View Full Version : gone baby gone

doug maverick
10-20-2007, 02:57 AM

a family hire a private detective(casey affleck) to find their missing neice. the private eye soon hooks up with two detective on goes around the city of boston to find the kids abductors. based on a story from the writer of mistic river

ben afflecks directorial debut, let see where do i start: it is a f ucking awesome film a must see picture and i'm sure it'll be an oscar contender i don't know who's **** ben sucked over at miramax to get this film in the green but i'm glad he did it.ben played it safe by putting the film in boston for the simple fact that he knows boston its people its heart and he would know how to bring it out on film, and bring it out he did. he showed a grittier side to boston one we onyl glimpsed in the departed. i must say i enjoyed this film the pacing was decent because it kept you interested. the film looked like it filmed in three parts don;t know if thats on purpose or a happy accident. even thou this film is a major motion picture from miramax it has a very earthy indie feel to it.

ed harris is amazing as one of the detectives in the film and so is morgan freeman(like i had to say it) there was something that erked the hell out of me about this film but i can't say it without totaly blowing the film but if you watch it you'll know what i mean. this film was the first time in a long time where i saw a new york audience(which is more jaded then an la audience when it comes to movies) give the film a standing O when it ended (and it wasn't because it ended) and actually sat in theater for while the credits roled and discussed the film.

ben's acting career may be finished but his directing career has just begun.