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View Full Version : new wing chun school

12-04-2007, 07:54 PM
Hi everyone

There is a new school on the central coast n.s.w Australia located at tuggerah anyone who is interested in training is wellcome to come along first lesson is free
The school is called Central Coast Wing Chun and it is a mainland chinese style of wing chun. training is on monday and fridays 8pm til 9.15pm. Adress is 1/16 ace cresant tuggerah located at central coast karate.
Our linedge is Leung Chun>Kwan Yee>Tao Kung>Junno Chung>nick Scopelities>Nathan Mitchell,John Arndt

12-05-2007, 06:26 PM
I've never heard of any of these people.Does your school have a website?

12-05-2007, 06:33 PM
No we dont have a website yet. leung chun was leung jans other son leung bik was his brother whos yip man linege comes from.
My sifus school has a web site nf wingchun and there is a profile on him on Ian Protheroes wing chun web site. though we are no longer affiliated with my sifu Nick Scopelities

12-05-2007, 06:57 PM
Our system is similar to yip mans with a few differences
Our dummy form has 140 movements ( i think yip mans did origanally)
In chi sau we punch on top not a high fook sau
In chum ku we punch with the larn sau so to jam and hit at same time
Our bill jee form is longer and done faster
We also have a fair bit of chi na as well so you have options
There are a few other differences as well

12-05-2007, 07:14 PM
Our system is similar to yip mans with a few differences
In chi sau we punch on top not a high fook sau

Err. You do know that Chi sau in that manner (regardless of punch or fook sau) is exclusive to Yip Man/YKS based lineages right?

12-05-2007, 09:34 PM
Err. leung bik and leung chun were brothers so the wing chun should be similer, i guess that is why Yip Man dummy form used to have 140 movements like ours, wonder if he changed any thing else. err.
Most of the wsl or william chueng and jim fung wing chun that ive experienced uses the fook sau though, i havnt seen many that punch like us,
Like i said before fairly similer, only a few changes.;)

12-05-2007, 09:53 PM
Sorry but I think you misunderstand.

Leung Jan did not teach chi sao with anything like what you would call fairly similar.
Hence there's no way that his sons would teach something that's exclusive to Yip Man/Yuen Kay San lineages.

That particular method regardless of whether it's a punch or a fook sau was developed by Yip Man and Yuen Kay San. Therefore if your chi sau method is similar, I would assume it is derived from Yip Man or Yuen Kay San WC and not Leung Chun.

12-05-2007, 09:59 PM
Sorry but I think you misunderstand.

Leung Jan did not teach chi sao with anything like what you would call fairly similar.
Hence there's no way that his sons would teach something that's exclusive to Yip Man/Yuen Kay San lineages.

That particular method regardless of whether it's a punch or a fook sau was developed by Yip Man and Yuen Kay San.

Edmund, I have heard of this before, that Yip Man at the least invented today's chi sau platform. What was the platform before Yip Man, Yuen Kay Shan? What did it involve and why did Yip invent a knew method?



12-05-2007, 10:07 PM
There are other schools that come from leung chun, there is one in New York.
Are you saying that Yip man didnt learn Chi sau from Leun bik?
Our forms are some what different to Yip mans even to what ive seen of wsl forms and jim fung forms, i know that william cheungs are different again but ours are not the same as his either.
In regards to leung jan not teaching anything that looks similer
, again Leung bik and Leung Chun were brothers both learning of Leung jan so the systems wont very that much. even though Yip mans students all vary a little yet they all learnt of the same person.
If your saying that Yip Man changed his Wing Chun a lot then it explains why our wing chun is dfferent maybe our system wasnt changed as much e.g 116 movements compared to 140 on the dummy amongst other things

12-05-2007, 10:07 PM
Edmund, I have heard of this before, that Yip Man at the least invented today's chi sau platform. What was the platform before Yip Man, Yuen Kay Shan? What did it involve and why did Yip invent a knew method?



Today's chi sau platform for YM and YKS lineages you mean.
Well if you look at other Leung Jan lineages outside of Yip Man, whether from Futsan or Kulo, they do a form of huen saos with both hands rather than tan, bong, fook, punch etc.

Why did they invent a new method?
Maybe it's just another method that we shouldn't make a massive deal out of..... :D Dunno.

The dan (single) chi sao you are probably familar with is seen in YM lineages only.

12-05-2007, 10:10 PM
There are other schools that come from leung chun, there is one in New York.
Are you saying that Yip man didnt learn Chi sau from Leun bik?

Yeah. He and YKS invented the chi sau you know.

The issue is the same with the New York guys really. How can they have the same chi sao method as YM and YKS?

Our forms are some what different to Yip mans even to what ive seen of wsl forms and jim fung forms, i know that william cheungs are different again but ours are not the same as his either.

Everyone's is different.
When stuff is the same you kinda conclude they had a common teaching.
When stuff is different you don't always know when/where the difference was created.

If your saying that Yip Man changed his Wing Chun a lot then it explains why our wing chun is dfferent maybe our system wasnt changed as much e.g 116 movements compared to 140 on the dummy amongst other things


But why does your system have one of his changes? Why would your older lineage do chi sao in the same way as him if he is the inventor of that method?

12-05-2007, 10:23 PM
Even though all wing chun uses the same ideas they are all interperated differently. Its always going to look similier if they had the same teacher... Yip Mans system is popular because he taught a lot of people. and mainly because of bruce lee is wing chun wellknow. If Leung chan system wasnt taught as mush then it wouldnt be as well know, dosent mean it didnt exist..

12-05-2007, 10:39 PM
Even though all wing chun uses the same ideas they are all interperated differently. Its always going to look similier if they had the same teacher... Yip Mans system is popular because he taught a lot of people. and mainly because of bruce lee is wing chun wellknow. If Leung chan system wasnt taught as mush then it wouldnt be as well know, dosent mean it didnt exist..

While I appreciate that point, I think you understand what I'm getting at.
The chi sao method did not come from Leung Jan or Leung Bik or Leung Chun.

12-05-2007, 10:47 PM
I understsnd what you mean but wing chun history is clouded, there is no way to be sure if yip man changed chi sau, some stories say that leung chun wast that good at wing chun, but some stories say yip man never met leung bik. When leung jan taught wing chun latter he didnt teach the forms maybe he didnt teach chi sau the same.
you might have only seen yip mans and yks chi sau this way . but like i said before leung chan wing chun isnt seen much, but the chi sau might have always been there. cant understand why there are so much pollitics in wing chun. ERR.

12-05-2007, 11:10 PM
I understsnd what you mean but wing chun history is clouded, there is no way to be sure if yip man changed chi sau, some stories say that leung chun wast that good at wing chun, but some stories say yip man never met leung bik. When leung jan taught wing chun latter he didnt teach the forms maybe he didnt teach chi sau the same.

And what about Chan Wah Shun students? Yip Man was one of the last of them right? Other Chan Wah Shun students don't do chi sau the same way. Why not?
Why would YKS, NOT a Leung Jan student, have the same method?
Other well known WC lineages don't. (For instance YKS's own brother, Yuen Chai Wan, who learnt off the same teachers as YKS.)

Because Yip Man and YKS invented that way.

you might have only seen yip mans and yks chi sau this way . but like i said before leung chan wing chun isnt seen much, but the chi sau might have always been there. cant understand why there are so much pollitics in wing chun. ERR.

So it's politics when your story has a discrepancy and I point it out. How's it benefiting you to have your story wrong?

12-06-2007, 12:14 AM
The Vietnams Wing chun under nguyen te cong has chi sau with tan and fook sau, there not ym or yks.

You didnt point out anything, the reson i said there are pollitics in wing chun is because of egos, look in the mirror.
what wing chun system do you do edmond do you enjoy it? do you have the long pole form or is it the shorter form? i ask because im interested about wing chun not to say your story has faults but to ask about ur systems. we are always learning if you are open to it.
I remember reading a quote about a famous yip man student who when asked if it was possable if there was wing chun in a communist country like vietnam that it was impossable.
Glad there are people with a open mind and not just people like yourself with a closed mind

12-06-2007, 04:41 AM
The Vietnams Wing chun under nguyen te cong has chi sau with tan and fook sau, there not ym or yks.

Well I'm ready to learn more about it but I don't think that is the case.


You didnt point out anything, the reson i said there are pollitics in wing chun is because of egos, look in the mirror.
what wing chun system do you do edmond do you enjoy it? do you have the long pole form or is it the shorter form? i ask because im interested about wing chun not to say your story has faults but to ask about ur systems. we are always learning if you are open to it.

I'm sure it does have faults. I don't mind finding out more about the various systems of WC I have studied even if it proves an old story wrong. Does it make a difference?

I've learnt 3 systems of WC: YKS, YM and Pan Nam. They all have dodgy aspects to their histories (Monks and nuns and stuff). I'm not freaking out about it being pointed out though.

Does having a fancy history suddenly make a system awesome?
OR having an inaccurate history make a system bad? Of course not.

I remember reading a quote about a famous yip man student who when asked if it was possable if there was wing chun in a communist country like vietnam that it was impossable.
Glad there are people with a open mind and not just people like yourself with a closed mind

So HE'S the one with the open mind denying any Vietnamese WC?

I'm the one who's learnt multiple styles of WC.
How open does my mind have to be? I got to work out a way for your story to make sense now or I'm being political?

12-06-2007, 05:01 PM
Sorry for not being clear Edmond, I meant to say that you and the famous instructor"s statements are the same that of a closed way of thinking.
All i wanted to say is everyone is welcome to train at the school, if you have trained in wing chun before there is a chance that our system is a little different, but thats always fun, to explore new training, and that a style is a mainland style

12-06-2007, 05:51 PM
Well I'm ready to learn more about it but I don't think that is the case.


Maybe it's just me...

But how do these schools get so many students? And then...get them to dance with each other?

Must be a marketing thing.

Nuts, I tell ya.

Kenton Sefcik

12-07-2007, 04:12 AM
Maybe it's just me...

But how do these schools get so many students? And then...get them to dance with each other?
It's all about having the right music in the kwoon....:D

12-08-2007, 05:09 PM
Has any one on the forum studied the Vietnames style of wing chun? how was it?