View Full Version : One leg squat pointers video

11-25-2007, 02:56 PM
If you can't do one leg squat, you may like this video.
Talks about flexibility, strength and balance and how to work them for one leg squat.


11-25-2007, 08:03 PM
This is pretty cool!

Both of my sifus were able to do this, but we didn't go over it in class. The video seems pretty cool, I'll have to try it out. Much better than most of the "advice" I've found on the subject while checking the internet. I once asked about this on another board (which I shall not name) and the responses I got were more or less "The only way to improve it is to do it." "Keep trying, just go as low as you can, you'll get there."

Of course, I'm just starting to heal from an ankle injury, so you can imagine why I was less than willing to go that route. Thanks for the link!