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View Full Version : knife attack vid and thinking out of the box

Black Jack II
11-19-2007, 07:53 PM
Taken from the ground knife fighting forum a bit below. We had an example of the green cloud blade defense and then the STAB defense.

Knife attacks are not often done by some retard drunk on teacher fanboyism but by determined skells like this guy.


Do you think traditional chinese training is holds water to learning knife defense or do you need to seek your wisdom outside of the box?

11-19-2007, 08:37 PM
I believe the answer to that entirely depends on the style of kung fu and life experience of the Sifu. There are many techniques that are theoretically sound but not battle tested. I believe that when it comes to life and death situations there should be no boundaries and whatever works, works. So yes, I believe thinking outside of the box is neccesary and if you see something that looks practical, then by all means use it. I also believe that when it comes to situations like the one in the clip, awareness is the most essential weapon. One must always be aware of his surroundings (easier said than done, ofcourse).

11-19-2007, 09:58 PM
This attacker looked to me to be on drugs. Ignoring that many blows to the head and neck from very hard objects and still not going down--speed? angel dust? I don't really know all the stuff out there any more, but something was keeping him from feeling the pain.

11-19-2007, 10:44 PM
This attacker looked to me to be on drugs. Ignoring that many blows to the head and neck from very hard objects and still not going down--speed? angel dust? I don't really know all the stuff out there any more, but something was keeping him from feeling the pain.

The same thing that allowed the other guy to be stabbed multiple times and keep fighting... adrenaline.

11-20-2007, 05:44 AM
The human body can do some amazing things, some of it thanks to adrenaline, others thanks to blind luck and how hard it is to hit a moving, reacting, target cleanly.
People have gone into emergency rooms full of cuts, and stabs, some with knives still stuck into them, sometimes in their heads, others have been killed with minimal strikes.
Luck of the draw sometimes.
The video is typical of what a "semi-trained" person will do with a knife, no one ever does what we typically see as demos.

11-20-2007, 12:04 PM
PCP is an amazing drug.

11-20-2007, 11:14 PM
This attacker looked to me to be on drugs. Ignoring that many blows to the head and neck from very hard objects and still not going down--speed? angel dust? I don't really know all the stuff out there any more, but something was keeping him from feeling the pain.

Because he has balls.

11-20-2007, 11:23 PM
never being attacked with a real knife. and i hope i dont.

i think the security gaurd did his best. obviously the attacker didn't feel much of the pain from behing hit with a chair twice and repetadly bashed on the head with things. i doubt stabbing his eyes with your fingers or trying to collapse his trachea with a punch would help. it might slow him down a bit but who know's. we don't know the circumstances.

this is one of those things where you have to know what can take a person out whether they are high on drugs or not.

there is a bunch of different things you can say, the gaurd could have been better trained a bit. but the security gaurd also had a very small space to defend in. at least he is alright.