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01-29-2008, 10:42 PM
Thought I'd share this, I really like it, and its free:)


01-30-2008, 03:21 PM
Guys, this guy's spamming his meditation stuff on emptyflower, bullshido etc.

It's created by the guy or his friend, it's been found out. Be wary.

01-30-2008, 03:36 PM
a)it has not been posted on bullshido or any other forums by me except emptyflower

b)insofar as it has not been created by me or a friend (never met the writer, he is not a 'friend'), I would be interested to see how this has been 'found out.'

Might be a good thing to try and include things like the truth when you post, just a thought.

01-31-2008, 02:19 PM
Guys, this guy's spamming his meditation stuff on emptyflower, bullshido etc.

It's created by the guy or his friend, it's been found out. Be wary.

he has a history of this sort of thing: for example, he created something like 20 threads on essentially trivial topics just so he could have his name / threads take up the entire first page of the main KFM forum one time (translation: what a retard...)

01-31-2008, 03:50 PM
Yes, I did post a page full of my threads once as a joke. Not sure what that has to do with this though? The two things have nothing to do with each other. This is not a trivial topic and I did not fill the page with threads. I just found something that I think is really cool and wanted to share it as I know alot of martial artists are into this kind of thing as I am, that's all.

02-01-2008, 02:44 PM
Yes, I did post a page full of my threads once as a joke.
yeah, I still have a note to myself reminding me to laugh about it sometime when I have nothing else to do

Not sure what that has to do with this though?The two things have nothing to do with each other.
it speaks to your general level of credibility, which is compromised by your initial postings

This is not a trivial topic and I did not fill the page with threads.
no, but you have a history of spam-like behavior, and so when someone else points out that you have posted the same topic elsewhere multiple times, it is suggestive of your past activities

I just found something that I think is really cool and wanted to share it as I know alot of martial artists are into this kind of thing as I am, that's all.
well that's nice; and now you understand that if you want to be taken seriously, don't engage in juvenile behavior, especially when coming in as a noob on a forum; and I'm not lecturing you, personally I don't care what you actually do - just pointing out the cause/effect progression as it relates to this situation

02-01-2008, 06:40 PM
he has a history of this sort of thing: for example, he created something like 20 threads on essentially trivial topics just so he could have his name / threads take up the entire first page of the main KFM forum one time (translation: what a retard...)

Translation: Stop Phoenix from rising.

02-01-2008, 08:51 PM
a)I am not a noob on this forum. I first began posting here, under another account, in 2000. Even this account goes back to 2006. Your statement is false

b)I have written many posts, even under this account, which have not been jokes/frivolous, if you'd bothered to check before making incorrect statements.

c)Not really sure what all this hate is about from you and others, I never harmed or insulted anyone on this forum, it was a while ago, get over it.

d)the link and website above speak for themselves- judge not the messenger but the message.

e)the main forum is now and usually full of frivolous posts, which make up the majority, and have little if anything to do with kung fu. If you held a grudge against everyone on this site that has made frivolous posts you would have a problem with most of the posters on the site.

f)as I said, I posted the link in an effort to share something I found which I think is extraordinary. I'm surprised I'm being attacked for it, particularly since its free.

g)let the readers look at the link or not, its up to them. I have presented the information. I will not respond to further posts on this thread, unless they are of a positive nature or pertain to the site linked.

h)to those attacking me- instead of attacking me for trying to make a positive contribution to this forum, perhaps your time would be better spent making a positive contribution of your own, instead of attacking people who are trying to sincerely share free knowledge.

i)the only reason I'm bothering to respond to these attacks is I wouldn't want a reader to be dissuaded from looking at the site for stupid reasons. That would be a disservice you're doing to the reader, not to me. Personally, I could otherwise care less. I stopped coming to this site and other MA forums and only returned to share this site.

have a nice day-

02-02-2008, 04:33 PM
a)I am not a noob on this forum. I first began posting here, under another account, in 2000. Even this account goes back to 2006. Your statement is false
that's even worse - if you were a noob, it might be understandable; as a veteran poster, it's even more asinine

b)I have written many posts, even under this account, which have not been jokes/frivolous, if you'd bothered to check before making incorrect statements.
goes to show you how one stupid act can eclipse more reasonable behavior

c)Not really sure what all this hate is about from you and others, I never harmed or insulted anyone on this forum, it was a while ago, get over it.
nothing to get over; it's a question of established credibility; see b) above

d)the link and website above speak for themselves- judge not the messenger but the message.
I checked the link - most of it is pretty ho-hum stuff, with the exception of the retrograde ejaculation stuff, which is a load of crap (retaining semen that way does nothing in terms of "saving" energy - you loose the sperm when you urinate anyway - derrrr)

e)the main forum is now and usually full of frivolous posts, which make up the majority, and have little if anything to do with kung fu. If you held a grudge against everyone on this site that has made frivolous posts you would have a problem with most of the posters on the site.
non-sequitor; big difference between a single frivolous post (in your opinion) and spamming the entire first page just to get your name up there

f)as I said, I posted the link in an effort to share something I found which I think is extraordinary. I'm surprised I'm being attacked for it, particularly since its free.
again, pretty ho-hum stuff; but that's just my opinion

g)let the readers look at the link or not, its up to them. I have presented the information. I will not respond to further posts on this thread, unless they are of a positive nature or pertain to the site linked.
blah blah blah

h)to those attacking me- instead of attacking me for trying to make a positive contribution to this forum, perhaps your time would be better spent making a positive contribution of your own, instead of attacking people who are trying to sincerely share free knowledge.

i)the only reason I'm bothering to respond to these attacks is I wouldn't want a reader to be dissuaded from looking at the site for stupid reasons. That would be a disservice you're doing to the reader, not to me. Personally, I could otherwise care less. I stopped coming to this site and other MA forums and only returned to share this site.

have a nice day-
(wakes up) huh? oh, you too