened had I not spoken to my roomate first, then showed up at her place like nothing had happened after having publicly insulted her and breaking up with her. That would have been priceless. Painful, but priceless.

I had no martial arts experience, and wouldn't for another couple of years. I also quit drinking in public, and have never been even close to getting drunk ever since. Although I enjoy a shot of whiskey or two now and then at home.

Bad experiences can sometimes breed good habits.

I can't even imagine myself getting into another fight again outside of a tournament or sparring session. Take away alcohol, and I'd be willing to bet that 90% of all fights in the world would disappear.

10-06-2007, 07:25 AM
1- get shorter

i'm not even 6'

2- get smaller bone structure

I only really have a medium bone structure.

3- facial reconstructive surgery

been there and done that...'bout 15 or16 times since I was 1.

Only seen pics of you, man. But I remember you dwarfed everyone else in the pic.

Better just to pimp like a lumberjack.

I can't help the rest of the world....

10-06-2007, 10:46 AM
i need your secret...I honestly keep trying to come off like Whinnie 'ther' Pooh but most people take me for a rabid grizzley....

Shave every day and speak properly. Use slang only sparringly and often to ridicule the slang itself. A dash of a lightly scented, though masculine, cologne or deodorant works. The smell of a tropical fruit or candy. Stay away from heavy scents of mint. And be more controlled in your responses to external stimuli and situations.

10-07-2007, 01:32 PM
Been in several dozen scraps (am only counting stuff with physical contact). Most as a kid (through high school), a few as an adult. Last one was over 20 years ago, then I finally grew up a little. Began doing CMA after that, and nothing since. :)

10-08-2007, 09:15 AM
... Stay away from heavy scents of mint....
What's wrong with minty fresh breath? Seriously, you usually have some very good advice if one can get past the high-hourse feel to your posts. So why would staying away from strong mint sents help keep one out of trouble?

10-08-2007, 06:09 PM
What's wrong with minty fresh breath? Seriously, you usually have some very good advice if one can get past the high-hourse feel to your posts. So why would staying away from strong mint sents help keep one out of trouble?

The point is accent, not overwhelm. You don't want too strong a scent that it distracts from anything else you're doing at the time, like talking. When kissing someone, you don't want such a strong taste that you think you aren't kissing them, but you're really sucking on peppermint candy. When you talk to someone, you don't want to feel like you're getting hit with air from a fan over boiling mint. With kissing, the point is to feel the pressure and the skin-on-skin friction feeling with just a 'taste' of something good. If you're gonna 'eat', make a meal, don't kiss. The presentation is the vehicle for the message, but the presentatioin should never be the main focus.

10-08-2007, 10:13 PM
does having the fights 8 years before you train cma count? ;)

10-09-2007, 09:53 AM
The point is accent, not overwhelm. You don't want too strong a scent that it distracts from anything else you're doing at the time, like talking. When kissing someone, you don't want such a strong taste that you think you aren't kissing them, but you're really sucking on peppermint candy. When you talk to someone, you don't want to feel like you're getting hit with air from a fan over boiling mint. With kissing, the point is to feel the pressure and the skin-on-skin friction feeling with just a 'taste' of something good. If you're gonna 'eat', make a meal, don't kiss. The presentation is the vehicle for the message, but the presentatioin should never be the main focus.
Ah! See, I knew there would be a good reason. Thanks!

10-09-2007, 10:33 AM
As an Adult I've never been in a fight. The seventh grade was the last time I had any kind of physical altercation.

Let's see if we can track down all these CMA guys that cave in when punched.

I don't get punched outside of the ring. I guess that just means I'm a smarter, better person than you are, and people like me more. :p