View Full Version : Viability of a very chinese Kung Fu script written by a white guy???

02-14-2008, 12:21 AM
:confused:I have outlined a story which takes place in China in the 1500's with very loose historical references to the culture at the time.

It is a mix of over the top action and political drama with a few unexpected twists along the way and a big one at the end but without layin' on too much o' the cheese. I would eventually have to have the dialogue (and I've got some serious monologues planned for this puppy) all translated to Mandarin, and the entire cast would be chinese for the thing to make sense.

Do you think that me, being your typical fat, lazy white dude(I'm not really fat) would have a viable product in making a script that would eventually have to be a Chinese production? Or would this kind of thing not fly?:confused:

doug maverick
02-14-2008, 12:56 AM
anythings possible who knows

02-14-2008, 01:07 AM
Give it a shot and see what happens.

02-14-2008, 01:25 AM
Write as tight a treatment possible and get it copyrighted.
Do your homework on how things work in the world of screenplays and pitching projects.
The info is out there, you just gotta want it hard enough. Like Doug says, anything is possible.

Best of luck.

02-15-2008, 01:50 PM
I'm asking more about the cultural implications.

Would there actually be a production company in China that would want to make a film about China that is written by someone who has never even been there? I feel the story is very strong, but my ignorance of the subject matter behind it is what makes me afraid that no one would take me seriously.

doug maverick
02-15-2008, 02:00 PM
simple answer to that question do your research. speilberg directed what is considered the deffenative black film. the color purple what does a jew from cali no about black southerners in the early 1900's probably nothing but he did his research. thats the key to good film making. find out and see.

but a word of advice hong kong and china film systems is not like the us. they mostly have the same writers who write alot of the film or the directors right it so if you don't know anybody in the hong kong film industry don't bother. hate to burst your bubble but thats a reality. you should try an independant american or european company to sell the script too. the wienstein company has 285 million dollars in their china fund thats made for making asian cinema. so again you never know.

02-15-2008, 02:11 PM
I think you have to establish yourself first by writing some short stories and have them published,

if you attract enough readership

you may also film some short episodes and post them on youtube.

again if you attract enough interests and viewing.

if you want chinese government to pick up the production tap, you need connections,

the central, provential and city governments are always looking for scripts and new ideas to air on their tv channel.


02-15-2008, 02:13 PM
a very recent example is wu lin wai zhuang.

they started out with a few episodes on internet in China.

it was so popular.

the crews were asked to make tv series for cctv.

it was so popular, they have 2nd and then 3rd seasons.


02-15-2008, 02:22 PM
hate to burst your bubble but thats a reality

There is no bubble to burst. That is why I was asking the question, to get people's opinions. The story is, at most, a work in progress. I have a few other script outlines that I am working on (one western, one action/sci-fi, one comedy). They have all been floating around in my head for a while now, and this thread is pretty much the first that I have said to anyone about it besides my family.

02-15-2008, 02:24 PM
to make your stories more plausible.

have to read up history and drama for the period.


junkboats travelling the seven seas.

japanese pirates harrassing south east china.

secret societies.

mongolians, hou jin in the northeast China (manchurian rising up and eventually overthrow ming) westerner introducing religions, and some science. moslems--

the eunics and imperial relatives seizing power in the palace.

the west and the east branches of eunics.



02-15-2008, 02:38 PM
to make your stories more plausible.

have to read up history and drama for the period.



What I really need to read up on is the extent of freedom that people and organizations might have had from the Central government there was at the time. Also, the clans that might have existed at the time, and how they were structured. Need to research that. I plan on reading up, I just dont know where to start.

The main reason for it taking place prior to the 1600s is because the world economy changed drastically in the 1600s, due to the large influx of gold from the new world. I dont know what effect it had on China, and making the story take place before that will help me avoid that particular subject.

I know that I definitely need to do some research before picking an exact year for it to take place.

doug maverick
02-15-2008, 05:38 PM
start everywhere. never say i don't know where to start cause that means you'll never start. its a defeatest way of defeating themselves. just pick one aspect of the story and start reading and then move on. don't forget to take notes, also remember that your making a movie not a documentary so you don't have to 100% on point. plus if its a kung fu movie none of that **** matters really. but right out a treatment for it and then work off your treatment.

02-15-2008, 05:50 PM
You could have the greatest story in the world but it wouldn't mean jack without some good connects.
I would suggest finding a liason here in the US to help connect you with the HK or Chinese film authorities.

Researching the various companies and studios along with some diligent research in how business is operated out there will help you.

The Weinstein group angle that doug mentioned might be a good way to get your toe in the door.

02-15-2008, 06:12 PM
actually, there are many good stories for the period.

some highlites I may think of at the moment.

1. imperial guard or jin yi wei. they guard the palace and protect the emperor. they sworn unquestioned loyalty to the emperor. it was a system started from the first emperor of ming or zhu yuan zhang himself. codes of ethics, special training, in effect, they are also private army and listen only to the emperor, so they do dirty jobs for the emperor, too, their main training is actually how to torture a suspect without killing them and exact answers out of them.

lesson number 1 would be how to beat the suspect with a staff, to hurt or cause pain but not to leave scar etc etc.

2. politics in the palace, it is the darkest period in terms of politics in the palace.

3. scholars may critise the politics, they gathered around the east woods, they are called dong ling dang ren. eventually they are persecuted and silenced.

4. eunics seizing power, the worst one would be wei zhong xian, he was castrated at the age of 40, just to get into the palace---

5. some emperors would just spend time with beloved empress or concubine and not rule the country for 30 some years, that was why the eunics seizing power.


I have to keep my mouth shut for now.

just pick a topic and search for more info.

as far as CMA goes, eunics designed all kinds of cruel weapons to use on their political enemies.

such as arrows that with reverse hooks, once shot into human body, very difficult to remove,


02-15-2008, 07:47 PM
4. eunics seizing power, the worst one would be wei zhong xian, he was castrated at the age of 40, just to get into the palace---

5. some emperors would just spend time with beloved empress or concubine and not rule the country for 30 some years, that was why the eunics seizing power.


Hmm, that sounds like an interesting topic. Maybe something I can work into the story. Sounds like a good starting point. WIKIPEDIA HERE I COME!!!