View Full Version : 1bad and Abel's Fight Thread

02-15-2008, 03:39 PM
Keep it in here please. I am tired of having to sift through your bickering to get to the real posts.

This really is becoming a large annoyance for people who just want to discuss MA practices.

Please and Thank You

02-15-2008, 04:12 PM
I would like to add YOUTUBE is your friend


02-15-2008, 04:31 PM
maybe this thread could also could serve as a receptacle for transfer by the mods of any further vitriolic posts emanating from either one of them? they are like a barroom brawl that just spills out onto the street, into neighboring shops, through your living room window, etc.; TBH, it's really getting old - say what you will about the Lama vs. <fill in the blank> flame wars series, at least they are a) generally amusing; b) self-limiting; with these two, it's just a) boring; b) never-ending

doug maverick
02-15-2008, 05:08 PM
they should just be banned.... f uck em

02-15-2008, 05:08 PM
And SifuExcuses kept repeadly butting into any thread I posted on and acting a fool.

Just look at the thread on 'Remote Viewing'. It was on topic until SifuExcuses called names and brought up Tom AGAIN.

02-15-2008, 05:11 PM
If you can find any thread not about us where I follow SifuExcuses and attack him out of the clear blue, I'll ask the mods to ban me.

I can show where he has done it 4 times in the last week alone.....

Again, look at the 'remote viewing' thread and see who started in on off-topic personal attacks.

doug maverick
02-15-2008, 05:41 PM
hey i'm not saying who started it. i'm just saying one of you got to go cause you both can;t seem to co exist on the same board. if this was the mob and i was the don. we would have a sit down and i'll let you both air out your grievance's and then that'll be it. and the first person to start some **** would be popped. and thats what i think needs to happen with this situation. you and abel just get the **** out like men shake hands and thats that. and whoever starts after that should be band

02-15-2008, 07:02 PM
Okay. sorry to push this subject by starting this thread, but it has gotten a little out of control.

I think doug has a very good idea.

02-15-2008, 07:04 PM
hey i'm not saying who started it. i'm just saying one of you got to go cause you both can;t seem to co exist on the same board. if this was the mob and i was the don. we would have a sit down and i'll let you both air out your grievance's and then that'll be it. and the first person to start some **** would be popped. and thats what i think needs to happen with this situation. you and abel just get the **** out like men shake hands and thats that. and whoever starts after that should be band

Thats never gonna happen. Maybe 1bad needs to stick to the MMA section, I am assuming he knows more about that then KF.

02-15-2008, 07:46 PM
Honestly, I do value posts that both of these guys have contributed to many discussions.

Both 1bad (sry cant remember your name) and Abel have had good posts with good information.

Good discussion prompting and information shared.

The ONLY problem is the constant spilling of their private feud into nearly every thread that has even medium traffic.

I dont think either should be confined nor quarantined.

IMO, one of them just needs to get a thicker hide and let **** slide.

We all know you guys have beef, we all know what it is. We all know that when one person snips at another, the person being snipped could just ignore it and not even respond.

Responding in any way is just instigation.

I dont care who starts what.

The sadest part is this;

This is NOT the first time this discussion has been prompted because of the behavior of both parties. My only hope is that its the last. We have asked you guys to drop it, forget it, make up, grow up, or shut up. But none of these requests have been granted to us poor forum goers.

The Banninator might be getting hungry.

02-15-2008, 07:51 PM
Have A Great Weekend!


02-15-2008, 07:52 PM
Lucas, I tried that too. He actually seemed to post MORE trying to goad me into ANOTHER 'Net argument he craves.

Honest, you saw what I agreed to do just yesterday. I was gonna give him EXACTLY what he asked for and in return he had to basically just leave me alone. Notice he declined.

And thanks for saying I provide good posts. I appreciate that.

02-15-2008, 09:55 PM
There's nothing more duplicitous than a guy who claims innocence yet wears his crime on his sleeve.

I told you, take off that crap on your avatar and don't speak to me again and I won't care that you exist.

Is that really so hard to understand?

What I do or say to anyone is none of your business.

Lucas, you can ban me if you want. But doing that is to support this guy's behavior. After everything that has passed this year its borderline stupidity to play like he's some sort of victim.

I've said what I have to say.
You want us to have peace?

02-15-2008, 10:07 PM
There's nothing more duplicitous than a guy who claims innocence yet wears his crime on his sleeve.

I told you, take off that crap on your avatar and don't speak to me again and I won't care that you exist.

Is that really so hard to understand?

What I do or say to anyone is none of your business.

Lucas, you can ban me if you want. But doing that is to support this guy's behavior. After everything that has passed this year its borderline stupidity to play like he's some sort of victim.

I've said what I have to say.
You want us to have peace?

Someone call a WHAAmbulance...I think some feelings got hurt!!!:p

02-15-2008, 10:08 PM
And who the **** are you?

Lama Pai Sifu
02-15-2008, 10:17 PM
And who the **** are you?

AAhhhhh...now I get it!

**** ! Sweet! Sifu Rudy just taught me how to swear on KFO forum! Woo Hoo....

Rudy, you are the man!!


Sorry everyone...just had to try it out!!! LOL

02-15-2008, 10:33 PM
And who the **** are you?

1Bad sent me to take care of 'business'!!

That's who *I* am!!

(yawning...from the excitement)

02-15-2008, 10:43 PM
I would like to add YOUTUBE is your friend


Lol, isn't that what goes on here anyway?

Someone call a WHAAmbulance...I think some feelings got hurt!!!:p


02-15-2008, 11:04 PM

Are you the pickles or the priest?

02-16-2008, 12:04 AM

02-16-2008, 12:40 AM
1Bad sent me to take care of 'business'!!

That's who *I* am!!

(yawning...from the excitement)


02-16-2008, 12:44 AM

Holy crap what a little *****!

02-16-2008, 01:42 AM
And who the **** are you?

Do I sense ANOTHER e-challenge coming? :rolleyes:

02-16-2008, 01:56 AM
AAhhhhh...now I get it!

**** ! Sweet! Sifu Rudy just taught me how to swear on KFO forum! Woo Hoo....

Rudy, you are the man!!

Ah soooooooooooo, *bows* ancient Chinese secret. :D

Although it is a shame that KFM propagates this American daycare state. :rolleyes:
We insulate our kids to their detriment.

02-16-2008, 01:56 AM
1Bad sent me to take care of 'business'!!

That's who *I* am!!

(yawning...from the excitement)

masturbate much? :rolleyes:

02-16-2008, 02:02 AM
Do I sense ANOTHER e-challenge coming? :rolleyes:

Oh, you mean like "come to my gym." :rolleyes:

Yet another No-Body. No info, no profile, no nothing, again. I wonder if he'll give me the city but not anything else until I get there, like you did. :rolleyes:

Speaking of No-bodies, I'm sure that Unverifiedsai has something quite perky and cute to say. I'm still waiting for that info, fat ass. You know, what style and which teacher you took two years of kung fu in china from. what a riot.

02-16-2008, 02:03 AM

Why do you hate me? Because its cool or something?

You joined BS: Join Date: 07-08-2007 You joined my board 1 month later.

Its seems like there is a whole host of noobs joining the bandwagon of hate for cool points and tags. Its really sad.

What bearing could you possibly have on this issue that is years old?

02-16-2008, 02:10 AM
Oh, you mean like "come to my gym." :rolleyes:

I'm still waiting for that info, fat ass.

And I'm STILL waiting on you to come to my gym like you said you were.

02-16-2008, 02:13 AM
Like its just around the corner. :rolleyes:

02-16-2008, 02:56 AM
why dont you guys just fight again? if rudy wins you can do a 2 out of 3 .... buy some beer and let that be that.

02-16-2008, 03:48 AM
Incidentally, this isn't the first time Abel's had this sort of whacko meltdown. He started like two hundred threads about how he was going to kick anthony's ass etc, etc, everywhere on the site. They got merged into one thread, which should surely be held as proof that Dawkins was right.


Gee, lets see. 3-5 years off and on in BJJ. Plus other "assorted" experiences with kickboxing, at least that is what I recall, got him a total of...............


And the ground was supposedly his best place.

If this were anybody else he'd be called a tomato can and a loser. But I forget, this is the land of the mediocre "I didn't say I could fight" troll.

Also, anytime this whale bellows anything about kicking someones ass, he is implying that he is an adequate fighter.

It amazing how quickly you all throw away your objective thinking just to maintain your position in a social clique.

02-16-2008, 04:20 AM
Incidentally, this isn't the first time Abel's had this sort of whacko meltdown.

You don't say?!

Next you will be telling us the sky is blue, the grass is green, and SifuExcuses tapped in 1:22 to an 'ear grind'. :D

02-16-2008, 04:22 AM
It's a good thing Sifuexcuses took it easy on Anthony, I would have hated to see this:

I'm going to royaly **** anthony's *******.

02-16-2008, 08:32 AM
masturbate much? :rolleyes:

Nothin' get's me hotter than a good ear grinder video!

"Tap or Fap" -- SifuAbel

02-16-2008, 09:28 AM
AAhhhhh...now I get it!

Rudy, you are the man!!

Hehe...I see what you did there...

02-16-2008, 10:55 AM
. I'm still waiting for that info, fat ass. You know, what style and which teacher you took two years of kung fu in china from. what a riot.

Oh, why didn't you specifically say so before?

I studied evenings at a school in the Muslim quarter of Xi'an. The master (if you will) was an elderly fella named Zhang. There was a young instructor named Wang who did the 'hands on' stuff. As it was explained to me, what we trained was a form of northern longfist with some minor changes the school added to give a more 'Muslim' tone to some of the postures and such. The major part of the school was actually devoted to academic/religious studies for local Chinese Muslim young people. Very nice folks and there were some great restaurants nearby where we'd often go grab a bite after training.

Most mornings I'd study taichiquan in a park outside the 'Peace Gate' of the city wall with Chen Quanzhong. A really great guy.

In addition, I usually managed to work out 2 or 3 times a week with the Shaanxi provincial wrestling team. That was great 'cause I didn't have to start out a beginner as with the other two.

While I was there I was teaching at the Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. Great experience, met some really wonderful interesting people.

So, I hope that satisfies your burning curiosity, Monkey-boy. Not sure why it would be a "riot". I guess that's your way of hiding your insecurity over the fact that despite 25 years of training the closest you've ever come to the origins of your 'art' is stuffing your bloated mug at the local Chinese take-out place...

"fat ass"? That's an odd comment coming from someone of your disgusting corpulence...

Anyway, since we're on the subject I guess I'll feed your curiosity further by giving you an idea about my time in Japan as well.

I was there off and on for about three years. I taught English at an eikaiwa in Toyohashi, where I practiced kendo, nihon kempo, and aikido as well as working out with a local wrestling club. Good times. I also worked for a while in Tokyo, where I met a lot of expats who studied a number of things. We got together at a local civic center type place and exchanged training and sparred a lot and such. A few of these guys were training ninjutsu pretty seriously and one time they invited me along to watch a big training session where Hatsumi was teaching. At one point when everyone was grouping off and drilling he saw me sitting there watching eagerly and sort of waved me in. I participated for the rest of the session, doing the best I could not being a ninjutsu guy and all. It was really interesting.
Another guy I met was working out at a K-1 type gym and I tagged along a few times for some great workouts.

Lots of great experiences in Japan. The best food, nicest people, and most charming women in the world there by far! We spend a few weeks there every year (or every other depending on circumstances). Kyoto is just great and I recommend it highly to anyone who ever gets the chance to go there.

Shaolin Wookie
02-17-2008, 12:38 PM
So, when you cut the centerline in first Wing Chun form, what angle are you cutting it at, and at what angle relative to the cutting angle do you hold your palm?

02-17-2008, 01:26 PM
So, when you cut the centerline in first Wing Chun form, what angle are you cutting it at, and at what angle relative to the cutting angle do you hold your palm?

a 360 degree angle. This is in relation to the chi coming from the dan tien.

02-17-2008, 02:06 PM
Oh yeah SifuExcuses, remember this?

I doubt "your" gym would let you either. Its not "your" gym, is it? I wonder if your gym even knows you freely use their name and location as the site for your demise, er, I mean fight.

You did see the reply right?

First off the pic in your sig is me, not Mike. Our gym would love for you to come down and make a fool of yourself, as you see this is a gym of actual fighters, that know how to fight and do it for a living. It would be great to see you come in a break the daily grind with the joke that is you. I have told you you are more than welcome to come down and fight, but we all know you Rudy, you will just puff and bluster and put on a big internet show, then when it comes down to doing something about it, you will be gone in a puff of Ashida Kim smoke

So when can we expect you?

02-17-2008, 03:39 PM
Oh yeah SifuExcuses, remember this?

You did see the reply right?

So when can we expect you?

You really need to stop, you are only disrespecting the gym You train at not, one that you own yourself .
I am not picking at you ,just giving some advice. Take it or leave it.:cool:

02-17-2008, 03:54 PM


He'll be here all week, folks! Try the veal...

02-17-2008, 04:16 PM

He'll be here all week, folks! Try the veal...

You need to STFU as well, nothing to do with you. :D
Mr. no profile

02-17-2008, 04:39 PM
Not taking any sides here but the perception of disrespect or respect is very subjective.

You really need to stop, you are only disrespecting the gym You train at not, one that you own yourself .

Most MMA gyms run as a fitness service and not a traditional Dojo. Your idea of respect may not even come close to what is considered respectful behavior in his gym. Most schools that produces and prides itself on full contact fighting usually have the"Talk the talk and walk the walk" attitude. Just my two cents.

Just felt I should mention that.


(Clarifying, this is to say most not all and I am not saying you do not teach full contact Fox. It is just an observation)

02-17-2008, 04:57 PM
Not taking any sides here but the perception of disrespect or respect is very subjective.

Most MMA gyms run as a fitness service and not a traditional Dojo. Your idea of respect may not even come close to what is considered respectful behavior in his gym. Most schools that produces and prides itself on full contact fighting usually have the"Talk the talk and walk the walk" attitude. Just my two cents.

Just felt I should mention that.


(Clarifying, this is to say most not all and I am not saying you do not teach full contact Fox. It is just an observation)

I understand what you are trying to say, If one of my students were to go on a forum and say when are you coming to fight me, they would be out in a heartbeat.
I own my own Dojo, and I do teach full contact to upper belts.
I myself am not afraid to walk the walk so to speak. I learned alot through KFSS.
1bad however does not own the place where he trains, to me that is direspect. I am not trying to start anything with him, just giving my 2cents. I wonder if the gym even knows this is going on, to be honest.

02-17-2008, 05:13 PM
Fox, SifuExcuses already knows what I asked for.

Of course, he could always not shart sh1t and everything will be fine.

As for my gym, you did see the reply Taylor posted about that right?

02-17-2008, 05:22 PM
Fox, SifuExcuses already knows what I asked for.

Of course, he could always not shart sh1t and everything will be fine.

As for my gym, you did see the reply Taylor posted about that right?

1bad I was talking about you, do the owners know you are do thins on a forum?
I own my own Dojo, I am not afraid to say I have talked alot of ****. Can I cash those checks, I believe so. BTW who is this IronWeasel that said you sent him?

02-17-2008, 05:31 PM
You need to STFU as well, nothing to do with you. :D
Mr. no profile

So...YOU guys can talk smack all day long, but if *I* crack wise, then I'd better shut up?

I guess that sounds fair...:(

02-17-2008, 05:33 PM
I didn't send anyone anywhere. My friend/instructor Taylor(zapruder_bjj) showed up though.

Some know me outside the gym, some don't. Who cares?

Speaking of gyms and instructors; SifuExcuses seems to ask about those alot. Where does he train? Who is his instructor? Does he know SifuExcuses has been telling people to come there for 5 years now? Does he know SifuExcuses had an e-challenge match in Florida? Does he know how that fight turned out?

02-17-2008, 05:34 PM
So...YOU guys can talk smack all day long, but if *I* crack wise, then I'd better shut up?

I guess that sounds fair...:(

I am not talking smack now am I, by the way, where are you from and are you an instructor or just in training?

02-17-2008, 05:35 PM
So...YOU guys can talk smack all day long, but if *I* crack wise, then I'd better shut up?

Oh no! Keep posting!

This one had me intears. :D

Nothin' get's me hotter than a good ear grinder video!

That may one day be in my sig......

02-17-2008, 05:48 PM
I didn't send anyone anywhere. My friend/instructor Taylor(zapruder_bjj) showed up though.

Some know me outside the gym, some don't. Who cares?

Speaking of gyms and instructors; SifuExcuses seems to ask about those alot. Where does he train? Who is his instructor? Does he know SifuExcuses has been telling people to come there for 5 years now? Does he know SifuExcuses had an e-challenge match in Florida? Does he know how that fight turned out?

Taylor? showed up through who ?
This is why I gave Rashad a pass and not Coda. Rashad never did anything to me,nor does he even live close to me. Rudy never did anything to me,nor has he lied to me. Why does he need to train, he is an instructor. Then again thats between you and him.

02-17-2008, 05:57 PM
1bad I was talking about you, do the owners know you are do thins on a forum?
I own my own Dojo, I am not afraid to say I have talked alot of ****. Can I cash those checks, I believe so. BTW who is this IronWeasel that said you sent him?

1Bad didn't actually send me...I was just baiting him and Abel 'cause their little flame-fest breaks out in nearly every thread. Yeah, yeah...Abel started it THIS time...whatever.

What's funnier is that I was messing with ONLY THEM, but YOU jump me from out of the woodwork. Man...what a forum!:p

Anyway...since you're HERE...and you can "cash some checks"...why don't you cash one and hire yourself a real webmaster. I'm sure that the blind guy who made your current website cut you a deal, but come on...

02-17-2008, 06:09 PM
1Bad didn't actually send me...I was just baiting him and Abel 'cause their little flame-fest breaks out in nearly every thread. Yeah, yeah...Abel started it THIS time...whatever.

What's funnier is that I was messing with ONLY THEM, but YOU jump me from out of the woodwork. Man...what a forum!:p

Anyway...since you're HERE...and you can "cash some checks"...why don't you cash one and hire yourself a real webmaster. I'm sure that the blind guy who made your current website cut you a deal, but come on...

The blind guy as you call him is a student of mine, and I am working on another wedsite now. Do you have one?
I see you are baiting both,sorry to interfer. go on about your baiting..lol

02-17-2008, 06:13 PM
The blind guy as you call him is a student of mine, and I am working on another wedsite now. Do you have one?
I see you are baiting both,sorry to interfer. go on about your baiting..lol

Finally...a clear head among the clouds.

It's a weird crowd around here on the weekend.

02-17-2008, 06:17 PM
Finally...a clear head among the clouds.

It's a weird crowd around here on the weekend.

Thanks and I agree with the wierd crowd. I am on here more or less at night. I teach 3 nights a week. Good to meet ya.

02-17-2008, 06:26 PM
and I am working on another wedsite now.

A "wedsite"? I'll bet the content will be very well-done....

02-17-2008, 06:27 PM
Thanks and I agree with the wierd crowd. I am on here more or less at night. I teach 3 nights a week. Good to meet ya.

Seroisly, Fox...you seem to back Abel in these e-tiffs that go on.

The guy SHOWED UP and he fought. No problems there. He manned up.

But...he does seem to be the first to needle everyone else...then the flame game begins.

These threads are fum SOMETIMES, and they usually have 10x the post count of serious threads.

02-18-2008, 12:18 AM
Seroisly, Fox...you seem to back Abel in these e-tiffs that go on.

The guy SHOWED UP and he fought. No problems there. He manned up.

But...he does seem to be the first to needle everyone else...then the flame game begins.

These threads are fum SOMETIMES, and they usually have 10x the post count of serious threads.

Iron Weasel....while Abel has his moments, I admit, he doesn't hold a candle to the sock trolls that used to show up on this forum in ages past. I remember several yers ago where the mods were pretty lax and we had a handfull of guys with about 10 seperate ID's a piece that were logging on and starting ****.

wiz cool c
02-18-2008, 12:33 AM
the guy should get props for fighting. Anyone talking trash and not posting thier own fight video is being a punk.

02-18-2008, 06:43 AM
Can you guys stop cursing. This is a public forum and whether you agree or not Gene is actually bound by conditions.....one of them being no swearing.

And on the point of cursing....its saddening how many people throw the word 'Sifu' around....let your actions define you, rather than hijacking some title in a pretentious attempt to exhault yourself in the martial world.


02-18-2008, 06:58 AM
Abel started it THIS time.

But...he does seem to be the first to needle everyone else...then the flame game begins.

Quoted for truth.

02-18-2008, 07:01 AM
I remember several yers ago where the mods were pretty lax and we had a handfull of guys with about 10 seperate ID's a piece that were logging on and starting ****.

Despite all his whining about Bullshido, SifuExcuses had more than one screen name over there and the mods allowed it for quite some time.

02-18-2008, 09:01 AM
Seroisly, Fox...you seem to back Abel in these e-tiffs that go on.

The guy SHOWED UP and he fought. No problems there. He manned up.

But...he does seem to be the first to needle everyone else...then the flame game begins.

These threads are fum SOMETIMES, and they usually have 10x the post count of serious threads.

You are right, I know both of these guys. Able has not started threads on me, but 1bad has, on Bullshido. :cool:

02-18-2008, 09:07 AM
Iron Weasel....while Abel has his moments, I admit, he doesn't hold a candle to the sock trolls that used to show up on this forum in ages past. I remember several yers ago where the mods were pretty lax and we had a handfull of guys with about 10 seperate ID's a piece that were logging on and starting ****.

I agree, he does have his moments, We all do. He has been on he for alot longer the most, I have seen good post by him and 1bad.

doug maverick
02-18-2008, 09:36 AM
Somebody needs to get the banning stick out and start banning away.

02-18-2008, 11:40 AM
And on the point of cursing....its saddening how many people throw the word 'Sifu' around....let your actions define you, rather than hijacking some title in a pretentious attempt to exhault yourself in the martial world.

Yet again, I would love to point out that the "sifu behavior" is just a point of perspective. A person is going to be true to their nature regardless of title. Hell, cussing has become apart of the American dialectical fabric. :)

02-18-2008, 12:25 PM
The ONLY thread I started about Fox was the one calling him a hypocrite. It was in realation to him giving 'Rashad' a free pass on his bs belt rank and bs competition record, yet investigating Coda Scott for falsifying his belt ranks and competition record. I said nothing negative about Fox's MA skills or ranks.

And what Iron Weasel said interests me as well. He noticed Fox always backs SifuExcuses online. Hell, I have no idea why myself. While I may be abrasive and in-your-face, I only reply when attacked. I'm not the one who has been issuing threats and getting banned by multiple forums for the last 5 years for being a jerk.

02-19-2008, 04:32 AM
Somebody needs to get the banning stick out and start banning away.

I think banning anyone for replying appropriately for a ***** and whine thread is pretty cold-blooded. We've contained this... what else do you want?

AND I get a new wife!

02-19-2008, 11:18 AM
Surprise! No one is perfect. I think this is why we have bumpers on cars and erasers on pencils. Now lets get back on to talking about Gong fu and all it's related aspects seemingly OT or not.:D

02-20-2008, 02:42 PM
why dont you guys just fight again? .

According to rudy's own words on his own ridiculous site, its certain that there will be!

"A rematch is coming even if I have to drag him by his ears on to the mat."

02-20-2008, 02:50 PM
According to rudy's own words on his own ridiculous site, its certain that there will be!

"A rematch is coming even if I have to drag him by his ears on to the mat."

Yes, I see. He's focused on avenging his ear...

02-20-2008, 03:21 PM
Yes, I see. He's focused on avenging his ear...

Call him: The Lobe Ranger!

02-20-2008, 03:40 PM
Don't forget this one:

Nothin' get's me hotter than a good ear grinder video!

Yeah, when I saw SifuExcuses had posted that about the ear I nearly died laughing.

02-20-2008, 04:12 PM
Don't forget this one:

Yeah, when I saw SifuExcuses had posted that about the ear I nearly died laughing.

I was going to post the ear sex family guy clip, but youtube took it down.

02-21-2008, 10:35 AM
And how shameless can one possibly be to say of the person you gave up to (after all of a minute and a half, to an "ear grind"?), " What a retard. Its like he didn't barley survive me."

All the props he was given for showing up are more than negated by such stupid denial bull****.

doug maverick
02-21-2008, 10:39 AM
I think banning anyone for replying appropriately for a ***** and whine thread is pretty cold-blooded. We've contained this... what else do you want?

AND I get a new wife!

thats true. let the stupidity carry on.

02-21-2008, 10:57 AM
What a retard. Its like he didn't barley survive me."

"I had him right where I wanted him until he got ahold of my ear!"

02-21-2008, 10:59 AM
All the props he was given for showing up are more than negated by such stupid denial bull****.

This is 100% true. Immediately after the fight me, Unkokusai, and Knifefighter all came on and gave him his props for showing. It was once the excuses and the sh1t talking started back up that he lost all the respect he had earned.

02-21-2008, 11:01 AM
thats true. let the stupidity carry on.

You do notice that this circle jerk carries on without me. So much for my obsession. :rolleyes:

Oh and, NJM, answer my question.

02-21-2008, 12:05 PM
Did you call my gym yet SifuExcuses?

02-21-2008, 12:25 PM
Did you call my gym yet SifuExcuses?

He would be just talking....so he might actually call :eek:

02-21-2008, 12:35 PM
He's still waiting for his ear to heal!

Yao Sing
02-21-2008, 12:48 PM
Shouldn't this be called "1bad and Abel's NON fight Thread"?

It gives the impression there is, was or will be a fight between these guys and we all know that's a pipe dream.

There, I said it. Carry on.

02-21-2008, 01:00 PM
Did you call my gym yet SifuExcuses?

He,He,He you will never know. When did it become your gym?:D

02-21-2008, 01:33 PM
STFU you trouble starting b1tch. You or your husband already called once.

02-22-2008, 08:14 AM
STFU you trouble starting b1tch. You or your husband already called once.

Testy aren't we?

02-23-2008, 07:06 AM
I like puppies and tacos, but not in that order.

02-23-2008, 07:07 AM
Which stance do you guys like better: Hillary's or Obama's? Personally, I go for Obama's stance.

What do you guys go for?

The Willow Sword
02-23-2008, 08:12 AM
I have silently watched this thread and the other one leading up to the fight.

Doesnt it seem that 1bad65 has never had any amount of respect for Rudy,at ALL,even during the whole trash talk threads and even after the fight(when the "respect" given seemed disingenuous )? I mean WTF is REALLY going on here? I honestly do not know or understand this whole Obsessed banter goin on between the two,AND others i might add.

to summize in my opinion, we got trash talking going on and crap being started in two seperate forums, alot of sh!t being slung in both directions. people taking sides and 1bad65 going on an incessant rampage against Rudy. So the fight Happens, Rudy Loses, but gets respect from the corners and 1bad65 as well seemingly,but actually not. Now we have a whole NEW Thread that from where i sit, seems like an overly obsessed Rant with hints of "another fight" but this time the fight would be between 1bad65 and Rudy.

So is there going to be another brawl? are contracts being drawn up? is the venue being set? is this going to happen? will it be video taped? Will all this horsesh!t finally end?

I dont know 1bad65, i have chatted with you before and you seem like a decent guy but all this banter and BS Makes you look obsessed and well...quite frankly OBSESSED. The compulsions here to continue this and not let things go doesnt look very favorably on your part. Regardless of anything Rudy has contributed to and his juvenile behavior i think your behavior takes the cake on 3rd grade kicking sand in the face playground antics. you can rationalize and reason it all you want and say well he started it and blah blah blah.
Do yourself and your blood pressure a favor, chew some valerian root, take a trip out to enchanted rock state park hike around and run up and down the dome there, relax and take a deep breath and let all of this go.


02-23-2008, 08:35 AM
Which stance do you guys like better: Hillary's or Obama's? Personally, I go for Obama's stance.

What do you guys go for?

I personnally subscribe to the doggie stance whilst eating tacos if ya knaw what I'm saying;)


and all that...

02-23-2008, 08:38 AM
I personnally subscribe to the doggie stance whilst eating tacos if ya knaw what I'm saying;)


and all that...


02-23-2008, 08:53 AM
I personnally subscribe to the doggie stance whilst eating tacos if ya knaw what I'm saying;)

and all that...

I think I can visualize what you're saying, but I have no frame of reference to "know" what you've stated, in a Biblical sense. So, when you're "eating the taco" or "tossing the taco salad" of your cellmate, does he sing romantic music? Also, is it customary to thank him for a lovely dinner, and stand when he gets up from the "table"? Also, who pays the meal?

And, does he invite you back to his place, or you to yours?

I'm not interested, but I felt like I should reach out to you because you're obviously in need of some serious help.

02-23-2008, 09:18 AM
this is what I think of this thread: http://youtube.com/watch?v=oPlfzFZGl0o

02-23-2008, 09:24 AM
This is what I think of you:


02-23-2008, 09:31 AM
This is what I think of you:


you love the WENG WEN dirty *******, don't front. u sip pee thinking it's ku all about "MY WENG WENG, IT'S MY WENG WENG" HAHA you such a nerd...

02-23-2008, 09:34 AM
Ill refrain from having you banned and simply assume that you're just mad because your late supper over a particularly messy taco last night exploded in your face for some reason and left a bad taste in your mouth.

02-23-2008, 09:36 AM
You know what? I'm not going to ignore this. I won't have you banned, Diego, but I want to set up a fight.

Where? When? We'll settle this like a couple of men.......well, like a man and whatever it is you are.

When are you getting paroled? Maybe I could get you out on a work release and then put in some work....

I think I know the cameraman from the Ashida Kim South African title fight. He might give us a premium on the equipment rigging. You can have the video rights so long as I get the video game rights.

02-23-2008, 09:44 AM
You know what? I'm not going to ignore this. I won't have you banned, Diego, but I want to set up a fight.

Where? When? We'll settle this like a couple of men.......well, like a man and whatever it is you are.

When are you getting paroled? Maybe I could get you out on a work release and then put in some work....

I think I know the cameraman from the Ashida Kim South African title fight. He might give us a premium on the equipment rigging. You can have the video rights so long as I get the video game rights.

I think if we gonna make this official we really should set up a new thread for the event after we ruin everyone elses threads...anything else wouldn't be righteous. So are you going to bring stilts to the big matchup? I think it's good when a man can see eye to eye with the weng weng he about to kick the snot out of.:eek:

02-23-2008, 10:04 AM
So you think I'm short because I'm asian? Well, you're wrong. I'm not short. In fact, I'm so long that it hurts sometimes.

Stilts? Why are you being so racist against me?

02-23-2008, 10:07 AM
BTW, I'm not going to ear grind you. I'm going to bite your ear off, chew and grind it up, and then feed it back to you like a mother bird regurgitating her truck to her hatchlings.

And then I'm going to smack your mother on her bottom.

02-23-2008, 10:26 AM
So you think I'm short because I'm asian? Well, you're wrong. I'm not short. In fact, I'm so long that it hurts sometimes.

Stilts? Why are you being so racist against me?
lol paranoid? I know I'm your father but I was drunk that night in the back alley of kazahkstan when brought you into this world...no idea ya moms was asian...thought it was a mule, whew ( wipes brow) you can imagine the embarrassment I've felt.

02-23-2008, 11:52 AM
lol paranoid? I know I'm your father but I was drunk that night in the back alley of kazahkstan when brought you into this world...no idea ya moms was asian...thought it was a mule, whew ( wipes brow) you can imagine the embarrassment I've felt.

That's simply not true. My father was a stud, not a mule. BTW, I don't know why you're wiping your brow now, unless you just ate a messy taco and have some sour cream on your forehead. That's just gross.

Plus, you should still be embarrassed. Playing the passive with a mule isn't a show of your love for nature, and blaming it on the alcohol is really just another way of foisting the responsibility onto others. You need to admit that you have a problem. So you like being mounted by mules when you eat tacos. Big whoop. I'm worried about your liver.

02-23-2008, 12:26 PM
That's simply not true. My father was a stud, not a mule. BTW, I don't know why you're wiping your brow now, unless you just ate a messy taco and have some sour cream on your forehead. That's just gross.

Plus, you should still be embarrassed. Playing the passive with a mule isn't a show of your love for nature, and blaming it on the alcohol is really just another way of foisting the responsibility onto others. You need to admit that you have a problem. So you like being mounted by mules when you eat tacos. Big whoop. I'm worried about your liver.


02-23-2008, 12:50 PM
Fite me. :eek:

03-02-2008, 12:02 AM
LOL! This is good stuff!

Monkey-boy ran out of viagra for his stupid little "don't pick on me!" board!

"1. Don't **** me off.

2. Refer to 1."

3. Please don't ear-grind me"


03-03-2008, 07:49 AM
LOL! This is good stuff!

Monkey-boy ran out of viagra for his stupid little "don't pick on me!" board!

"1. Don't **** me off.

2. Refer to 1."

3. Please don't ear-grind me"


LOL,if you only knew what happens in pm's.:D

03-03-2008, 03:37 PM
No thanks.

03-03-2008, 03:58 PM
I'm sure it's not travel plans. ;)

Maybe it's discussion on whose gym to call next.

03-03-2008, 08:14 PM
LOL! This is good stuff!

Monkey-boy ran out of viagra for his stupid little "don't pick on me!" board!

"1. Don't **** me off.

2. Refer to 1."

3. Please don't ear-grind me"

You need to quit starting sh1t when it is all quiet!

03-03-2008, 08:19 PM
I'm sure it's not travel plans. ;)

Maybe it's discussion on whose gym to call next.
Your Gym has been called by people we do not even know.
They knew who Taylor was.but not you. This one you can't blame on my wife.

03-03-2008, 08:38 PM
You need to quit starting sh1t when it is all quiet!

Rest assured your advice will be given all the consideration it deserves, D-bag.

03-03-2008, 08:42 PM
Rest assured your advice will be given all the consideration it deserves, D-bag.

LOLZ..Now quit calling yourself names.

03-03-2008, 09:00 PM
Your Gym has been called by people we do not even know.
They knew who Talor was.but not you. This one you can't blame on my wife.

So if you do not know who called, how do you know what was said? Hmmmm.....

03-03-2008, 09:06 PM
So if you do not know who called, how do you know what was said? Hmmmm.....

PM's.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm from people I do not know . Get the picture? Will I give names? nope, might not even be the right names, and frankly I could care less. When all is quiet someone, has to start sh1t.

03-03-2008, 09:16 PM
Calling my gym was not starting ****? I guess Unkokusai was right, you are a douchebag. Don't insult my intelligence by talking about calling my gym on SifuExcuses site, then saying some mystery person called it, but out of the goodness of their heart they gave you the info.

Like I said, they could give a **** couldn't they?

And like Taylor said, you guys will huff and puff all you want, but you have no plans of ever showing up as you BOTH said you were.

03-03-2008, 09:21 PM
Calling my gym was not starting ****? I guess Unkokusai was right, you are a douchebag. Don't insult my intelligence by talking about calling my gym on SifuExcuses site, then saying some mystery person called it, but out of the goodness of their heart they gave you the info.

Like I said, they could give a **** couldn't they?

And like Taylor said, you guys will huff and puff all you want, but you have no plans of ever showing up as you BOTH said you were.

Neither of us has called as of yet, but I could care less. You could call mine if you like:D

I will be there tomorrow around 4:30

03-03-2008, 09:42 PM
You really just don't get stuff do you Fox?

I could care less about your gym. Why the hell would I call you? Calling someone's gym or threatening to call the police and report someone as a drug dealer over a friggin 'Net argument is wacko, childish behavior. You morons not only encourage others to do it, but you guys actually proudly tell people of the fact you do it yourselves.

03-03-2008, 09:51 PM
You really just don't get stuff do you Fox?

I could care less about your gym. Why the hell would I call you? Calling someone's gym or threatening to call the police and report someone as a drug dealer over a friggin 'Net argument is wacko, childish behavior. You morons not only encourage others to do it, but you guys actually proudly tell people of the fact you do it yourselves.

I never told anyone to do it,nor did I do it. I guess you did not see the j/k did ya. What others do on there own is there business. Your so called friend started this thread up again,when nothing was even said, blame the wacko. If it were not for him the thread would have died awhile back.

03-03-2008, 09:56 PM
I do agree it is childish .

03-03-2008, 09:58 PM
Yeah, I forced you to act like a D-bag... :rolleyes:

03-03-2008, 10:08 PM
Onother response from the peanut gallery. You started this thread agan,why not just let sleeping dogs alone.

03-03-2008, 10:16 PM
Onother response from the peanut gallery. You started this thread agan,why not just let sleeping dogs alone.

Then feel free to STFU, dog.

03-03-2008, 10:24 PM
Then feel free to STFU, dog.

I prefer wolfs, thank you very much. The wacko and child is you, so please let it go.

03-03-2008, 10:27 PM
Again, feel free to STFU if it will make you feel better, D-bag.

03-03-2008, 10:32 PM
Again, feel free to STFU if it will make you feel better, D-bag.

03-03-2008, 10:42 PM
I prefer wolfs, thank you very much.

Oh by the way, "wolves" you idiot.

Maybe you should learn your first language before you bother calling anyone "child" you illiterate little punk.

03-04-2008, 06:59 AM
Oh by the way, "wolves" you idiot.

Maybe you should learn your first language before you bother calling anyone "child" you illiterate little punk.

By your own standards you must be alot bigger,and older. If so, then quit acting like a child.

03-04-2008, 07:08 AM
By your own standards you must be alot bigger,and older. If so, then quit acting like a child.

By your own huband's definition, YOU are childish.

I do agree it is childish .

I never told anyone to do it,nor did I do it. I guess you did not see the j/k did ya. What others do on there own is there business.

Another cop-out. You whiners put the info up on SifuExcuses site! At least man up and admit your actions. Do you actually have some shame? :eek: You guys are the biggest, most immature crybabies on the 'Net. But it got you nowhere didn't it? :D Like me and Taylor said, they could give a sh!t about you idiots.

You didn't call the first time? :confused: You said you did. Then you said you didn't. Then you said it was your wife.

03-04-2008, 07:13 AM
Maybe SifuExcuses instructors need to get some phone calls. I wonder if they have seen a certain Youtube video? ;)

I wonder what Gus Rubio would think of SifuExcuses performance? I thought the fight was supposed to take place at his place? Hmmmm.... I wonder why SifuExcuses came up with a different venue.

Does anyone know where SifuExcuses trains over in Riverside? Does anyone know? It would only be fair to make sure they get a chance to see the video as well. :D

03-04-2008, 07:19 AM
Maybe SifuExcuses instructors need to get some phone calls. I wonder if they have seen a certain Youtube video? ;)

I wonder what Gus Rubio would think of SifuExcuses performance? I thought the fight was supposed to take place at his place? Hmmmm.... I wonder why SifuExcuses came up with a different venue.

Does anyone know where SifuExcuses trains over in Riverside? Does anyone know? It would only be fair to make sure they get a chance to see the video as well. :D
Maybe they have seen it,who knows. It is over and done with now anyway,so why care?

03-04-2008, 07:23 AM
By your own huband's definition, YOU are childish.

Another cop-out. You whiners put the info up on SifuExcuses site! At least man up and admit your actions. Do you actually have some shame? :eek: You guys are the biggest, most immature crybabies on the 'Net. But it got you nowhere didn't it? :D Like me and Taylor said, they could give a sh!t about you idiots.

You didn't call the first time? :confused: You said you did. Then you said you didn't. Then you said it was your wife.
I called the first time, and I will call again. Crybaby,not me.

You little thread on BS got you nowhere to,didn't it?

03-04-2008, 09:32 AM
It is over and done with now anyway,so why care?

Apparently you whiners do.

Lets see, SifuExcuses created a site to whine about it, he says he is gonna fight Anthony again, he continues to issue e-challenges, and you *******s called my gym at least twice now. So who won't let it go?

Call all you want, but we all know none of you has the balls to actually show up as you said you were going to do.

03-04-2008, 09:33 AM
I called the first time, and I will call again. Crybaby,not me.

You really are a piece of sh!t arent you. And your actually proud of it.

03-04-2008, 02:36 PM
You do notice that this circle jerk carries on without me. So much for my obsession. :rolleyes:

Oh and, NJM, answer my question.

so sad........... :rolleyes:

03-04-2008, 02:45 PM
What's even sadder than that is your performance vs Anthony.

And what's sadder than that are your numerous excuses.

And what's sadder than that is you are still e-challenging people.

And what's sadder than that is calling my gym over 'Net bs.

But the saddest thing of all is that you guys won't ever show up, despite all your blustering threats to do so.

03-04-2008, 02:48 PM
First off the pic in your sig is me, not Mike. Our gym would love for you to come down and make a fool of yourself, as you see this is a gym of actual fighters, that know how to fight and do it for a living. It would be great to see you come in a break the daily grind with the joke that is you. I have told you you are more than welcome to come down and fight, but we all know you Rudy, you will just puff and bluster and put on a big internet show, then when it comes down to doing something about it, you will be gone in a puff of Ashida Kim smoke

So true.... ;)

03-04-2008, 05:13 PM
Apparently you whiners do.

Lets see, SifuExcuses created a site to whine about it, he says he is gonna fight Anthony again, he continues to issue e-challenges, and you *******s called my gym at least twice now. So who won't let it go?

Call all you want, but we all know none of you has the balls to actually show up as you said you were going to do.

We did? No one said they called twice. Well your little e-friend started this thread again, so he will not let it go. Anthony has enough problems with his ATT giving out certs to instruct BJJ from a 24 hr. seminar. As far as a piece of sh1t,look in the mirror. My husband said everyone was being childish,including you.
I think you need to train just a bit more.
I train when I can, I have bulginging discs in my lower back and herniated in my kneck c4 and c6 to be exact. When they heal I will train alot more.

03-04-2008, 05:37 PM
We did? No one said they called twice.

Not only are you a lying, trouble starting b!tch; you are a stupid, lying, trouble starting b!tch. See if you can comprehend this:

Your Gym has been called by people we do not even know.
They knew who Taylor was.but not you. This one you can't blame on my wife.

I called the first time, and I will call again.

Looks like AT LEAST 2 phone calls doesn't it? So far, no one at my gym has mentioned it to me or Taylor. Rest assured if they do I will be giving the staff your school's phone number. Then they can handle it how they see fit.

I train when I can, I have bulginging discs in my lower back and herniated in my kneck c4 and c6 to be exact. When they heal I will train alot more.

Then maybe you should not be challenging grown men to cage fights then. Idiot.

You and Tom need to leave people alone and stick to teaching 3 year-olds at your school.

03-05-2008, 07:48 AM
Not only are you a lying, trouble starting b!tch; you are a stupid, lying, trouble starting b!tch. See if you can comprehend this:

Looks like AT LEAST 2 phone calls doesn't it? So far, no one at my gym has mentioned it to me or Taylor. Rest assured if they do I will be giving the staff your school's phone number. Then they can handle it how they see fit.

Then maybe you should not be challenging grown men to cage fights then. Idiot.

You and Tom need to leave people alone and stick to teaching 3 year-olds at your school.

I was trying to get across to you that neither Tom nor I called twice.

BTW Tom has 10 adults, 9 kids and 10 tots. My son is almost 5 so he would be the youngest,not 3yr olds.

03-05-2008, 07:50 AM
I was told by several to quit feeding the trolls. :D

03-05-2008, 08:00 AM
I was trying to get across to you that neither Tom nor I called twice.

You admitted to calling. You said you would call again. PERIOD. So if I'm asked about any calls, I'll give the staff your school's number. Then they can handle it how they please.

BTW Tom has 10 adults, 9 kids and 10 tots. My son is almost 5 so he would be the youngest,not 3yr olds.

Are you denying he teaches kids as young as 3 years old at his school?

03-05-2008, 08:04 AM
I was told by several to quit feeding the trolls. :D

And yet you still say you will call my gym, AGAIN.

SifuExcuses said that, I know. He also says me and Taylor are the same person. Never mind there is video of me and a pic of Taylor you morons have seen and we are obviously not the same person. Hell, ask anyone who attended the last Austin TD. We were BOTH there.

I also see SifuExcuses has now said he is not coming to my gym, as well as added a new e-challenge and ANOTHER excuse for his drubbing at the hands of Anthony. :rolleyes:

03-05-2008, 11:13 AM
His shame knows no bounds...