View Full Version : Any Treatments For Hernia

01-15-2008, 11:14 AM
Any TCM treatments for Inguinal Hernia out there? Im currently taking Hawthornia, see if it helps.

01-15-2008, 11:50 AM
if it does, that would be unprecedented, especially because it's a structural defect, as opposed to a biochemical imbalance; you'd probably be better off talking to your MD, and getting it properly diagnosed if you haven't already, and to talk about more realistic treatment options...the last thing you want is for it to become strangulated and ischemic (gangrene sucks)...

herb ox
01-16-2008, 12:16 AM
Yeah, that's the dreaded Black Ball disease :eek:

Sometimes it happens from applying jow to your hernia which in turn causes an allergic reaction and makes the problem worse... :p

I hate that when that happens....

There are herbs/formulas in TCM that are used to treat hernia with good results - while you SHOULD DEFINITELY see an MD, the herbs will certainly speed recovery and ease the discomfort. Furthermore, TCM would probably view the hernia as the manifestation of a deficiency - i.e. qi collapse - probably of the spleen qi, which controls the tone and mass of the muscles. I'd say herbal teas (in conjunction with conventional tx) are gonna get you healed quicker and make you stronger in the long run than either treatment alone.

just my pitch for the harmonious union of East and West.


herb ox

01-16-2008, 11:12 AM
I second Herb Ox. In the world of CM and it's efficacy...it all depends on how severe things are. Get the MD's diagnosis.

On the other hand: I have successfully treated some prolapse (most likely the same idea of the hernia in CM) issues with pregnant women. This was using herbs and very frequent (3-4 treatments) acupuncture treatments.

Enjoy the best of both.

Kenton Sefcik