View Full Version : What do you all think of this???

11-16-2007, 10:16 AM

I'd say pretty effed up

11-16-2007, 10:29 AM
truly sickening. those ****ers should be strung up... in the west with internet access etc we live in a bubble, that much is for sure...

11-16-2007, 11:01 AM
truly sickening. those ****ers should be strung up... in the west with internet access etc we live in a bubble, that much is for sure...

we live in a bubble, they're the ones punishing the victim of a rape, those overjealous insecure *******s are the ones who are in a bubble. the middle east may have preserved knowledge during the dark ages in the west, but what they are in right now is way beyond dark ages, those ****ers are blind

11-16-2007, 11:24 AM
Those arent men. They are DOGS. straight up.

When men let themselves degrade to the state of animals, they deserve no better than a shallow grave.

11-16-2007, 11:28 AM
Typical for Saudi arabia,,,funny, they are probably the biggest abusers of human rights in that area, and that is saying a lot.
Iraq under Saddam was more tolerant.

11-16-2007, 11:31 AM
i meant we live in a bubble as we're "insulated" from this sort of thing, truly ****ed up stuff like this goes on every day somewhere around the world...

the society out there is without a doubt ****ed up, but to be clear by "those ****ers need to be strung up" i mean the individuals involved, nothing ethnic\religious\national. just like abu ghraib (spelling?) atrocities *people* did it. and there were conditions to allow that to foster which need to change.

11-16-2007, 11:39 AM
i meant we live in a bubble as we're "insulated" from this sort of thing, truly ****ed up stuff like this goes on every day somewhere around the world...

the society out there is without a doubt ****ed up, but to be clear by "those ****ers need to be strung up" i mean the individuals involved, nothing ethnic\religious\national. just like abu ghraib (spelling?) atrocities *people* did it. and there were conditions to allow that to foster which need to change.

The freaks that did abu gharib were equally human garbage! dispose of the human garbage. and that one abu gharib chick procreated. how sad:(

11-16-2007, 11:43 AM
i'm with you on that man...

i just always see people picking up on cases like this to further political ends...

11-16-2007, 01:01 PM
i'm with you on that man...

i just always see people picking up on cases like this to further political ends...

Politically there are wrongs on both sides. The fact that Abu Gharib happened showed that our focus was not on the humane treatment of prisoners. In the "war on terrorism" the United States decided the Geneva convention doesn't apply, which is completely wrong. In Guantanamo the US is trying to at least not physically abuse detainees:


In Saudi Arabia there is an extremsit culture that has went out of control. These kinds of human rights violations should not be acceptable to anyone in the world. I am not saying there is anything wrong with Islam, but there is a problem with those who use Islam to justify violence, especially violence against innocent civilians. Like this, or honor killings.

11-17-2007, 12:14 AM
Typical for Saudi arabia,,,funny, they are probably the biggest abusers of human rights in that area, and that is saying a lot.
Iraq under Saddam was more tolerant.In Jordan, if a woman has premarital sex her family has a legal right to kill her and they usually try to as having sex before marriage is seen as disgracing the entire family. They only refuge the women have is to ask to be put in jail.

11-17-2007, 04:35 AM
odd isn't it (was going to put funny, like in the parculiar sense, but theres nothing funny here) the saudi royal family was over here telling us how bad people we all were. amazing how money and power can turn a blind eye to anything.

Shaolin Wookie
11-17-2007, 06:29 AM
i meant we live in a bubble as we're "insulated" from this sort of thing, truly ****ed up stuff like this goes on every day somewhere around the world...

Um, **** like this happens in the US all the time. I'm insulted by the insinuation that we're insulated.

On a related note: anyone who tells you Islam can peacefully coincide with state govt.---here's your proof it can't. And when they tell you women's lib is a dead issue, because their religion wants to keep women in a certain status, and that the women actually want to conform to those standards out of piety--here's your proof so you can call BS on that ****.

I don't know how religion survives so long, when it sanctions BS like this. You'd think people would eventually just say: **** that.

I mean, she's getting lashed for being in the car with a "strange" man.

WTF does that even mean? He was unrelated, and not her husband? She can't take a ride with a male friend without being lashed?

Oh....that's right. She can't have male friends..........but hey, I'm sure she enjoys that part of Islam, right?