View Full Version : peep this out

10-19-2007, 06:02 PM
ok this got me upset......


the one armed gung fu man in this video responded to one of my video's. Not my applications, but the CLF in the movies one.......

in one of his comments he said to me that he has never seen anything practical or effective coming from the lau bun lineage. im sure he's never met my sifu, or played hands with me, but to make that comment kinda upset me.

he also said that in his video, his student is using REAL power. does anyone see that in his video?

in my opinion the student doesn't even know how to fight. look at how he holds his hands right before punching.

any feedback?

10-19-2007, 06:28 PM
There will always be people who don't know what you're talking about man, don't let them waste your time. Those of us who know CLF know better. We got nothin but respect for you, & your sifu/lineage.

10-19-2007, 07:03 PM
Frank, there are people-other high-level martial artists who know you and respect your skills. These are your peers. These are the only ones who count.
Everyone else? Don't waste your time with them. It's painfully obvious.

10-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Yeah you always have to look at the source.

10-19-2007, 08:22 PM
hey now, thanks for the kind words people...... i do appreciate it.

after watching this guy i was like WTF? this guy has the nerve to down my lineage without a clue, but then to say HIS student uses FULL power, and i have spent all day looking for this power he said his student used.

i already explained his errors to him, but he says he begs to differ.

sorry to even spout this out, but i was miffed to say the least. needed to vent. but i know better. so sorry.

10-19-2007, 09:13 PM
that student MUST have used full power. He used so much, that his hand stayed locked out there and he couldn't draw it back. Now that's power!

10-19-2007, 10:10 PM
oh i knew the students punches were powerful because they were launched right from under his chin. well, it at first looked like the guy was holding up his chin with his fists....but then he punched. go figure.

anyways, he stated that his sifu is Mark Whelan.

10-20-2007, 04:24 AM
frank! your turning soft! Settle it the old fashion way!

Put out an internet challange on this very forum! Talk crap to each other for weeks, and eventually let it all fade into forum history :)

10-20-2007, 06:33 AM
wow, even thougth I only do Wah Lum -not a real fighting CMA :eek: - and am fairly new to CMA Even I can tell that this guy is full of it.

Mano Mano
10-20-2007, 06:46 AM
I'm impressed anybody with what people would call a physical disadvantage who want to compete with able bodied people; I’m not impressed with the video.

Satori Science
10-20-2007, 07:32 AM
ok this got me upset......


in one of his comments he said to me that he has never seen anything practical or effective coming from the lau bun lineage. im sure he's never met my sifu, or played hands with me, but to make that comment kinda upset me.

he also said that in his video, his student is using REAL power. does anyone see that in his video?

any feedback?
baaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha......./( note the deep belly roll....)

So that's REAL Power, huh I always wondered what it looked like,

I know it can be discouraging to get crappy feedback but look who its coming from. Considering he only has one arm to train it doesn't seem like he put any time into his legs at all, the teqhnique he showed wasn't terrible but there was about 0% rooting there. I'm pretty sure he'd just bounce off you if he tried that move on you Frank:rolleyes:

now peep this out, some real one armed gung fu

10-20-2007, 09:18 AM
yeah you're right satori..........and you know what, if that guy didn't come at me like that i might have even given him some props for continuing doing gung fu with his disability........

but i will post up my own one armed gung man techniques to answer him.

sadly, the guy pushed the right button to set me off. especially when garbage is trying to call someone else garbage......

anyways, most of the people here i consider my gung fu brothers.....so i had to share this bs with you.

thanks for your support brothers.

10-20-2007, 09:20 AM
now that was some good one armed sheet satori........thats what im talking about.


10-20-2007, 10:05 AM

The hung fut set is quite famous. I have seen sifu Tai Yim do it and he has even more power than the performer in the YouTube clip.


Since you said he was a student of Mark Wheelan, I can understand why he probably came at you, as you may have rubbed the Chan Family people the wrong way in years past so some may hold a grudge.

They are probably just trying to push your buttons and get you all worked up but don't sweat it.


Satori Science
10-20-2007, 10:50 AM

The hung fut set is quite famous. I have seen sifu Tai Yim do it and he has even more power that the performer in the YouTube clip.

Yeah dude totally Tai Yim is off the hook, there was a vid of him doing the form on youtube at one point but soemone must have taken it down,

10-20-2007, 11:07 AM
Yeah they took it off. I have also seen him do part of the 4 cripples form which was also quite cool. I have always been very impressed with his kung fu and my sifu, Lee Koon Hung always spoke well of him.

10-20-2007, 11:30 AM
i can see what you mean. but it all started when he first commented on the CLF in the movies two......he said it was a shame to see how degenerated hung sing clf was from the chan family of clf.

after that he made the comments about the lau bun lineage. so i privately sent him messages and put him in check....

but after seeing such garbage making comments about the lack of effectiveness or practicality when he obviously had garbage in his eyes just set me off.

the lau bun lineage going back to lau bun has and will always be effective and practical. i should have laughed it off. but i got pride in my lineage. obviously.:rolleyes:

10-20-2007, 11:35 AM
From that comment he made it is clear he was trying to get you going.

10-21-2007, 09:07 AM
oh, sorry i forgot CLFNOLE, he disrespected your lineage as well saying yours and DFW have a pretty Effed up interpretation of CLF.

here is what he said....

"ok, bad word, not degenerated. but its like they only learned beginner level. five years under the founder is a lifetime. but even the lacey brothers line, through tarm sarm and gong on is pretty devastating. they learned the power of the swinging arm. lkh and doc fai wong have some pretty useless interpretations of clf applications."

this guy pishes me off, and thats why i don't like people from the chan family, right there.

Satori Science
10-21-2007, 09:19 AM
this guy pishes me off, and thats why i don't like people from the chan family, right there.

Frank man, the guy is a tool but there is @ least one in every family (we have our's too I promise:confused:), you can't paint everyone with the same brush....

10-21-2007, 09:23 AM
i know, but i've come across so many of them like that that im jaded kinda.

once, i was having a conversation with Master Fu Hang Ng, and he covered up the HUNG SING in my tattoo, and said to me......"all i see is CLF" no familly separation.

if all branches were that way, we could have one phucken awesomely strong family of gung fu. thats why i started my SAM SING YAT GA concept so that we can all respect each other equally.

hell, i know that won't happen........but i can hope right?;)

10-21-2007, 10:46 AM
I don't get worked up about words because if I have no respect from the source what difference does it make? My sifu and his students were well-known for their full-contact fighting, so where was the one-arm bandit in all this? People talk out of their arse way too much.

Tiet Sow
10-21-2007, 11:44 AM
The one armed guy said "lkh and doc fai wong have some pretty useless interpretations of clf applications."

For those who know-
It's KILLING me to keep quite here!

Tiet Sow
10-21-2007, 11:49 AM
OOOPS--I meant "quiet" not the other Q word

10-21-2007, 11:52 AM
... and thats why i don't like people from the chan family, right there.


Don't generalize. In fact there are Chan Family sifus like Thomas Fuhr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbXr173XMiM with Lau Bun lineage, (through Howard Lee -Doc Fai Wong, Frank Primicias)

Yao Sing
10-21-2007, 11:57 AM
Usually stuff like that is more of an internal thing, the rest of the world outside of CLF just sees CLF.

10-21-2007, 12:03 PM
Tiet Sow - I hear ya but you know whats up with our stuff. It's just 1 guy shootin off his mouth.

And Frank I agree with Jaza as there are always a few bad apples in every bunch (this would include all branches).

10-21-2007, 12:04 PM
im sorry jaza,

the old frank really didn't like the chan fam. i could care less anymore.

my dislike for chan fam was only historical. i never disliked their gung fu.

so aside from historical aspects, i've never really tried to say anything terrible about anyone in the chan clan........i learned from opening my mouth about doc fai wong to keep it to myself.

i know a few things about certain people, and i've never spoken about them openly.

so, jaza, with age, im growing.......

10-21-2007, 12:08 PM

once you mentioned all three, i see a few things i can relate to in that clip.

but if anyone here has a good clip of some one armed stuff post it up. show people how it should be done.....in fact....ill be right back.

10-21-2007, 12:09 PM
now, this is some good schit!!!!!!!


10-21-2007, 12:17 PM
Not sure if anyone has heard of him but there is a Hung Gar Sifu named Tony Brown and his kung fu is real good. His nickname is the one-arm bandit. I met him a few times years ago and his kung fu was tight.

10-21-2007, 12:22 PM

10-21-2007, 12:42 PM
That link didn't work.

10-21-2007, 12:48 PM

10-21-2007, 12:50 PM

Yao Sing
10-21-2007, 02:36 PM
Not sure if anyone has heard of him but there is a Hung Gar Sifu named Tony Brown and his kung fu is real good. His nickname is the one-arm bandit. I met him a few times years ago and his kung fu was tight.

He performed at John Leung's tourny in Seattle back in '93 or was it '95 (dang, got to go find the shirt). I think it was '95 and I no longer have the sweatshirt but it was some good stuff.

10-21-2007, 02:44 PM
Yeah I think it was 95 I was there too, we stayed in those dorms on the campus of the University of Washington.

10-22-2007, 07:50 AM
He domonstrated at NACMAF a ways back too. A classmate of mine used to learn under him before moving, and had good things to say.

10-22-2007, 08:18 AM
now, this is some good schit!!!!!!!


wow,he took that clip from my account and uploaded that on his..not that I care though:D

10-22-2007, 10:20 AM
Tiet Sow and Tony Brown are two people who come to mind-this guy is clueless.

10-22-2007, 10:54 AM
Tony Brown's awesome :cool:

Tiet Sow
10-22-2007, 11:30 AM
lol- Thanx TT--I've got to start payin my dues again

10-22-2007, 11:48 AM
hey check this out....i may be on to something......

who was my worst hater? Kenny-Fist right? well, on one of m clips the one armed bandit made a comment that the hung sing lineage is based off of a b-rated movie.(whatever his reasons he's one mad dude).......but anyways, what if it was kenny fist, this one armed bandit says he's from australia. wasn't kennyfist too?

what im saying is no one hated on me and the hung sing lineage more than kennyfist. i wouldn't be surprised.

10-22-2007, 12:09 PM
I always thought KennyFist might have been Doc Fai Wong's son becuase in the past you were kind of harsh on him. It probably wasn't him but that is who came to mind for me.

Problem with some people in any lineage is that they become deluded and think for some reason or another that their lineage is superor for whatever reason, while forgetting it is the person not the lineage that is good.

chivalrous hall
10-23-2007, 02:30 AM
have seen this one armed posted on youtube and first i tried to put this on the comments and was not able to so then i messaged the poster what i tried to put in the comments; "give you credit for doing this stuff. but what r u trying to feature here??
you doing this stuff doesnt mean you will have the upper hand if your on the street.
this stuff will never work in a real street sitch so why kid yourself and show this on youtube. besides, the guy that is throwing the punches doesnt look street savy so to speak and prob has never had a real life sitch on the streets. no offence. keep it real." this is the response that followed "yeah
i deleted your comment because you display nothing of your own street cred. your videos are of hung gar, where the street cred? before you can criticize you should sisplay how good you are. you are not worthy." did not suggest that i have any street cred as he stated and so what if the videos r of hung gar what does this have to do with the price of fuel?? never once did i mention that i was good! and yes wait for it...i am not worthy!!:D hell iam not one to disrespect, but from experience this display will not equate on the street bottom line.

10-24-2007, 02:43 PM
this is another reason i think the one armed gongster is kennyfist......


The Kensei Ryu has been around since 1992 with only a few close members, practioners of Goju Karate. Now, in 2003, membership is being offered to the Global Martial Arts Community.

How many International Associations have you seen that are located in the United States and only have members in the United States ? Hundreds, I know.

Th Kensei Ryu is head quatered in Sydney, Australia and we accept members from all over the world.

The word Kensei is a Japanese title that literally translates as "Sacred Fist". Title was given posthumously, after a masters passing. It was originally used in Japan for sword masters, the word Ken also means sword. Miyamoto Musashi was given the title after his death in 1645.

In Okinawa the title of Kensei was first given to Naha Te Karate founder Kanryo Higashionna. He taught Chojun Miyagi, Gichin Funakoshi and Kenwa Mabuni. After his passing in 1916, his students honored Higashionna Sensei with the title of Kensei.

Chojun Miyagi went on to found the Goju School of Karate and his many students gave him the title when he passed away in 1953. Gichin Funakoshi, founder of Shotokan Karate, also achieved the respectful title of Kensei at his passing.

This title cannot be achieved in life, only in passing is it awarded as a sign of respect. A Kensei is a Karateka who has transcended merely physical techniques and penetrated to the essence of Karate, one whose art is imbued with an extraordinary spiritual dimension.

A Kensei is an individual of great moral and martial character, whose vocation is not the taking of life, but the giving of life, thus furthering a society based on tolerance, peace and harmony. A Kensei does not forget war.

We, as modern Karateka strive to achieve the moral and spiritual goals of a Kensei.

this is from this website connected to the one armed bandit


10-24-2007, 04:36 PM
You might be on to something there.

10-25-2007, 12:52 AM
good dedective work there.

You should concider taking it up as a full time job.

btw - what do you do for a living?

10-25-2007, 06:21 AM
I do office work eddie.......

its just when im on to something, i won't stop till im satisfied. but........the one armed bandit also hit up one of sifu gus's students talking a smack about the green cloud application video's.

i really think its him....

10-25-2007, 08:01 AM

this is the best example of crippled kung fu ;)

10-25-2007, 08:52 AM
That movie rocks!!!

The Xia
10-25-2007, 11:24 PM
There are people that say that their style is better then everyone else’s. There are people that say their branch of a particular style is better then other branches. Now that we have the internet, many of these people can get their message across to a wider audience. You have all sorts talking trash about respected and accomplished sifus, but I wonder how many of them would say the same things to those sifus' faces. In my view, the bottom line is that this is the internet and taking these kinds of things to heart is pretty much useless. If you know that what you do works, who cares what some poster on youtube thinks. It’s pretty silly to say that Lau Bun’s brand of Choy Lei Fut isn’t practical. Lau Bun and other members of his branch have shown the practicality of their Gung Fu in combat. Lau Bun’s Choy Li Fut has proven practical in your own experience as well. This is what counts, not what “the one armed master, dupisha” posts about your Gung Fu.

10-26-2007, 08:35 AM
With the guy being on another continent, there's not much you can do... if he wants to make himself look foolish by claiming superiority over people who clearly outclass him and his students, let him. The best reply is probably to give a link to his video and tell people to judge for themselves. Or invite him to an open forum to debate CLF technique and training methods :p But I noticed he doesn't even allow criticisms of his own video to appear to the public, so that route would probably be pretty fruitless. I'm sure he gets trashed quite a bit though, even if we don't get to see it ;)

The Xia
10-27-2007, 10:41 PM
With the guy being on another continent, there's not much you can do... if he wants to make himself look foolish by claiming superiority over people who clearly outclass him and his students, let him. The best reply is probably to give a link to his video and tell people to judge for themselves. Or invite him to an open forum to debate CLF technique and training methods :p But I noticed he doesn't even allow criticisms of his own video to appear to the public, so that route would probably be pretty fruitless. I'm sure he gets trashed quite a bit though, even if we don't get to see it ;)
He deleted some comments?

10-28-2007, 07:24 AM
more than ever, i believe the one armed bandit is kennyfist, the guy who used to post like mad on here........

anyways, he has made all his video's to where he can view then first for his approval. how phucking weak is that?

punk arse pusshy~

Satori Science
10-28-2007, 07:32 AM
anyways, he has made all his video's to where he can view then first for his approval. how phucking weak is that?


Like to leave comments?

10-28-2007, 08:00 AM
yeah, since he left me some messages on my vids, i wanted to send him some as well to let the public see.......instead of the message posting, it says waiting for approval from poster......or something to that effect.

i knew kenny fist was from australia, but didn't know about the above karate thing....now every thing makes sense. just look at the highlighted areas.

Green Cloud
11-03-2007, 08:31 AM
Yea he dissed my stuff too. He said that my knife stuff sucked and that I would get cut and that my CLF stuff lacked flow. Make a long story short after looking at his vid I would have to say nothing fearing bad Karma:eek:

Satori Science
11-03-2007, 09:15 AM
Frank you should email his youtube account and give him the link to this thread,
Maybe if he got feedback from some one besides his own students....:rolleyes:

11-03-2007, 12:45 PM
he's been real quiet lately.

plus he monitors all his messages before posting them.

what a joke