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12-02-2007, 03:35 PM
Ba Gua and Tai Chi as Taoist Meditation with Bruce Frantzis

Saturday, February 09, 2008
And Sunday, February 10, 2008
At the El Cerrito Veterans Hall

A lineage holder in Ba Gua Zhang and Tai Chi Chuan, Bruce will teach the moving meditation practices present in these arts, which are better known for their martial and healing aspects. Bruce spent seven years training as a Taoist priest and received the Taoist meditation transmission from his main, Liu Hung Chieh of Beijing. Liu was a private student of Ma Shr Jing, one of Dung Hai Chuan's four main disciples and was also direct disciple of Wu Chien Chuan, co-founder of the Wu style of Tai chi.

This direct transmission, along with over 40 years of meditative and martial practice, gives Bruce a unique perspective on these arts, which has rarely been available to Westerners. The workshop will explore various elements of Taoist meditation and will consist of two groups. The material covered for both groups will be similar with slight variations for each art.

Possible topics for the Tai Chi group:
Releasing blocked emotional energy in the movement of Single Whip.
How to integrate the motion of the mind and the Heart-Mind into the form.
How to release energy channel's via Taoist breathing and the Inner Dissolving method.
Integration of the spine and internal organs.

Possible Topics for the Ba Gua groups:
Releasing emotional and psychic blocks while walking the circle.
Converting chi into shen (spirit) via the Inner Dissolving method.
Relationship of ba gua meditation to the eight energy bodies and the I Ching (Book of Changes).
Integration of the spine and internal organs.
How to use the Inner Dissolving method to release blockages in two-person practices, such as Push Hands or Ruo Shou.

For beginners there will be a Friday night introduction taught by Certified Instructor Isaac Kamins and Jess O'Brien, which will cover basic movements and an introduction to the Inner Dissolving method while moving. Visit http://watertradition.net/fridayintro.html for more information on the intro course.

Prerequisites: None; everyone is welcome.

Price: $270.00

Registration Details at:

Questions: contact Jess O’Brien at xingyiquan5@yahoo.com