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View Full Version : Ernie's first Canadian Seminar :))))

10-02-2007, 07:09 PM
On September 29, 30th 2007, upon acceptance of my invitation, Ernie Barrios conducted a seminar covering the basic ideas behind his Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Kung Fu method. Suffice it to say, he was very well received by the students he was teaching that weekend, and achieved a very high level of success in passing along what he intended to. Each and every student in attendance physically improved over a 24hr period. It was truly amazing to watch. Ernie’s knowledge and ability to convey it to others is very well developed. His goal is for people to actually absorb physically as well as to understand better what they are trying to achieve when they practice this method of Wing Chun, all the while having a great time.

On a personal level, I got the chance to spend time with a friend and mentor/coach that I deeply respect. He improved my understanding of WSL VT as well as my own technique and ability to utilize it in combat. Secondly as a teacher myself, it gave me great joy to see the students improving by leaps and bounds while better understanding what they are doing. The smiles in the class were not to hard to find as each participant began to feel inside the art working for them like never before.

Although the majority of the time after the seminar and private training revolved around discussion about Wing Chun, I got to learn what makes this man tick and in the end learned allot about myself. He's a man that has no problem admitting his weaknesses, and is far from perfect like the rest of us, but with determination and a constant need to strive for improvement, all of us can achieve great things.

For anyone reading this, if you are a fan or student of the Wing Chun/Ving Tsun system, give yourself the opportunity at least once to train with Ernie, I guarantee you will go away from it with more understanding and skill than when you began.

Thanks a ton Bro, I look forward to our next encounter together:)


10-02-2007, 08:07 PM
Seen as i live in NZ i wonder james, could you give some insight into the types of training he/you experienced that day....

Drills / sparring etc ?

I respect what i see and hear from Ernie and maybe theres some stuff i can learn borrow from ;)

Ive never done the seminar thing, so im not to sure what really goes on.


10-02-2007, 08:38 PM
Seen as i live in NZ i wonder james, could you give some insight into the types of training he/you experienced that day....

Drills / sparring etc ?

I respect what i see and hear from Ernie and maybe theres some stuff i can learn borrow from ;)

Ive never done the seminar thing, so im not to sure what really goes on.


Hey Drew,

Well I've learned that giving out details online of drills, techniques and such is usually difficult for people to understand, so I won't attempt that here, it's always best to train one on one in person for best result, or if that is not available to at the least see it on video. I would recommend that you visit Ernie's site, checkout his vids and see what you can pick up from there, as we did the samethings as his normal group. Basically we learned and trained the details of the WSL body mechanics, facing, moving structure and so forth, all under pressure, through the various VT drills like dan chi, laap sau, chi sau, etc... Ernie, while adhering to the principals and concepts of the WSL system, laid out individual training methods for each participant based on their own needs. Since this method is not technique based, he was easily able to do this.


10-02-2007, 09:45 PM
Hey Drew,

Well I've learned that giving out details online of drills, techniques and such is usually difficult for people to understand

Fair enough bruva, ill check it out.


10-02-2007, 10:28 PM
No worries bro ,
I really had a great time visiting Canada ! talk about just real cool people ,,, sometimes it's just nice to get out of LA and kick it with some ''real'' folks =)
As for my abilities or lack of them ,,not that big of a deal just a drop of water in a big pond =)
for me it's about the people I meet and if there is anyway I can pass something on that keeps them motivated Then I did my part ,, and in reality it's only a small part it really is a team effort , people coming together for a common goal supporting each other in our little crazy obsession =)

thanks for letting me partake in that man .


if there is ever anything I can do or if you just want to shoot some idea's around just hit me on a email I'm always down to learn something new =)

10-03-2007, 12:50 AM
Ernie's cool. And his wing chun skills are REAL.

:cool: :D

10-03-2007, 06:50 AM
Ernie's cool. And his wing chun skills are REAL.

:cool: :D

Thanks Vic !
It's fun being one of the cool kids :D

keep rasing hell brutha !

10-03-2007, 09:34 AM
No worries bro ,
I really had a great time visiting Canada ! talk about just real cool people ,,, sometimes it's just nice to get out of LA and kick it with some ''real'' folks =)
As for my abilities or lack of them ,,not that big of a deal just a drop of water in a big pond =)
for me it's about the people I meet and if there is anyway I can pass something on that keeps them motivated Then I did my part ,, and in reality it's only a small part it really is a team effort , people coming together for a common goal supporting each other in our little crazy obsession =)

thanks for letting me partake in that man .


if there is ever anything I can do or if you just want to shoot some idea's around just hit me on a email I'm always down to learn something new =)

The Bible says "The Humble man shall be exalted, the Exalted man shall be humbled", you reflect that saying Bro. For me I don't believe in the words Best or Greatest, but rather words like quality and excellence. You showed both this last weekend and it makes me want to share with others, that's all. We may disagree about allot of things on this forum amongst one another, but we all like good WC/VT, and you my friend are among the modern day leaders, I know you don't look at it that way:), but when someone takes something and makes it better through hard work, investigation and scrutinization you assume that role. Since I've known you, you continue to research and share with those with good hearts and good work ethics. It's cool to be a part of something like that.


Kevin Bell
10-03-2007, 12:27 PM
Dude better of name checked me or he's in deep trouble haha

James you couldnt wish for no finer man to work out with mate. Not only a pool of knowledge in his own right but receptive and open to input from others.

10-03-2007, 01:38 PM
James ,
thanks buddy but better to take this advice ;)

[[[Do not follow me, because if you do, you will lose both me and yourself....but if you follow yourself, you will find both me and yourself]]]

but I really do appreciate the kind words ...

Kev ,
Don't think a day goes by buddy that your name doesn't get dropped LOL
I got a guy moving to the UK in 2 weeks I will give him your info ;)

10-06-2007, 06:33 AM
I will only say this....
If you ever get a chance to work with Ernie, don't miss the opportunity. You will not be disappointed. He has some cool insights to share, and is just a great person to work with. :cool:


10-06-2007, 07:03 AM
Yep Bill was there to :eek: Thanks for coming Bro ,,, great chats , great times can't wait till we hang out again !

here are some pics

10-06-2007, 07:58 AM

Thanks for the pixs. I'm not sure that they cared for my aggressive nature, but I really enjoyed working with James and his guys. :)

We'll definitely be hanging out again the not-too-distant future.
Have a great time in Cabos. ;)


10-06-2007, 08:23 AM

Thanks for the pixs. I'm not sure that they cared for my aggressive nature, but I really enjoyed working with James and his guys. :)

We'll definitely be hanging out again the not-too-distant future.
Have a great time in Cabos. ;)


Bill, we loved having you there, the students enjoyed your "aggressiveness" as you brought a sense of realism to the actions we were practicing;).

It's always cool having "strange hands" come into the group as it expands the students horizon's, and allows them to experience another perspective.


10-06-2007, 09:09 AM
It's always cool having "strange hands" come into the group as it expands the students horizon's, and allows them to experience another perspective. Hey James,
Thanks for inviting me to join the party. I had a blast. Your guys were very gracious to put up with me.
If you ever looking for "strange hands" in the future, you know where I can be reached. :p
