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View Full Version : Somebody tell me what this means

01-25-2008, 05:18 AM
Explore how the arts heal through immersion in soulful expression and a revitalized circulation of creative energy in our lives. The primary emphasis of the weekend will be on authentic movement, spiritual writing, artwork and ecstatic voice, with ongoing connections being made to dreamwork and the process of total expression.

i tried to decipher it but almost lost my mind...

01-25-2008, 05:23 AM
i tried to decipher it but almost lost my mind...

Tantric sex

01-25-2008, 05:28 AM
Drop acid?:confused:

01-25-2008, 05:47 AM
i mean, like wtf would 'unauthentic movement' be?

i'm not even going to use the 'H' word here...it would be to mild.

"And so a quest was born unto the bear cub; he must set out to find a new, better word to describe a segment of society bent on inventing illogical use of adjectives and eradicate them from the forrest before they infected everything"

RD'S Alias - 1A
01-25-2008, 06:20 AM
i mean, like wtf would 'unauthentic movement' be

It's like when a Modern Yang Tai Chi guy claims he's teaching you an ancient art from the Emperor's of a thousand years ago....when it's really garden variety Yang Tai Chi short forms developed by some Taiwanese Taiji association in the 1950's at best.

Black Jack II
01-25-2008, 06:44 AM
It's hippy talk.

He needs to be bashed:D

01-25-2008, 07:06 AM
It's hippy talk.

He needs to be bashed:D

Teabag for the submission !

Black Jack II
01-25-2008, 08:09 AM
Teabag for the submission !


Lap it up ya beatnik!!!

01-25-2008, 08:17 AM
Teabag for the submission !

Tantric sex

seriously. one track mind. you need to go rent your self some hooahs or something man.

01-25-2008, 08:19 AM
as far as i can tell that sentence is gibberish. a very difficult language to learn and one of the least effective means of communication. i think the translation is "bring your own snacks because you definately will have the munchies" but i am no scholar. i may have mistranslated.

01-25-2008, 04:48 PM
i mean, like wtf would 'unauthentic movement' be

It's like when a Modern Yang Tai Chi guy claims he's teaching you an ancient art from the Emperor's of a thousand years ago....when it's really garden variety Yang Tai Chi short forms developed by some Taiwanese Taiji association in the 1950's at best.


but, in the context of that announcement in the newspaper you don't know what kind of movement they are talking about.

01-25-2008, 08:06 PM
"Explore how the arts heal through immersion in soulful expression and a revitalized circulation of creative energy in our lives. The primary emphasis of the weekend will be on authentic movement, spiritual writing, artwork and ecstatic voice, with ongoing connections being made to dreamwork and the process of total expression. "

"Explore how the arts heal through immersion in soulful expression and a revitalized circulation of creative energy in our lives."

Explore--participate in this program/seminar (participate--pay your money

...For your money you will do these romantic exercises about which you have no solid idea but you hear is the deep, cool thing to know or say you know.

...You can have the benefits you might have heard of that are part of doing these movements.

Take the class with meditation frame of mind...cardiovascular.

"circulation of creative energy..."--feel good

"The primary emphasis of the weekend will be on authentic movement,..."--This is the real stuff, like from the people who made it.

"...spiritual writing..."Stuff scholars say is good or has been around for way many years.

"The primary emphasis of the weekend will be on authentic movement, spiritual writing, artwork and ecstatic voice, with ongoing connections being made to dreamwork and the process of total expression. "

We'll do movements directly in line with the origin of them, we'll read or you will be read famous/popular old words/sayings, we'll look at paintings and scroll type stuff at which people go owww, ahhh...we will yell-but all this to help you understand yourself better which will improve your confidence.

Pay me to take this course and meet high Yuppie standards of correctness of being in touch with your real self--not the mask you wear for others. Free yourself of many weights and be a better person for taking this course~.

I No_Know

01-25-2008, 10:45 PM
i tried to decipher it but almost lost my mind...

then it is not yet time for you to leave the Temple, Grasshopper...

01-25-2008, 11:04 PM
i mean, like wtf would 'unauthentic movement' be?

well, in all seriousness, speaking from a Taoist perspective with a bit of Ch'an thrown in:
the proposal is that a lot of the way we function in the world when dealing with other people is to act out of habitual patterns of reaction: someone says something, we perceive it a certain way through our subjective filter, reference to our stored memory of similar situations, and react based on that, often regardless of whether it is actually the "best" way of doing so; meaning that, we react based on our self-reinforced ego structure; Ch'an would say that instead of reacting based on ingrained patterns, we ought to respond based on a more direct awareness of what is actually before us, not what we have stored up from the past (I'm not advocating any of this BTW, just giving a background); Ch'an would say that the former way of reacting is inauthentic, since it takes it's impetus from a past experience; the "authentic" response would be based on the non-filtered perception of a situation, such as it is

Taoist practice, having similar ideas about spontaneity, would say that, in order to be "authentic" in one's interpersonal relationships, a good way to start to learn what that is like, is to experience it physically in our bodies; so, when you lift your arm, where does that movement come from? what informs that movement? what is the origin of it; to put it more pragmatically, when you "lift" your arm, what is the rest of your body doing? how are you breathing? is it coordinated? is it forced? are the muscular components working in harmony or against each other? are you allowing the physics of the ground reaction force as it moves upward through the connective tissue structures of the body to participate unimpeded? of course, you already know the difference between being authentic / integrated in movement and not, because when you are not, you can't throw your shuai jow partner worth sh1t, and when you are, it's almost effortless - so, someone seriously teaching "authentic" movement would be familiar with all this; furthermore, IMHO, they wouldn't feel the need to couch it in a lot of tree-hugging, granola-crunching mumbo-jumbo, because when you function / move "authentically", you don't feel the need to pad up what you do; so to me, that entire initial statement is founded in someone's insecurities and inherently lacks authenticity (although, technically it doesn't, since it's ALL Tao...:eek:), but that's my bias, because I've been around of lot of folks, like someone born and raised in a Long Island suburb who now calls themselves Ashanti, Creator of Harmony after a few courses at Kripalu...

to me, one of the best "examples" of authenticity is anything written by J. Krishnamurti (and a lot of what I write is based on my exposure to his writings) - it just cuts through all the detritus, clears out the cobwebs;

01-26-2008, 12:09 AM
i tried to decipher it but almost lost my mind...they gonna get together sing kumbaya and study their past lives through ****ing dreamwork man....why, you are wondering i'm sure...well if you weren't so stupid;) you would know that this retreat leads to a full expression of ones selves leading into total bliss within one's self...plus lot's of tantric sex.

01-26-2008, 05:35 AM
(although, technically it doesn't, since it's ALL Tao...),

right. movement is authentic to each individual. it has to be.

the difference is in one's awareness or (forgive me for a moment) grokking of themselves.

more silliness, an excerpt from an email newletter I can't seem to get myself removed from. it's from a local tai chi/qigong teacher.

italics are mine:

The major news is that I AM RETURNING TO THE U.S., FOR A FEW WEEKS TO STUDY WITH ONE OF AMERICA’S FOREMOST QIGONG TEACHERS, SCHOLARS AND AUTHORS, KEN COHEN. My library contains many of his books, videos and audio courses, and I highly recommend anything of his. If I were stranded on a desert island and could only have two Qigong books, one would be Ken Cohen’s “The Way of Qigong,” and the other Roger Jahnke’s “The Healing Promise of Qi.” Ken’s version of the Six Healing Sounds is my personal favorite and the one I teach. I am excited to finally get to learn from him in person.

01-26-2008, 06:16 AM
right. movement is authentic to each individual. it has to be.

the difference is in one's awareness or (forgive me for a moment) grokking of themselves.

more silliness, an excerpt from an email newletter I can't seem to get myself removed from. it's from a local tai chi/qigong teacher.

italics are mine:

yes - each individual's movement is intrinsically unique, and essentially dependent on the level of awareness at each moment - the problem is that the realization of this "fact" is, intrinsically, a non-event: you simply just realize it moment to moment and go from there - Ch'an talks about enlightenment being "profoundly ordinary" - what that doesn't include is a summoning of the God / Goddess, the universe revealing itself with an audible "ka-boom", and no one to act out your primal scream therapy in front of; the "problem" with most "spiritual" people is that they are really looking for extraordinary experiences that they can then come back and hold out over their friends / students in a way that makes them seem special; too bad we don't have more old Ch'an masters who would beat their students or break their legs by slamming a door on it in order to "wake them up"!

BTW, check your PM Oso