View Full Version : 2nd Lau Jaam Lion Dance In Movie

12-03-2007, 12:23 PM
Here is another lion dance with Lau Jaam as Lam Sai Wing in movie. Rival school lions battle. Interesting Hung Style play and lion dance battle:


Tai Lik

12-03-2007, 03:03 PM
thanks for this vid.

you know this vid makes me miss lion dancing like we did in the old days. form me hahaha thats just in the 1980's.

but i was wondering, with the new type of lion dancing, what type do you prefer? i mean, the old style where they were on the floor doing other routines, chasing buddha or even fighing a soldier who has a spear.

or do you like all the trapeze thingies better............

12-04-2007, 08:34 AM
i enjoy both styles, but my preference is the longer tailed "old school" lion style whether it be a "go cheng" (high) or "day cheng" (ground).

i remember the days when the store owners would put out the "day chengs" like:

"doke se lan lo cheng" ( poison snake)
"hai cheng" (crab)
"pun cheng" (tub or basin with water)
"Jo ji cheng" (character puzzles)
"chut sing boone yuet cheng" (7 seven star and moon)


besides, us older & bigger guys can still play the "day chengs" :D

in MY OPINION there is more opportunity to show your southern gung fu skills with the older style (for lack of a better word) long tail fut san and hok san.

12-04-2007, 08:53 AM
yeah, fut san did the crab one for my sifu and my classmates. it was recorded, but it was at night time and there were no lights around.

from what i understand, they still privately practice lion dancing, meaning they are hush hush about it. i think thats why they did it at night.

12-04-2007, 08:55 AM
Plus there's so much history in the long tailed heads.

like when we're flipping the tails. in most cases its the make sure no fire crackers are on it, but when they are points when you turn the tail over, and that was supposed to represent the overthrowing of the ching.

12-04-2007, 10:58 AM
i've spent some time in singapore and malaysia i got to see alot of the short tail lion style peformances on the mui fa jong, alot!:)

although much of the performances were geared towards the jong competitions, much of the old traditions and choy chengs are still being preserved there whether it be long or short tail style. i saw alot of the old school traditions you described on a regular basis. The jong peforamances are exciting, fun to watch, and great for competition.