View Full Version : Frontline reports: Ambush in Mogadishu (somalia)...

10-25-2001, 06:57 AM
Since many people here probably would be interested. It will be on PBS Nov 1st; watch for it.


It's an update report and the focus now will be on how bin laden's group helped to fight the Rangers in Somalia.

<TABLE BORDER="3" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="1"><TR><TD><form><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" Art Tsai " onClick="parent.location='http://people.we.mediaone.net/arttsai/home.html'"></TD></TR></table></form><HR Width="97%">"You fight like you train." --Motto, USN Fighter Weapon School (TOPGUN)

10-25-2001, 05:24 PM
What was the kill ratio between the two groups? If that was a win for OBL's fighting forces I'd love to see what they consider a loss.

"Americans don't have the courage to come here," Mullah Mohammed Omar, leader of the Taliban who right about now is getting jiggy with his first of 70 virgins.

“Are you guys ready? Let’s roll.” Last words of Todd Beamer heard over his mobile line right before rushing a hijacker.

10-25-2001, 05:34 PM
And soon you will.

If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

10-25-2001, 08:18 PM
This is also known as BLACKHAWK DOWN. We lost 18 people...the SOMALIAN lost over a 100.


10-25-2001, 08:37 PM
I think they lost a bit more than 100 Legend.

"Americans don't have the courage to come here," Mullah Mohammed Omar, leader of the Taliban who right about now is getting jiggy with his first of 70 virgins.

“Are you guys ready? Let’s roll.” Last words of Todd Beamer heard over his mobile line right before rushing a hijacker.

10-25-2001, 11:24 PM