View Full Version : OMG! Little Rogue is a, a, a, grappler!

11-26-2007, 06:27 PM
Dang kid has gone and become a wrestler. Just goes to prove that no matter what you do to raise a kid right they'll go and do something dumb anyway. And he's a bad influence because Baby Rogue is talking about taking up wrestling too. :D

I am surprised and proud at how fast he's picking it up. And my wife and I have also gained a new gym partner.

Seems like only yesterday when I feeding him or changing his diaper before heading out to train. Now he's borrowing my stuff, using me as a wrestling dummy and soon will be feeding me and changing my Depends before he heads out to train.

Life is good.:)

11-27-2007, 10:34 AM

Here are some tips.

First, since wrestling is all about strength, start your son on a steady diet of weights, steroids and protein. As there is no skill whatsoever involved, you can't be too strong.

Secondly, invest in a solid health care plan, because, unlike TCMA, he is bound to injure himself, probably un-necessarily and will obviously be crippled in his old age.

Finally, remind him that his takedowns are just for sport, that they have no real-world, practical application, and that anybody with a good root will merely redirect him into the nearest wall, knee him into oblivion, or throw an elbow that will break his spine.

11-27-2007, 01:19 PM

11-27-2007, 01:58 PM

Here are some tips.

First, since wrestling is all about strength, start your son on a steady diet of weights, steroids and protein. As there is no skill whatsoever involved, you can't be too strong.

Secondly, invest in a solid health care plan, because, unlike TCMA, he is bound to injure himself, probably un-necessarily and will obviously be crippled in his old age.

Finally, remind him that his takedowns are just for sport, that they have no real-world, practical application, and that anybody with a good root will merely redirect him into the nearest wall, knee him into oblivion, or throw an elbow that will break his spine.

absolutely. And tell him to always be on the look out for qi balls. Most importantly, he should know that in the event that he does have to defend himself, he needs to forget ALL of his wrestling and remember two things - eye gouges and crotch kicks.

11-27-2007, 02:02 PM
absolutely. And tell him to always be on the look out for qi balls. Most importantly, he should know that in the event that he does have to defend himself, he needs to forget ALL of his wrestling and remember two things - eye gouges and crotch kicks.

You mean crotch gouges and eye kicks.

11-27-2007, 02:20 PM
That is excellent advice guys and I will make sure he never forgets it.:D

I really like how the training gets these kids up to speed. So far in a nutshell it's:
1. Learn new move against non-resisting partner.
2. Work new move against resisting partner.
3. Free spar.
4. Show dad new move knocking over stuff and ****ing off mom.
5. Repeat

He'll find out Friday if he's competing in next weeks meet.

David Jamieson
11-27-2007, 04:24 PM
make sure he gets notification to get used to the stench of crotch and ass in his face a lot. Also, make sure he understands that this will be a same sex kinda thing. :p

11-27-2007, 06:10 PM
We've already busted on him about the unitard. Could be worse, one of his friends is going into musical theater.:D

12-06-2007, 10:08 AM
Little Rogue is a starter! Gets to wear the fancy singlet and the team sweats. Took some advice from his old man to attack fast and get the guy off his game rather than clinch which he is still working on.

I'm very impressed by how fast kids learn these skills using a sports methodology rather than the dojo method. Also establishing rank(?) by actually using those skills really removes doubt about how good you are. I can't wait to hear how he does this evening as he's only been wrestling for a couple of weeks. :)

Old Tiger
12-06-2007, 10:22 AM
Congratulation on your little Rogue. I know what you are saying. I really like your changing diaper to changing Depend comment. That almost made me fell off my chair laughing.

My oldest son started wrestling a couple of weeks ago in junior high. In his first match, he got pinned closed to the end of 3rd period. Pretty good for his first match. So I work with him on some shuai jiao pointers for the take down. He had to tell me a lot of it were illegals, but I just told him that it is legal as long as the ref don't catch it. :D Last week, in his second match, he pinned the guy in 26 seconds. He's learning fast. He didn't have a match this week, but next week I'll see if it was just a fluke.

Like you, my proud papa attitude is overflowing.

12-06-2007, 05:06 PM
Little Rogue just got back from his first match which he won by pin in 15 seconds. :eek: 105 weight class. The other kid could have been a tomato can but Lil Rogue moved quick and the other guy never got started. I'll have to start being nicer to him or he'll kick my butt in a few years. Can't wait to see how he does as the season progresses.

Old Tiger.
It sure is fun watching them grow up. Congrats on your sons win. :)

Mook Jong
12-06-2007, 05:10 PM
wow, 15 sec pin, he sounds like a natural. not to pry but 105 lbs, how old is he?

12-06-2007, 05:21 PM
13, he'll be 14 in Feb. He's 5'4".

His little brother, Baby Rogue is going out for the team next year and he's 98 lbs. @ 5'1" and he just turned 11. Big brother has started training him already.

Yum Cha
12-06-2007, 07:24 PM
Sorry, just had to check this thread. Its what my first girlfriend said to me the first night we were home alone....


Mook Jong
12-06-2007, 07:44 PM
You gotta do what my dad did with me. It's a little late for LG but BG might still be young enough for this to work. Tell him that he should never fight anyone crazier than he is and convince him that you are crazier than he is. Alternatively, say the same with MA skill and that your more skilled. I'm sure my dad started it as a joke but now, i'm almost 19 6' and 180 lbs while he is 5'6". I still can hear him telling me all this in the back of my head.

Hope your son's next match goes well :D

Old Tiger
12-07-2007, 09:28 AM
****, 15 seconds. Did you even have a chance to settle in and get the video camera going?

My son is close to your son's stats. He turned 13 last month, 5' 4" and 111 lbs. Unfortunately, his younger brother is complete opposite of him. He don't like physical activities, but that may be changing. I'm starting to see a spark in his eye whenever he sees me and his big brother roll.

12-07-2007, 07:26 PM
Today, as a reward for setting a school record, his coach had him wrestle up against two more experienced team members and then drill with them. Gotta build up his skills, can't depend on quick wins. :)

Thanks for the kind words Mook Jong. :)

12-10-2007, 06:18 PM
Today he won 7-0. :)

01-07-2008, 06:56 PM
Well it finally happened, Little Rogue lost. After five straight wins and no loses he was beat by a kid from one of best teams in the state. He dominated in the first period but his lack of experience and a smart opponent got him pinned in the second. He did pretty good considering the meet was a blood bath (something like 19 - 64) and may have actually pinned the kid but the ref didn't call it.

He wrestles again tomorrow and Thursday and is learning how to let a lose go and focus on the next match. He's also learning to make the win decisive as you can't rely on the ref or the judges. I'm glad he chose his own sport and didn't follow me into karate. :D

It's something to see the difference between these programs. Ours is pretty darn good but some of these schools are scary good.

11-13-2008, 06:11 PM
Crap! Now Baby Rogue is a wrestler! What am I doing wrong?:eek: And now they both pick on the fact that their old man used to jump around in white canvas pajamas.

Baby Rogue is only 5 pounds shy of what older brother Little Rogue wrestled at last season but 3 years younger. BR is tall for his age and proper weight for his height, Little Rogue was a little runty until this past summer.

Once again I'm amazed at how fast these kids pick this stuff up using sport training. Can't wait to see how both do this year, though Little Rogue is talking about skipping this year to focus on school work and music.

Pork Chop
11-14-2008, 10:55 AM
It's cool that they found something they like tho.
My baby brother (13 years my junior) did wrestling for a season or so before being bit by the Lacrosse bug; I wish he would have picked up more.
No worries though, I'm going to be a daddy in May of next year (getting married this weekend), and I'm going to start training the little Piglet before s/he's out of diapers.

Mr Punch
11-14-2008, 12:27 PM
No worries though, I'm going to be a daddy in May of next year (getting married this weekend), and I'm going to start training the little Piglet before s/he's out of diapers.

Hey, grats!

Pork Chop
11-14-2008, 02:23 PM
Hey, grats!

thanks :)
I'll bring the lil rugrat your way in another year or two when I take him/her to meet the grandparents.
Sorry we didn't get to hang out this last time - was in Ginza for one evening before going to Yamanashi and Fujikawaguchiko (got to climb Kachi Kachi Yama from the fairy tale).

taai gihk yahn
11-14-2008, 02:25 PM
congrats to all who are seeing the fruit of their loins prosper! my little monster turns 4 in two weeks, and it seems that he's going to be very inclined towards and successful at activities of this nature - he's one of those coordinated, solid, tough kids who can be very calculating and goal oriented: tempered aggression (fortunately he's also got a sweet side a mile long to balance that!)...I figure another two or three years and we can turn him loose in a pee-wee BJJ class, get him started on some basic skills; probably will hold off on competition until he's about 12 though, don't want him starting off too early...

IMPE, grappling is the way to go early on - much easier to control it, and it teaches him how to deal with falling and hitting the floor without freaking out if he gets knocked down; also, in the event of the inevitable playground scrap, it gives him the right tools to be able to deal with what will probably happen anyway (going to the ground), and to be able to definitively finish it in a a relatively controlled manner - also, school administrators are probably going to be much less adversarial dealing with a situation where two kids rolled around on the ground a bit and one ended it by sitting on the other without actually damaging him, as opposed to giving him broken nose from a roundhouse kick to the face...

Pork Chop
11-14-2008, 02:44 PM
hopefully i'll be able to stay in san antonio and my kid will grow up with marcello salazar's kid... marcello's an ifl vet & a total monster... should be debuting in a more major organization sometime in the next year.