View Full Version : what to teach ? what to charge ? morales

10-25-2001, 02:08 AM
just a bit of advice needed, i recently had an article published in a magazine , it was on chi kung , and since then ive had someone call up for me and he wants me to teach the guy chi kung to help his martial arts.

Now heres the problem in internal there are 2 types of techniques , the ones that dont work because they are missing something i,e what oyu find in books and the ones that really work.

Now the other problem is that real chi kung involves one or 2 excersises done over a period of a long time to gain feeling of internal and build up your chi supply so to speak ,and then maybe one or 2 more excersises added to either spread the energy around the body or to direct it through punches etc.

The reality of the matter is , i am with the exception of 2 of my friends who dont teach , the only guy in this country who knows chi kung.
what do i teach him ??????? what do i charge him ???

IF he wanted to learn taiji ok it will take Xtime to learn the moves Y time for direction of energy etc etc .

Ideally all i need to do is say listen mate do this excersise like this for 1 year, not like it says in the book, this is the secret then come back. THank you bye bye I cant charge you it took me all of 15 minutes to teach you.

Alternatively i can tell him all about how he needs fine tuning so he must come in every week pay me 50$$ per lesson for the secrets of clearing out and balancing his energies before even learning the chi kung , i miss out the good stuff thus not really making him advance keeping them for myself and having the advantage.

option 2 means im a ******* option 1 means i give away what works and few people really know.

i mean for example he does wing chun and wants to know how to do a ""proper internal"" siu nim tao form, it takes 3 minutes to explain to the guy about focusing on the dantien for ages and ages to feel the chi then when performing the form you just flow the chi from the dantien combined with breathing.
there thats it finished,

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

10-25-2001, 02:15 AM
If this person is truly appreciative of the art, my thinking is to teach him. If he isnt, then forget it. My grandmaster taught Qi-Gong to me when I was young, and too dumb to realise the greatness in it. Now I am missing out badly because the moves were "too boring" or "too repetitive". What a waste of a truly amazing opportunity.

But if he is wise, hmmmm if you are well off and dont need it, why not give it to charity, under the efforts of both you and him ? I think that is dam good Qi :)

Just rambles ---

Kung Lek
10-25-2001, 02:51 AM
only three guys know chi kung in your whole country? where do you live? vatican city? :D

just joshing you wong ;) get it? joshing you? never mind....

-now for a word from "serious dave"

Do what you -"feel"- is right. That's what I would do anyway.


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

10-25-2001, 05:18 AM
"2 types of techniques , the ones that dont work because they are missing something i,e what oyu find in books and the ones that really work."

YOU are going to TEACH???

10-25-2001, 05:45 AM
I have had the exact same situation.
I own a kwon and teach 8 step praying mantis and tai chi chuan. classes are 3 days a week for 2 1/2 hours no problem. A couple times people walked in and asked me to teach them qigong only and after we talked they said how much? I said I dont know its hard to say, they said why? what do you charge for kung fu? I said $65.00 a month but thats different they said why? I replied cause for the first 3 months you have to do a standing meditation for at least 1/2 hour 3 x a day and if I charge you to stand in my school with your eyes closed for the whole class it would not be fair to either of us.
So I decided that a 1 time fee of $500.00 would be resonable for the first 5 levels. this way you can teach all of what you know or hold some information back if you wish to teach further, I have found that 95% of people wont put the neccesary time into their training anyways becuse of lack of patients and that way you wont lose either way, it has worked well for me try that. hope this helps


10-25-2001, 06:52 AM
Actually a good post Earth Dragon. Often it is the case people wish to just know the movements of taiji for whatever reasons it is they have. Perhaps they feel just knowing the movements on the surface will be enough to obtain their desired goals/ambitions/health/balance etc.

It is good to see who is serious before investing much time into someone whom is not. People can easily come in and talk up a storm about how interested they are, how much they will practice/work hard etc, but we know taiji is about mind and body, and no matter how much mental understanding they have, if they won't put in the physical time, they are wasting the instructors time and their own.

Read ED's post, it's a good one.

- Nexus

10-25-2001, 07:52 AM
Why charge for qigong at all? It seems to me that if you can help people so much and it only takes you 15 minutes, you ought to do it. Charge for the 15 minutes if you must, but that's all. Its not like you need resources to hold a conversation.

Maybe you'll get returns on it later :)

Johnny Hot Shot
10-25-2001, 08:21 AM
Charge em' $75 your the "Master" Fuk charge em' $125!

Good Chi Gong is hard to find. ;)

"Life's a great adventure, mate."
Jacko Jackson

10-25-2001, 01:24 PM
thanks for the replies guys, you have all adressed one of the points going around my head , kung lek :D
I live in cyprus its a small island in the mediterranean , so we have a population of under 1 million , so you can tell wat i mean , there are 1 or 2 other people who used to teach but it wasnt chi kung it was i read this from a book and dont understand it but i will show it to you so i can look new age and smart.

Earth dragon you are closest to what i have in mind because you understand how you cant have a student come every time doing standing post meditation just to charge thenm !!!

For those that say dont charge them, i cant its not that im rich im actually quite broke rite now, its like saying bill gates should not charge people because he is filthy rich , erm well yeah he shouldnt but you know what i mean....

so im goign to go along with something like what earth dragon said , a kind of private series of lessons that detail pretty much everything , that costs a decent amount but that will give ecerything the student needs to know at this level,

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

10-25-2001, 11:32 PM
thank you for your compliment but you sounded suprised when you said Actually a good post Earth Dragon. if you read my posts 99% of them are positive and help people answer questions and add positive feedback to various topics. I will admitt that their are 2 people out here that I do not get along with for many reasons and they make me angry with accusations from 5 states away but for the most part the reason I post and also became a shrfu is to teach and help others!!!! lord know its not for the money you cant make ends meet teaching kung fu! LOL
