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View Full Version : following a desire for answers about attachment

04-05-2001, 12:02 PM
After reading/participating in the desire thread it got me thinking....

Is meditation necessary in order to release yourself from attachments? Can you still have no attachment without meditating? Can you have no attachment and not realise it?

Am I missing the point by thinking like this?

Shaolin Master
04-05-2001, 12:15 PM
Do not worry everyone is different.

"Yi Chui Sui Yuan" - All is destined

Everything is relative and we are all specialists of ourselves in our own way.

Meditation assists some not, for others it could be something as simple as reading a sitting near a wave or under a tree and for some even intense jogging frees their thoughts.

Beyond forced detatchment is understanding that everyday activities are the most wonderful and practice is not something you do but rather something that happens everyday of your life (i.e. Natural)

Thus detatchment without needing to detatch is even greater than forced reason.


Shi Chan Long

" Many search for the road, endlessley wandering, only to realise that the path was closer than they thought all along, others wallk the actual path concerned with others insconspicuousies they are detered/mislead....though they should only have sought within their heart and mind "

05-16-2001, 06:47 AM
Is meditation necessary in order to release yourself from attachments? Can you still have no attachment without meditating? Can you have no attachment and not realise it?

Meditation is a thought that is centralised, like an arrow and at the end of the meditation, the thought has to be discarded to ahicve great englightenment.
As a thought, awareness and equanimity is the meditation. For thoughts rise and pass away and blow your mind left to right, and right to left like the flame on a candle. Using this thought, you sharpen your mind like a pin and plunge yourself into the world of samsara and conditioning and thereby using your equanimity, watch these thoughts as the arise and pass away.

Eventually, when all is emptiness, your thought of meditation simply starves of food as your mind is able to rest in the emptiness.

It is important as to understand that the thought you use to plunge into your samsara are thoughts which are impossible to attach to, and hence yogins use the touch of breath. You can;t like nor hate breath, you can't attach nor feel aversion towards breath. Breath is breath and is relatively easy to discard when required. Breath is also the essence of life, your live you breathe

What is occupying that corpse you call 'I' ?