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Drunken Monkey
03-22-2001, 12:05 AM
I know that this may sound dumb to some of you, but I have no master and want to know the correct procedures to meditate, what you are trying to accomplish or look for, and how you know if you have done it correctly.

All of your input is greatly appreciated.

Drunken Monkey
03-22-2001, 02:34 AM
Im looking for the basics, do not look down on me, like I stated before, I am trainerless and am reallying on the help of others.

thanx again

03-22-2001, 04:04 AM
I am interested in this as well.

Guns don't kill people, I kill people

Shaolin Master
03-22-2001, 04:59 AM
Meditation occurs in many forms and distintions based on objectives. Example some just want to relax, others cultivate understanding others for Qi etc.....In the end they may be the same but the short term resolutes may be unnappropriate if the result does not meet with objective.

Fundamentally try to sit at peace concentrating on something breathing is usually good (As long as you do it consistently). Attempt to slowly and evenly realease all thoughts (note release not block) and gently bring about a single aspect of concentration (eg waves on a beach, breathing, movement of the wind, emptiness etc....choose one).

Essentially without in depth Qi gong and the rest of it and without relying on pre-professed methods attempt to (without really attempting to) become at one with your surroundings and empty away your thoughts.

If you like state your objectives and a proper specific method can be provided to assist.

Regards & Peace
Shi Chan Long

03-22-2001, 05:57 PM
This is an Execellent Book. Amazon says it's out
of print but if you can find it, grab it.

Tranquil Sitting
by Shi Fu Hwang, Cheney Crow (Translator)

There is no spoon. "The Matrix"
There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. "The Matrix"

03-26-2001, 05:48 PM
Meditation isn't as esoteric as people make it. Proper meditation boils down to one thing... turning off the internal dialogue. That part of your mind which is constantly chatting away. Most masters say, "turn off the mind, so the brain will start working." Meditation's first and ultimate goal is to turn off the internal dialogue. Until that is accomplished, Qi cultivation, contacting the higher self, or any of the other miriad practices are nearly impossible.

(The following is from a previous post of mine)

The mind wants to talk all the time. When it's focused it moves us logically through tasks/techniques until it's bored or fatigued, or is influenced by emotions like fear, depression, or anger then it has this tendency to wander. When coupled with the above listed emotions this can lead to self-degradation and low esteem when trying to accomplish tasks. Turning off the dialogue allows the mind to rest when its not needed. However, the mind doesn't like to rest. How often have you been kept up for hours in bed because your mind just wouldn't shut up?
Some pointers for turning off the internal dialogue:

Counting the Breaths
(this is a beginning Zen training technique)

Sit in a comfortable position, don't slouch.

Close your eyes, let the tip of the tongue touch the roof of your mouth

Relax your body

Relax your breathing (breathe slow and deep through your nose)

With each inhale and exhale quietly count to yourself (i.e.: inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3, exhale 4, etc.)

Don't drag the words out to match the breathing(i.e.: ooooonnnnneeee). It's the point between counts where the mind learns to relax

Here's the fun part... If you catch your mind talking you have to start over counting at 1 on the next inhale

This can be a very frustrating training, and will take some time before you can easily get to 10 in your counting without talking to yourself.

Once you are able to easily reach 10, switch to just counting the inhales. After a while you should be able to completely drop the counting and just turn off the dialogue every time you sit in meditation.

Without going outside, you may know the whole world.
Without looking through the window, you may see the ways of heaven.
The ****her you go, the less you know.
--Lao Tsu

04-13-2001, 05:01 PM
I have been in Shaolin Kempo Karate years ago and we did breathing exercises in between the warmup exercises and the actual learning of technique by our instructor. I recently have wanted to get back working in the martial arts (not because of the recent kung fu movies on the american market but for spiritual reasons)...so I found this listing. Hearing about Qi Kung here I bought two books and I find it quite relaxing and so on using the methods therein these two books, though some day soon I'd like to train in kung fu from a qualified instructor. Anyone know of a kung fu instructor in the area of northern New Hampshire, that is adept at Kung Fu??? Or the surrounding area??? I can move. Thanks Mark

04-28-2001, 04:57 AM
Walk when walking.
Sit when sitting.
Let go.
Listen to Wu Wie.
Repeat the above daily.

Best Wishes


05-02-2001, 09:42 PM
open your heart and think of love and be one with it... thats a nice way.....

05-16-2001, 07:02 AM
my teacher often told me not to teach meditation over the net but I think this one is safe.

Choose someone whom you feel much compassion towards

Generate that compassion in your heart and generate that compassion to all in your room

Generate that love and compassion outwards towards all living beings, all living things.

What is occupying that corpse you call 'I' ?