View Full Version : 30 Days of Night

10-24-2007, 11:03 PM
Ok, so this film has nohting to do with martial arts.

I was however anticipating this for a little while now, and a I was really pleased with the results.

Im a fan of horror, really enjoy a good brutal violent and gory slaughter flick. This one hits the spot


I really like that the vampires in this movie go against what all previous vampire films have always done. Instead of being depressing EMO freaks, they are brutal, bloodthirsty monsters.

Lots of fun for the whole family. Very graphic though. Think decapitating an 8 year old girl.....(shes a vampire of course, but still...)

10-25-2007, 07:48 AM
the vampires were the coolest adaption of vampires i have seen.

but the movie was one thumb down and one thumb up man. it wasn't that great.

10-25-2007, 07:53 AM
Agree movie wasn't that great. would have been a decent renter. The vampires (for me at least) weren't that horrifying. They walked around with there mouths open sputtering some language that never got explained. There was no back story, acting was so so on the vampire parts, should have left it more to the viewers imagination when dealing with the vampires, ( a more unknown evil kinda thing)

Gore was decent. Had some nice parts but acting in vampire roles was just lame.

10-25-2007, 09:44 AM
I'll agree that it was very basic plot with little story, but personally, as a huge horror fan, that wasnt why I liked the movie.

Purely as a slaughter gore flick it gets 2 thumb up from me. Its been a long time since hollywood put out a slasher like this. A long time. Now if i judged this movie based on acting quality and volume of plot, it would be different.

Have you read the graphic novel?

Reading the graphic might help a little, might not.

Of course its usually better to read the books / novelas before watching the movie.

But at the same time, i am a huge fan of the actual effects, and atmosphere in regards to horror, acting comes second for me when watching horror.

The acting and story were in the background for this one. Its a gore flick straight up. The effects guys did a great job on this one IMO.

Best vampire death scene to me was when that big fella shot that one vamp in the face while driving that big tractor chainsaw thing, then the vampire flew on the blade and got sawed in half. Beautiful.

Best human death scene to me was definately when the first human was changing and got decapitated by the wood axe on the swing set

The Xia
10-27-2007, 11:04 PM
but the movie was one thumb down and one thumb up man. it wasn't that great.
Mathematically, does that make it no thumbs up? :p

10-28-2007, 03:38 PM
Mathematically, does that make it no thumbs up? :p

exactly ;)

10-30-2007, 11:02 AM
The die hard horror fans, for the majority, loved this film.

Prob more a horror fanatic type of a film for sure.