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View Full Version : How is your "organisation" structured?

Yum Cha
01-31-2008, 07:04 PM
With all this talk about "the industry" and what it means, perhpas a little show of hands on how you train, what kind of organisation (or lack there of) you are involved with?

01-31-2008, 08:57 PM
I dunno much about the schools here in the states.

however, we may mention what was it like in 1980's and 1990's in Taiwan.

my brother school was registered with government, we belonged to kuoshu federation.

we taught tai chi qi gong, pushhand, qin na and shuai jiao.

1. style specific organization. there were style specific organization formed from students of a certain teacher.

such as long fist association. tai chi association. shuai jiao association. judo, tkd, association etc

members may come from college students and professors. members may also come from local people with a teacher. so and so tai chi school. the schools then belong to a chapter of a city then national organization.

a bigger organization may start internation federation.

such as kuo shu san shou internation federation that hold local, national and internation san shou comp etc.

2. fighting league. not style specific, usually organized around a cup.

so and so cup fighting league, it could be san da or san shou.

college cup would have members from college students only.

so and so cup may also open to all local schools.

we do not have Wushu type and form competition system as those established in PR China.

b/c they have wushu schools dedicating to train kids to do wushu form competition since young.

usually a school may register and belong to several organization, which is quite common.

usually,school with local people and a teacher is common.

only college clubs may have several teachers but usually only one main instructor.


the biggest organization with most members is actually tkd.

there are city teams, high school and college teams, that is why we have tkd olympic champs.

the service circles.

central police academy has the best shuai jiao teams.

army, navy and air force, they all have san da teams.

