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View Full Version : Old traditional kung fu fight vids

01-11-2008, 07:59 PM
Greetings, kung fu'ers. I'm home sick with the stomach flu today and bored out of my mind. So i decided to search thru the internet for random crap to entertain myself. in the process i came upon some old kung fu fight vids. Maybe yall have seen this, but if not... then here they are.

Hong Kong rooftop fight, Praying Mantis vs Wing Chun

Choy Li Fut vs Hung Gar

Choy Li Fut vs Praying Mantis

Choy Li Fut vs Wing Chun


cranky old man
01-11-2008, 08:07 PM
old time was no gloves no head gear and they didnt run around like a dancer . also they didnt do a bad version of kickboxing . but thanks it was good for a laugh

01-11-2008, 08:29 PM
Yeah its a shame that all the examples of 'real' old school kung fu bada$$es fighting mysteriously disappeared by the time the video camera was invented... :rolleyes:

Here's a not so old looking one. Wing Chun guy beating a karate guy. Not a great fight by any stretch, but he did kinda use his wing chun straight blast to win.


cranky old man
01-11-2008, 08:52 PM
now that was better but still with gloves . the last fights l saw like that they used tight white gloves. and they looked like the style they did including elbows and knees . but no one l knew had anything to film it with . did have some 8mm film that was interesting . one guy lost all his front teeth and he was the winner.

01-12-2008, 06:02 AM
I dunno old man, but I can clearly see who's who by the technique they're using. and why would it be kickboxing? Do you think they should be in horse stance or whatever?

01-12-2008, 09:11 AM
that they are actually fighting is cool

but the clips are indicative of how little sparring they did in their training. I don't assume these guys are "masters" (especially not in the roof top fights) but they look like guys who are raw beginners sparring for the first time rather than "a fight".....

01-12-2008, 02:43 PM
Not quite as old, but still entertaining I think:

A Cangzhou fighting contest in '88:

01-12-2008, 05:53 PM
Interesting baji fight, love the takedown at 0:12

David Jamieson
01-13-2008, 09:05 AM
They really aren't all that good at the meat and potatoes of actually fighting are they.

In pretty much everyone of those vids, the fighters seem to be poking out from an imaginary shield as opposed to committing to their attacks.

Like newbs.

when a person commits to the attack and holds no quarter, you see the clear essence of attack.
using defense only as a means to weather an attack and look for an opening is a better method than what appears to be constant worry about having to actually weather an attack.

While this may tick some off, it is not important.
This video : http://youtube.com/watch?v=42yqXafXWvU shows better actually attackers and defenders than any of those rooftop vids combined or the ring fights. I know this may seem brutal to some, but hey, it's only sport and to my eyes looks like it has the correct intensity as opposed to all the rest of the videos just posted here.

01-13-2008, 01:57 PM
They really aren't all that good at the meat and potatoes of actually fighting are they.

While this may tick some off, it is not important.
This video : http://youtube.com/watch?v=42yqXafXWvU shows better actually attackers and defenders than any of those rooftop vids combined or the ring fights. I know this may seem brutal to some, but hey, it's only sport and to my eyes looks like it has the correct intensity as opposed to all the rest of the videos just posted here.

They are not bad videos, because they lack 'intensity' or 'brutality' but because they lacked ability gained by actualy testing their skills. KF wont be saved by making it more brutal, but by making it more honest.

01-14-2008, 05:32 AM
Just as bad were some of the old time karate clips so, it just goes to show that if you don't fight, it will look like you don't fight.
Nothing can replace good ol hard contact training with a nice blend of full contact cross systems fighting.

jow yeroc
01-14-2008, 06:45 AM
Thanks for the vids. The last one was OK i guess. All these vids are the
same in some way to me. Only intention is different. When i study the vids
sure, people are trying to use their stlye, art (or maybe they arent)etc, but
when i step back all i see are people slugging.:confused:

01-14-2008, 06:47 AM
Thanks for the vids. The last one was OK i guess. All these vids are the
same in some way to me. Only intention is different. When i study the vids
sure, people are trying to use their stlye, art (or maybe they arent)etc, but
when i step back all i see are people slugging.:confused:

Unless there is a sizable skill discrepancy, it tends to degenerate into "slugging".
More so when one system is pitted VS another that they have never really fought against on a regular basis.

jow yeroc
01-14-2008, 02:26 PM
I hear ya sanjuro but it's more widespread than just two disparate systems
not used to the other. It's almost universal. Two human beings in hand to
hand combat more often than not resort to streetfight style haymakers and
rudimentary grappling. I mean at the end of the day in a real blood and guts
fight it's all about getting this fool off/away from you and knocked out preferrably.
It just tickles me how many styles are practiced/learned/"mastered" and it
always seems to comes down to slugging. Am I off to say that it seems in
the realm of professional fights that the skilled boxer exhibits more technique
and display of the style than the typical cage fighter who has some boxing,
some BJJ or judo and some MT? Just to clarify, I am not a MMA basher.

01-14-2008, 04:36 PM
This video : http://youtube.com/watch?v=42yqXafXWvU shows better actually attackers and defenders than any of those rooftop vids combined or the ring fights. I know this may seem brutal to some, but hey, it's only sport and to my eyes looks like it has the correct intensity as opposed to all the rest of the videos just posted here.

let's see - trained, skilled, CONDITIONED fighters using the majority of available weapons in all ranges: you might call it brutal (well, ok, it is - and what?) but anyone offended by that would have to be in a serious state of denial...

01-15-2008, 05:24 AM
I hear ya sanjuro but it's more widespread than just two disparate systems
not used to the other. It's almost universal. Two human beings in hand to
hand combat more often than not resort to streetfight style haymakers and
rudimentary grappling. I mean at the end of the day in a real blood and guts
fight it's all about getting this fool off/away from you and knocked out preferrably.
It just tickles me how many styles are practiced/learned/"mastered" and it
always seems to comes down to slugging. Am I off to say that it seems in
the realm of professional fights that the skilled boxer exhibits more technique
and display of the style than the typical cage fighter who has some boxing,
some BJJ or judo and some MT? Just to clarify, I am not a MMA basher.

MMA is a different breed than anything else, for a mirad of reasons.
You won't see technical striking AND grappling compared to events that focus on striking ( Boxing and MT for example) or grappling ( submission grappling and wrestling for example) simple because they striking element reeks havoc with "picture perfect" grappling and the grappling element does the same to striking.
You will notice however that the best MMA are those with a solid foundation in a specific type of MA, be it striking or grappling, simple because the core skills is there to a greater extent than the "typical jack of all trades and mater of none".
What I mean is that, even though Chuck isn't striking like a typical striker anymore, due to the grappling element, the core power he had developed from "correct" striking was carried over in to this "modified" striking.

MMA looks sloppy because it can't be "technical" when compared to other specialized sporting matches, simple because it is a different breed all together.

David Jamieson
01-15-2008, 06:54 AM
I don't think mma looks sloppy anymore than kungfu looks sloppy. It really depends on who is doing it, someone who is proficient or someone who is not proficient.

There is a lot more mma about now, so there will be conversely that many more crappy players, not unlike any kungfu or karate or tkd or you name it.

the more peas you have in the carrot soup, the more the carrot soup is like pea soup. :)

01-15-2008, 07:19 AM
Choy Li Fut vs Wing Chun

I couldn't comment on the other clips here, but c'mon! How can a guy be a Wing Chun student if he can't even keep his 'Kim Yeung Ma' under pressure??? No Wing Chun here I'm afraid.

In a more 'modern' context, this is one of the only clips I've seeen that lives up to its title! Watch out for the elbow...


01-15-2008, 07:27 AM
I couldn't comment on the other clips here, but c'mon! How can a guy be a Wing Chun student if he can't even keep his 'Kim Yeung Ma' under pressure??? No Wing Chun here I'm afraid.

In a more 'modern' context, this is one of the only clips I've seeen that lives up to its title! Watch out for the elbow...


Dude...I think that's a fake clip.

01-15-2008, 09:28 AM
Dude...I think that's a fake clip.

Really? How do you know?? It looks like it's filmed off a TV screen, so maybe the clip was on VHS tape or something.

If it's fake, it's a good one but that elbow to the face didn't look too fake to me!

01-15-2008, 09:37 AM
Really? How do you know?? It looks like it's filmed off a TV screen, so maybe the clip was on VHS tape or something.

If it's fake, it's a good one but that elbow to the face didn't look too fake to me!

I think you should look at it again and maybe compare it to some of the other clips of REAL NHB matches on youtube, like the Rio Heroes ones.
It doesn't look real, as a few people mentioned on youtube.
BUT, if it is real, **** that sucked !

01-15-2008, 09:47 AM
Dude...I think that's a fake clip.I agree. There doesn't look like much energy in the strikes. Similarly with the kicks.

The crowd looks a bit too posed. All the gestures ...

01-15-2008, 09:59 AM
I agree. There doesn't look like much energy in the strikes. Similarly with the kicks.

The crowd looks a bit too posed. All the gestures ...

I'm seeing what you guys are saying! You're just spoiling my fun really!! :D And there I was thinking that some Wing Chun dude was actually quite good at this fighting lark!

I'm on a mission to find something real now! Don't wait up...

01-15-2008, 10:37 AM
I'm seeing what you guys are saying! You're just spoiling my fun really!! :D And there I was thinking that some Wing Chun dude was actually quite good at this fighting lark!

I'm on a mission to find something real now! Don't wait up...

I have tried to fine some nice examples of full contact WC that LOOKS like WC, I gave up.
I know, I know, I shouldn't use "look" as a basis, but I am funny that way, see, boxing looks like boxing when it is used, MT looks like MT when it is used...