View Full Version : sickboy

herb ox
11-20-2007, 12:52 PM
Yep. It happened. After 1.5 years of not getting a cold (all the while working with with people who were sick), I finally caught a cold. We'll call it a wind-heat common cold affecting the upper burner - runny nose, congestion, headache, scratchy throat and lots of post nasal drip... it really sucks.

So, I believe I've stumbled upon a combination of herbs that are really helping. Here goes:

Day one - I used Neti pot with 2 pulverized Huang Lian Su tablets. Stained everything bright yellow - caution. Oh yeah, and it really burned for like at least an hour. Huang Lian is a strong anti-heat toxin herb. I was hoping to lessen the nasal symptoms.

Followed with Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian and Ganmao Tuire Chongi drink - both for wind heat.

Day two - We're talking full blown illness here. Symptoms fairly strong, gut full of mucus (yum).

This morning I pulverized the Yin Qiao, 4 tabs of Bi Yan Pian (for sinus/nasal congestion) and the Chongji and drank it down as a tea. Not too bad tasting.

2 hours later, the haze is lifting, the head pressure is subsiding, and the drips and congestion are gone for now!

Rice congee is on the stove - with ginger and scallions, soy sauce and sesame oil on top, its comfort food that nourishes while being easy on the digestion. Got a sick friend who's coming over soon to join me in my misery :p

hope you all are well,

herb ox

11-20-2007, 04:57 PM
I bet those herbal fusions would work better for you if administered through a high colonic. All access, baby. OK, sorry, hope it doesn't hurt to laugh...